I know it's not strictly Universal, but seriously? No posts about this at all today? Only at the NECA Store for now, but it specifically says First to Ship, so it'll be available elsewhere eventually:
Cannot wait to add him to the shelf!
I'm so freaking excited for the Lee Dracula! Now all I need is a Peter Cushing Van Helsing!
I actually came to look for a thread to post about Sir Chris here yesterday! I have never ordered two copies of a figure so quickly! This is an absolute lifelong dream come true. They even gave him the three specific heads he needs! Just perfect.
I very much look forward to getting him, but I'm not paying $11 shipping to the NECA store so I'll be waiting for the general release.
Looks great but I can't go down the Hammer rabbit hole. If they did some of their female vampires I'd probably grab a couple. They were always pretty hot. 🤣
So I guess it's safe to assume they are done with Universal stuff then?
I wouldn't say that, necessarily. It's hard to say anymore with NECA since we don't have Randy giving us hints or answering questions on Twitter anymore. We'll see what SDCC brings. And we've still got some potential horror reveals left for this Monster May thing or whatever they're calling it. Blaine replied to a request for hints with this gif, which the Lee Dracula has now at least proven wasn't just random:
Please neca do hammer Captain Kronos.
Clearly at the very least they are going to do Van Helsing and Hammer Frankenstein
If we get Lee Drac, Mummy, and Frankenstein('s Monster), Cushing as Van Helsing, and the Oliver Reed Werewolf, I would feel pretty satisfied.
Cushing as Dr. Frankenstein and Herbert Lom Phantom would be the cherry on top.
There are still quite a few UM character's I would want, too: John Carradine Dracula, the Creature Walks Among Us, Marya Zaleska, and the Henry Hull Werewolf, though I'm not sure how realistic any of those are.
Sorry to wishlist, this is just an exciting topic! (Paul Naschy werewolf, also?)
Sorta seems like the monster from Son of Frankenstein is a no-brainer. He's in that little montage and wouldn't be all that hard to whip up with an overlay?
And speaking of Franks, is that monster w/chair from Bride going to be offered outside of the NECA Store at any point? I'd assumed it would be, but so far haven't heard anything.
It's Universal so I'm posting it here. 😜
The new An American Werewolf in London figures look great!
Looks great but I can't go down the Hammer rabbit hole. If they did some of their female vampires I'd probably grab a couple. They were always pretty hot. 🤣
So I guess it's safe to assume they are done with Universal stuff then?
See, I actually skipped Lugosi in anticipation of Lee, who was really the Dracula I grew up watching on TV. Plus, Lugosi Dracula never had fangs, and I just can't be cool with that. Sacrilege perhaps, but Dracula with fangs is a must for me.
They're finally doing Toony Terrors of the Universal Monsters
I've been wanting these!
Knew these had to be coming. Can't believe The NECA Store's actually offering free shipping for once. Ordered immediately.