I don't know if it belongs in this thread, but I got the Ben Cooper kids in yesterday. I love everything about them except for the inability to take off the masks. Even the packaging is great. I'm so happy to have such a weird and unique bunch of action figures. Even my wife was really impressed.
I personally wanna see Hugh Jackman's Van Helsing done! I honestly love that movie, and we have no good figures of him. Besides, Hugh's really popular right now with the deadpool movie upcoming. It would be the right time!
Jackman’s look is pretty much the only decent thing from that awful Van Helsing movie. I’d buy a figure.
They could do a Mr Hyde figure from it.
Jackman’s look is pretty much the only decent thing from that awful Van Helsing movie. I’d buy a figure.
Agreed. I went into that flick SO excited to see the Universal Monsters back on the big screen. Unfortunately, it was the Batman & Robin of the UM franchise. Just an awful, awful flick!
@felgekarp I want the werewolves from that movie. Literally the best.
I got a Fright Crate shipping notification today...so I will either get something of a surprise figure included in whatever this pack is...or I will get jack shit and be mad I let them charge me for a fifth crate.
@detrimental-fig I’m not expecting anything great in this crate. They went radio silence there for a while and didn’t even advertise Wolfman in that last crate. I too cancelled after getting that crate, which of course meant this final come coming before being completely out. My feeling is they’re going through financial difficulties again.
@detrimental-fig I'm in the same boat, I'm mad at myself for forgetting to cancel. I'm not optimistic, but I hope it's something not terrible.
SDCC exclusive glow in the dark "Remco Adjacent" Count Orlok:
I personally wanna see Hugh Jackman's Van Helsing done! I honestly love that movie, and we have no good figures of him. Besides, Hugh's really popular right now with the deadpool movie upcoming. It would be the right time!
I would go for a Jackman Van Helsing too. Probably the 3 Brides from that movie as well.
SDCC exclusive glow in the dark "Remco Adjacent" Count Orlok:
Oh wow I had hoped they would do this!! Frigging awesome. I can’t wait, this might be the best version.
@captaincracker got mine today. An American werewolf of London bottle opener, 3 postcards, a Jersey devil tote bag, and a jersey devil towel? 😆
So glad to be done with this joke of a company. Really hope they go under so NECA isn’t forced to support them for another few months.
@buttmunch that seems like a joke. It's not even worth it if you're really into the properties. Just shows how stupid I am for not cancelling.
I am looking for the loot crate look fright Frankenstein
I have a loot crate wolf man or creature (figure and entire crate) for trade if anyone is down
let me know…