Can someone explain to me the 3 heads? It looks like open mouth, closed mouth and... somewhat less open mouth? Am I missing something?
There's the closed mouth head, and the halfway open mouth head--but the "wide open mouth" head sculpt actually has a hinged lower lip, so you can adjust it to wherever you'd like. It's a bit of strange choice, given the 2 other heads, but the joint is there. There's also slight differences in the gills between the three heads: some are more "flared" than others. Hope that helps!
Even some of the hands are so similar they don't really all need to have been done. I guess they had just set the precedence of 3 heads; 4 sets of hands (if no other accoutrements)
I've said if before but love to repeat it; after the inevitable Hammer characters the horror characters I'd love to see NECA do are Tor Johnson, Vampira, & What We Do in the Shadows characters.
Oh, the things I'd do for a good line of What We Do In The Shadows figures. Namely, the TV show, though I do love the movie a bunch as well- the show characters have just had more time to grow on me. They just came out with the first wave of Funko Pops, and they seem to be selling well around me, so at least we know that FX is willing to license out the show.
@joshsquash729 I see no reason why the 3 main characters from the film couldn't be included. Nandor, Nadja, Laszlo, Colin Robinson, Guillermo & Baron Afanas seem the base level. Kristen Schaal, the Sire, the 3 movie characters, alt Nandor in his Dream Team jersey & an alternate Nadja costume seem obvious ways to fill out a line.
@detrimental-fig I didn't expect these to be anything more than repaints, glad to be proven wrong.
I hope this means the Creature gets a new head to reflect the toys head (I remember it being wider)
@joshsquash729 I see no reason why the 3 main characters from the film couldn't be included. Nandor, Nadja, Laszlo, Colin Robinson, Guillermo & Baron Afanas seem the base level. Kristen Schaal, the Sire, the 3 movie characters, alt Nandor in his Dream Team jersey & an alternate Nadja costume seem obvious ways to fill out a line.
I suppose you're right. Especially since they did appear in the show as well (though I fear that would then make me want all the other Vampiric Council members too- especially Paul Reubens). Nadja with her doll, Nandor with his djinn lamp, Guillermo with his hunting gear, Laszlo with his witch's skin hat, and Colin Robinson with baby Colin would be a great first wave, and I'd definitely want The Guide, Baron (with vampire and human parts) and the Sire in wave 2. Maybe a Simon the Devious as well. Jackie Daytona exclusive, anyone? 😀 It's such a comfort show for me, I'd collect anyone and everyone they'd make.
Anywho, to keep things somewhat on topic, I think the old throwback Burger King deco exclusives are pretty neat. I had the Dracula one back in the day, and it was one of my favorite kids' meal toys I ever got. I'd make him flip out of the bright red coffin all day long! I'm sure this one won't come with his coffin, but it's still tempting just on nostalgia alone!
If we are getting into quirky selections. I want a Nicholas Cage from Renfield.
Since there was some talk of “What We Do in the Shadows”
Kid Robot just put up a line of plushes of the five main characters from the TV show (same ones who got Pops), and while Kid Robot to NECA licenses aren’t necessarily a one to one transfer things like ALF and Jim Henson’s Dinosaurs did get Plushies before getting NECA figures.
while I wouldn’t put my hopes on Ultimates (although if Rob Zombie’s Munsters can get them, no dream is too crazy…) but this HAS TO mean at least a line of Toony like Hocus Pocus got, right?!
Has Monster Squad ever been discussed regarding figures? It has some good monster designs, Gillman specifically.
Has Monster Squad ever been discussed regarding figures? It has some good monster designs, Gillman specifically.
Briefly in this very thread even, I think. 🙂
I think I mentioned it in this thread, but there was at least one time that NECA said they'd inquired and been told the film wasn't being licensed. But who knows now. The 4K disc is being released in November, maybe the rights holders are open to it again.
Decided to hop back into this line after taking a detour into 1/12 horror for about a year. Only had Frankenstein and the Wolf Man for awhile. Picked up the Creature, Phantom, Invisible Man, and Dracula in the span of a week. This line really contains some of NECA's best work so far, all four of them are terrific.
Gillman might very well be one of their top figures ever, legit a work of art. That being said, my favorite of the line so far is definitely Dracula. Amazing likeness on all three heads and the soft goods cape he comes with is one of the best I've ever seen at this scale. The material they used just drapes so naturally. I wish I had picked him up sooner!
It's crazy how just three years ago it felt like there weren't any good Count Dracula figures in 6-7 inch scale, but now there's so many great options to choose from. Ecstatic that we'll soon see a Christopher Lee Dracula from NECA too.
I hope we get a Masque of the Red Death Phantom and smoking jacket Invisible Man from this line next.
I really, really, REALLY hope NECA strikes while the Brendan Fraser iron is hot and gives us a 1999 Mummy line.
Rick O'Connell, Anck-Su-Namun, Imhotep (in any form), and maybe Ardeth Bay, and I'd be happy.
Just got the tracking number for my Loot Fright, I look forward to seeing which items were randomly excluded from my box once everyone else gets theres
Yep, got a shipping notice for my Fright Crate too. Super excited for this Frankie figure.
Found Phantom of the Opera at FYE this weekend, but didn't grab it. FYE's prices have really gone up the last few years; they were a bit price-gouge-y before, but this was crazy. He was listed at $50, and as much as I'd love to have him sooner rather than later, I'd also rather save the money. He looked really nice, though!
The black-and-white Creature From the Black Lagoon has been spotted at Target. Likely going up on the site Friday morning as part of the Fall Geek-Out NECA drop this week.