Can someone explain to me the 3 heads? It looks like open mouth, closed mouth and... somewhat less open mouth? Am I missing something?
There's the closed mouth head, and the halfway open mouth head--but the "wide open mouth" head sculpt actually has a hinged lower lip, so you can adjust it to wherever you'd like. It's a bit of strange choice, given the 2 other heads, but the joint is there. There's also slight differences in the gills between the three heads: some are more "flared" than others. Hope that helps!
What, UM wise, is left to do, you reckon?
Once the glow-in-the-dark Dracula gets released, I'll pretty much be done with the Universal Monsters I want. But I would like to get Universal Monsters in the Toony Terrors line.
Also, it's a separate license from Universal, but I'd actually love figures of the Monsters from The Monster Squad. I realize those versions of the Monsters are just knock-offs of the Universal Monsters, but they're the versions I grew up with because I had The Monster Squad VHS as a kid in the '80s and watched it a ton. That movie does have a new 4K blu-ray coming out this year, so I think the license holder would be willing to release products based on the movie.
What, UM wise, is left to do, you reckon?
In terms of "monsters", I would hope to see the Metaluna Mutant and Hunchback. Would love to see Dr. Frankenstein and Igor as well. I know it's not Universal, but a good Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde figure would be nice to see also. Oh, and a more human Mummy (Imhotep/Ardeth Bay), with a swappable in-between face.
I also wouldn't turn down some form of Van Helsing, though something akin to the old DST figure would be nice- a full on hunter getup than the more professorial one from Dracula. I know the more hunter-ish version didn't appear in the Universal movies (at least to my knowledge- Hugh Jackman VH not withstanding), but still. If not from NECA, might be cool to see a Figura Obscura from Four Horsemen. Abbott and Costello would be amazing, too!
I agree- the humans might be a tougher sell, but would still be a cool inclusion. There's life left in the line, I think, just depends how deeply they're willing to go.
I fear we might not get a Quasimodo for PC reasons. I pray I'm wrong.
@mr-potatohead just a hunch.... but if Disney has figures, dolls and pops of him neca won't have an issue
What, UM wise, is left to do, you reckon?
Once the glow-in-the-dark Dracula gets released, I'll pretty much be done with the Universal Monsters I want. But I would like to get Universal Monsters in the Toony Terrors line.
Also, it's a separate license from Universal, but I'd actually love figures of the Monsters from The Monster Squad. I realize those versions of the Monsters are just knock-offs of the Universal Monsters, but they're the versions I grew up with because I had The Monster Squad VHS as a kid in the '80s and watched it a ton. That movie does have a new 4K blu-ray coming out this year, so I think the license holder would be willing to release products based on the movie.
I know NECA has asked before and been told they weren't licensing Monster Squad, but that doesn't mean they never will. It's really the last big-to-me IP that's never gotten figures yet and I'm right there with you. I would also like the Universals in the Toony line. I like how you think.
I'm still hoping we get a Young Frankenstein sub-line. It wouldn't take too long to complete, since there aren't really that many characters in the movie, and it would look great with my B&W Monsters. If they did Abbot & Costello as well, that would make a pretty perfect black and white display, for me.
Universal Monsters, Nosferatu, Young Frankenstein and Abbot & Costello all on one shelf, in the same scale, by the same company, ah what a dream that would be.
So it seems like they’ve closed the book on the first Burger King homage Loot Fright crate and they’re onto officially advertising the second one which is a Dracula figure with a new head sculpt based on the generic non-Lugosi version. It’s also a fanged headsculpt which I remember being something a lot of people wanted in the old thread even though it wasn’t accurate to the film.
They’re also still offering a 6-crate plan, so it’s likely that this is just a 4-crate sub-line within the larger, open-ended Loot Fright series.
@mr-potatohead just a hunch.... but if Disney has figures, dolls and pops of him neca won't have an issue
I mean the whole people born with deformities in a toy line called "Universal Monsters" thing. People who aren't familiar with the original film might not realize he did some horrendous things. After all, Disney's version was a lovable character who didn't kill people by pouring molten lead and dropping heavy objects on a crowd of people or throw a man off the top of a tower. Or did he? I've never seen the Disney version.
The second Horror Loot Crate for this month started with the Burger King Dracula. Looks to have a newly sculpted head to closer match that generic vampire face the original figure had.
@mr-potatohead just a hunch.... but if Disney has figures, dolls and pops of him neca won't have an issue
I mean the whole people born with deformities in a toy line called "Universal Monsters" thing. People who aren't familiar with the original film might not realize he did some horrendous things. After all, Disney's version was a lovable character who didn't kill people by pouring molten lead and dropping heavy objects on a crowd of people or throw a man off the top of a tower. Or did he? I've never seen the Disney version.
Hunchback is a public domain character and the Universal film is also in the public domain, though Universal did recently restore the film. They could have left the restoration to Library of Congress or the Museum of Modern Art or something if they were concerned about the subject matter, and they didn’t.
If NECA does Hunchback it’ll be like the Phantom figure: licensed from the Lon Chaney estate and carrying no reference to Universal. And it’s hard to imagine that they would work with Chaney’s estate for Phantom and not Hunchback. It’s most likely already in the works and I’d be shocked if we don’t see it as an October reveal.
Why would they need to license from Chaney's estate at all? Wouldn't his likeness rights have expired? Every time I look this up, I find California law saying they last 75 years after death, which was nearly 20 years ago now for Chaney Sr.
I’ve wondered myself. Obviously California is California and there could be other places where likeness rights are still controlled by his heirs.
it also could just be a gesture of good will or a PR thing since Chaney’s heirs are tight with a lot of people in NECA’s orbit.
@madmaxx Thanks for the explanation. As you said, kind of a weird choice, but at least there's some difference. Thank you.
Yesterday we watched Salem's Lot again. Man I would love a Kurt Barlow figure, maybe alongside a Ben and vampire Susan. With a super metallic paint for their irises. Man the vampires actually looked creepy in that movie.