That's exactly what he looked like at first.
I agree. I think they did a great job capturing his first appearance look.
I'm curious how this wave will sell. There must be a decent amount of interest in the Popeye IP for them to announce a third wave, but we're definitely into some more obscure characters now. Even these Popeye variants may not be appealing to most casual fans. Don't get me wrong, I'm pumped for this wave and the Popeye variant.
Is it too early to think about wave 4? If this wave sells well enough, I'm hoping Geezil and Alice are in wave 4. That would cover all the characters I want most, though there are many more out there that I would be happy to get. Excited for wave 3 and hopeful for more!
The First Appearance heads are a great way to refresh the Popeye body and make me buy it two more times.
I'd love to get a Popeye in boxing gear along with Oxheart like Mezco did in their five points line.
Even these Popeye variants may not be appealing to most casual fans. Don't get me wrong, I'm pumped for this wave and the Popeye variant.
Are there ‘casual’ Popeye fans? Seems like you’re either all in or not at all with this property, since there hasn’t been any major media presence in many years…
Even these Popeye variants may not be appealing to most casual fans. Don't get me wrong, I'm pumped for this wave and the Popeye variant.
Are there ‘casual’ Popeye fans? Seems like you’re either all in or not at all with this property, since there hasn’t been any major media presence in many years…
I'm what you would call a "casual" fan. I love Popeye, but I couldn't name every random character from the strips or other media.
Veebs and Andrew Franks, from BFS, talk about the Popeye figures beginning around 1 hr 26 min in the below video. At the end of the section, Andrew shows some factory samples of the wave 3 figures. I didn't realize they were so far along in production. They look great!
Even these Popeye variants may not be appealing to most casual fans. Don't get me wrong, I'm pumped for this wave and the Popeye variant.
Are there ‘casual’ Popeye fans? Seems like you’re either all in or not at all with this property, since there hasn’t been any major media presence in many years…
I'm what you would call a "casual" fan. I love Popeye, but I couldn't name every random character from the strips or other media.
I consider myself a casual too. Popeye was on TV a lot when I was a kid and we had the Robin Williams movie too. Now he's featured on MeTV's Toon in With Me which I've watched a lot of with my kids over the last few years. He's cartoon royalty as far as I'm concerned, though I'm not running out to buy DVDs or anything like I am whenever a new Looney Tunes one drops.
Seeing how these figures are turning out makes me wish Boss Fight Studio had been the one making Simpsons figures instead of Super7. This scale and level of articulation is perfect for toons.
I am a casual fan of Popeye but a big fan of classic cartooning. So I love EC Segar and think Popeye is an important revolutionary comic. I am interested in Segar in the same way I am in Ernie Bushmiller and would love good Nancy and Sluggo toys. I like John Stanley and would like better Little Lulu and Tubby toys. Carl Barks is more interesting to me than Huey, Dewie and Louie but I love my Herocross toys of the 3 boys. I buy most the weird Japanese toys of the other great comics masters like Jim Woodring, Daniel Clowes, Chris Ware, etc. So its hard to say in what way I am a fan.
I liked the cartoon as a kid but find it really repetitive as an adult. I still appreciate its Fleischer era rubberyness. The Altman movie is unfairly maligned as well and is very charming despite its blase ending. It captures Segar's New World mumbly Yiddish folklore tone of the original comics well.
Glad I could generate so much discussion 😀
So I was a huge Popeye fan as a small child (my go to was the older Fleischer shorts, never cared much for the later stuff), and it kind of culminated with the live action movie. I discovered the original strips in a book about comics in my grade school library, and I was completely fascinated, and consumed any books I could find at retail with either older or newer strips. I’d always hoped for some good toys to eventually be released, and these are it…40+ years late, but still…
@anthonywayne You probably know this but the Fantagraphics editions of the classic EC Segar strips are awesome.
I'd love to get a Popeye in boxing gear along with Oxheart like Mezco did in their five points line.
That would be great! It would be nice to add another big bad to the line. That would also be another Popeye variant I'd likely get. Those two figures plus Alice and Geezil would be a pretty ideal 4th wave, IMHO.
At first I was confused why they would release a generic Goon and not a clothed Alice. After thinking about it more, it makes sense for them to wait until wave 4 since she's probably the most recognizable character remaining. Geek Dad Life posted a YouTube video of his booth tour and interview of BFS at the Con in Germany(?). The guy from BFS said that Popeye was one of their better selling lines, which gives me hope for future waves.
On Veebs video, Andrew said that Toar would be a little taller than Bluto. One of the things I like most about this line is the variation in size. It's nice that the two bigs so far won't be the same size.
@anthonywayne You probably know this but the Fantagraphics editions of the classic EC Segar strips are awesome.
Just wanted to second this recommendation for the Fantagraphics HC 6 volume set, unfortunately it is out of print and seems to go for a premium, but worth it if you love Popeye.
I am sorely tempted by these figures... Need to decide soon before they become harder to find.
@fac They are out of print? Bummer. I did notice they started printing the Sunday strips separate recently. Fantagraphics is the gold standard for reissues that is for certain. Such better colors and better matte paper stock. Their Barks' Ducks books are great.
@derrabbi The large, 6 volume set with the dailys and Sundays both, is I think out of print. Those are from 2006 to 2012 or so? Maybe they have started a new reprint series and I am unaware...
@fac I think its just the Sundays. There's also a pre Popeye Thimble Theatre collection. Glad I got that series from 06-12. I had their 90s collections too but sold those one when these came out and the 06-12 series was a major upgrade. Fantagraphics is truly the premiere comics publisher. It really is a shame how bad most the DC and Marvel reprint series are. The glossy paper and overly bright colors really do the comics a disservice. Fantagraphics gets it right, matte paper; toning down the colors to approximate the newsprint of their times.
@anthonywayne You probably know this but the Fantagraphics editions of the classic EC Segar strips are awesome.
Indeed…I don’t have the older versions anymore, but they are prestige, no question.
Just wanted to second this recommendation for the Fantagraphics HC 6 volume set, unfortunately it is out of print and seems to go for a premium, but worth it if you love Popeye.
I am sorely tempted by these figures... Need to decide soon before they become harder to find.
Don’t wait too long - just dip a toe in a get a couple of them - you’ll want more for sure.