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Popeye by Boss Fight Studio

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On their recent FB and YT livestream, Boss Fight Studio said they will be announcing their Popeye wave 3 figures soon. Which characters are folks hoping to see in this wave? They've previously shown 3d renders of a generic goon that will be in wave 3. I'm hoping Alice, Rough House, and Geezil are the remaining 3 figures.

They also announced that they would be making another Popeye series based more on the cartoon and at a smaller scale and with less articulation. Please correct me if I'm remembering that incorrectly.

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Posted by: @bills-all-day

On their recent FB and YT livestream, Boss Fight Studio said they will be announcing their Popeye wave 3 figures soon. Which characters are folks hoping to see in this wave? They've previously shown 3d renders of a generic goon that will be in wave 3. I'm hoping Alice, Rough House, and Geezil are the remaining 3 figures.

They also announced that they would be making another Popeye series based more on the cartoon and at a smaller scale and with less articulation. Please correct me if I'm remembering that incorrectly.

Very minor correction to that last part; They're making the next wave of Power Stars (5" low-articulation figures based sort've on the old Kenner Superpowers style) an all-Popeye wave based on the Popeye Meets Sinbad cartoon short. So it's not really a new series of Popeye figures, but a Popeye-wave in a line that has multiple brands all being done in one style.

I'm pretty excited about those ones because I'm not really a Popeye fan, but I watched the Sinbad cartoon many times over as a kid. So this is the one Popeye thing I wanted to see and maybe pick up.


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@theknightdamien thanks for the correction and additional info. I couldn't remember all the details they mentioned on the stream. I'm curious to see what those figures look like.

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@bills-all-day No problem. It's hard to keep all this stuff straight, especially when they're rapid-firing info at you concerning like ten different ongoing lines.

I'm also really curious to see what those are going to look like. The Power Stars line has a very specific visual language to it that doesn't seem like it immediately lends itself to Popeye. So I'm sure if they went for it, BFS came up with a cool way to do it.

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Posted by: @bills-all-day

. I'm hoping Alice, Rough House, and Geezil are the remaining 3 figures.


I'd love those plus a King Blozo


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Posted by: @derrabbi

Posted by: @bills-all-day

. I'm hoping Alice, Rough House, and Geezil are the remaining 3 figures.


I'd love those plus a King Blozo


King Blozo would be great! Now that I think about it more, I'm guessing there would likely be another Popeye variation in wave 3. I think that Popeye would take the place of Geezil, giving us a wave 3 of goon, Alice, Popeye, and Rough House. Maybe wave 4 would have King Blozo, Geezil, and Toar (or Oxblood Oxheart), if the line makes it that far. Personally, I'd rather get new characters than variants, but I realize the need for variants for keeping a line profitable. Hopefully we hear more news soon. I think BFS said they would be making more announcements in the near future.


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Just got all of Wave 1, plus Wimpy. These are great! I can't wait for more announcements. 😀 

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Posted by: @souled4

Just got all of Wave 1, plus Wimpy. These are great! I can't wait for more announcements. 😀 

Yeah, I hope we hear news about wave 3 soon. I'm not sure if BFS will be at NYCC or not. If so, maybe we'll hear something this week. My guess is that they'll have a live stream in January to announce them.

I really hope the line is selling well enough for them to make a 3rd wave because there are a few more characters I want; Rough House, Alice, and Geezil. Another big bad would be cool too.


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On FB, Andrew from BFS said that wave 3 is coming and it'll be worth the wait. I'm still guessing it will be announced sometime in January. I think the four figures will be a generic Goon, Alice, Rough House, and a Popeye variant. Though, I hope it's Geezil instead of the Popeye. I'm excited to find out who will be in wave 3!

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I'd love for some of the future Popeye, Bluto, and Olive variants to be from outside the golden age of the comic strip or the 30s and 40s cartoons.

A 60s green Sea Hag, Popeye in his 80s Hawaiian shirt, maybe Popeye from the 90s video game where he wrestled aliens in space. I'd also love to see Whaler Joe from the modern strip.

Popeye merch tends to run around in circles recreating its glory days but I think it would energize the line to see other eras represented, particularly where it wouldn't take a lot of tooling.

Likewise, 70s Popeye with the blue shirt and the Navy sailor hat. Not an ounce of new tooling needed there.

That isn't to say that Rough House and Alice aren't at the top of my wants list. And a Navy uniform Bluto is up there.

But I also think that, with them and beyond, merch for Popeye tends to die or go into an endless cycle of Popeye and Bluto retro 40s takes.

Ham Gravy and the various Oyls are for a VERY niche audience. And I'm sure that Popeye and Son or the video games are also a niche audience.

But they're DIFFERENT niche audiences and I think getting different types of Popeye fans following future waves is necessary and healthy, because hopefully fans of each version will dip into the other eras in the same wave and a rising tide can lift all ships.

I especially think doing 80s Bluto and Popeye would be good because there are people who collect the main good guys and bad guys of 80s cartoons who might discover the line that way. Also, there's a real merch shortage for anything Popeye related from after around 1960.

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Boss Fight Studio posted a sneak peak of wave 3 on their social media. I'm so excited to see wave 3 is finally coming out and Rough House will be part of it! I still think Alice and a generic Goon will be two other figures. Will a Popeye variant be the fourth? Maybe a Bluto variant? I'm hoping for Geezil, Toar, or Oxblood. Though, I'd be happy with any new character.

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Popeye classics wave 3 figures were just announced and up for pre-order! Overall, I am really excited about this wave. I'm surprised and excited that Toar is included. I'm also surprised Alice is not included, since a Goon is part of this wave. Hopefully, they're planning to include her in wave 4, plus Geezil and Granny.

I also like the first appearance Popeye. I wasn't planning on getting any variants, but they got me with this first appearance look.


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I’ve ordered Toar, Rough House and the Goon.

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DOnt like the first appearance popeye, dont like his head design.

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That's exactly what he looked like at first.

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