It just seems like they always offer a bundle of the next six crates. Next month you’ll be able to order 6 crates and only get Wolfman & Creature, the month after that the 6-crate plan will only get you the final BK figure etc.
Loot Fright has been a thing for a while and they’ve even done NECA exclusives in the past, mostly Toony Terrors variants. The 6-crate plan just has nothing to do with this 4-figure BK series. And I think I was the one who initially started the incorrect speculation that the Remco figs would be 5/6.
That said, I hope they keep doing similar variants. I was thinking solid-color Monster in my Pocket variants could work and they could also do Real Ghostbusters homages. Plus there probably is still a market for the Basil Gogos homage figures that seemed like a sure thing before the Kong figure became the ultimate pegwarmer.
I'll have to see if I can find the Frankstein images that were on the site, but I swore it said on the image itself 1 of 6, people weren't just going off of the option to order 6 crates.
If you Google “Loot Crate Crypt Club” (which is the actual name of the line, people seem to just be calling them the BK figures) there’s a tiktok with screenshots of the now-replaced Frankenstein offer. It was definitely advertised as a “collect all four” situation.
I actually went for the 6-crate plan so hopefully there’s something cool in those 2 unneeded crates lulz
Hopefully there’ll be a pair of socks in one or maybe even a sticker 😀
Oh nice. Hammer Dracula and Vincent Price.
@cmoney Well, I was hoping to see if I could get it w/Target's current sale.
My Loot Fright crate is out for delivery finally. I’m pretty excited, I was like 15 when the BK promo came out so I was past the kids meal age but my sister had the Dracula and Frankenstein and I remember thinking “why couldn’t they have these when I was younger?” I grew up in that awkward period post-Remco, pre-BK, when I had to make due with the Real Ghostbusters monster figs.
I also had another idea for a repainted homage line, though I’m sure someone else has probably thought about it already: General Mills Monster Cereal repaints. You’d have to fudge either Creature or Invisible Man in as Boo Berry but the rest of them have a direct analogue. And Bride/Carmella Creeper is probably the only one that wouldn’t translate well enough with a straight repaint.
My local Target had restocked a bunch of their NECA horror stuff- Sam from Trick R Treat, Annabelle, the Bride of Chucky 2 Pack, MacReady, and The Predator Predator. They also finally put out a bunch of Phantom of the Opera, so I snagged one for me and one for my mom, who also collects the line. Wasn't quite enough to meet the threshhold for the Target coupon this week, but I might pick up some from the Target app- Dracula and Bride of Frankenstein if I can, or an accessory pack if one is out of stock.
Can't seem to find the colored Wolf Man anywhere near me, even on the app. Missed out on him for $5 at my local Best Buy, which was a bummer.
Well now this is interesting.
Is that the glow in the dark versions?
Yes, it's the "Remco" glow in the dark figures. It appears to be based on the "mego scale" Remco figures rather than the smaller Monsterizers that I can see.
I hope they give people a second crack at the Remco Phantom & Creature since there’s now a reason to open them.
Might be a little too soon after the 4H version, but if they wanna dig a little deeper in the well, I'd take a Masquerade Phantom, in the Red Death costume.
That Monsterizer table looks really cool! I'm slowly dipping my toes into the accessory sets, so I'm sure this one will make its way into my display eventually as well.
I hope they give people a second crack at the Remco Phantom & Creature since there’s now a reason to open them.
Personally don't want the Phantom, but I do want the Creature, so yeah I hope they give us another chance to get those. And hopefully however they release the Dracula, he's not hard to get. I was hoping he would release before Halloween, but I don't think that's gonna happen at this point.
Today being the last day to use the 20% off one item at Target I made a last-ditch effort at some stores I haven't been to in a while to search for PotO, and at the very last store I planned to go to, on the bottom shelf, buried in the back I finally find a lone Phantom--and thankfully the 20% off offer actually worked when it didn't look like it was going to (I didn't know it discounted until the receipt printed as it never showed a discount through the entire checkout process, weird).
Man, what a great figure! I didn't realize it actually came with five heads (just 995 more to go 😉). I thought the mask head was just a front cover. Is this a record for heads for a character in a single package from NECA? I'm going to have a lot of fun changing the different looks of this fellow.