A little concerned by the diminishing articulation on some of these. Smoking Jacket IM, Van Helsing, and Imhotep look like they have no leg articulation whatsoever. Kind of glorified traffic cones, similar to Lily Munster and the Ho1KC rereleases.
I kinda hope Van Helsing has interchangeable arms that allows the jacket to be removed like the Dr. Loomis they did, but I have my doubts. Doesn't look like he'll be able to do a whole lot of vampire slaying.
Target has the 2nd Count Orlok up for anyone just in time for the sale.
They're finally doing Toony Terrors of the Universal Monsters
I've been wanting these!
Was really hoping we'd get these before Halloween this year, doesn't look like that's gonna happen.
They're finally doing Toony Terrors of the Universal Monsters
I've been wanting these!
Was really hoping we'd get these before Halloween this year, doesn't look like that's gonna happen.
They'll probably show up in time to have them hanging out with your nativity. Looking forward to all the memes with the wise men delivering gold, Frankenstein, and Myrrh.
Looks like Neca has finally started to ship the Toony Terrors out, but they've been sending the wrong Mummy figure:
I ordered though BBTS, so I'm still waiting for my pre-order to come in.
I think I posted it incorrectly, still getting a hang of the new forum layout. There's two video links, and both youtubers got the same thing from Neca, the glow in the dark Mummy
Well damn. I've never had the issues with NECA Store that I've heard about others having (not that I've ordered from them that much), but I certainly would hate for this to be the first time...
Well damn. I've never had the issues with NECA Store that I've heard about others having (not that I've ordered from them that much), but I certainly would hate for this to be the first time...
I've seen a few other people mention this happening now too on another board. But after emailing NECA they've been told they will be sent replacements at no additional charge. So I'm now hoping that if mine hasn't shipped yet (no notifications from any of the shipping services), that the error has been caught in time to avoid having to do the same thing.
Also, have I mentioned on here yet that Best Buy has the Bride of Frankenstein monster with the chair box set available? I hadn't realized it was being offered anywhere other than The NECA Store previously.
They've had a bunch of shipping issues going back to the summer. I think they blamed it on their warehouse software. They posted something on Facebook and probably Instagram about it. I know they messed up the SDCC stuff and there are people still waiting on those and I think the issue is they basically sent a bunch of stuff to the wrong people. And with the TMNT Donatello lab, they've gone so far as to reach out to those who they sent one to by mistake to see if they can get it back. Presumably, they don't have enough stock to complete shipment to those who ordered without getting it back. It's a pretty big mess for them right now. I will say, I ordered one SDCC exclusive from their store and one NYCC exclusive and I got what I paid for. I know YouTuber Johnny Nostalgia is still waiting on some turtles he should have got in July, but NECA's customer service has basically started ghosting him on the subject.
Yeah, I've been hearing about it, and like I said, I haven't had any problems personally. The last few things I ordered all arrived fine and correctly. Those being the SDCC concept Turtles, the Alien Romulus xeno/accessory pack bundle, and the Christopher Lee Dracula.
I had ordered the latest wave of the Ben Cooper Halloween costume kids (Alien Xeno, Gizmo, Gremlin & Beeltlejuice) from them directly, and had them mailed to me in 3 separate packages BEFORE I got an email saying they were shipping, AFTER the lat figure had arrived.
They DO seem to be having some issues with their warehouse and shipping.
New Invisible Man is up for preorder at Bestbuy.com.
I got my Crypt Club four pack out of nowhere today. I had a mystery UPS package scheduled for delivery and it was a nice Christmas surprise. I'm not sure if I'm going to open it or display it as is. I still haven't opened Vincent Price either. I have a ton of figures I'm keeping boxed until I fix up a new room with some space for toys. It'll be a fun day (or week) when I get to open everything!