They actually got back to me today, but sent me the wrong guy's pay link to pay for shipping. Thankfully, he had already paid or I may have never noticed and accidentally paid for his shipping.
I got an email from Plunderlings saying there was a retailer within driving distance I could trade my coin to.
They were an hour away.
But I get jealous watching Pixel Dan’s toy hunts since we don’t really have indie toy stores around here that aren’t just dusty old ToyBiz and McFarlane figures and a back room for D&D, and the videos I checked on line made the store look nice, so I decided to burn three hours of my day off on an adventure.
The guy at the counter catalogued my coin for return later and handed me a Gold Plunderling.
my wife was super stocked, we wanted a Gold Plunderling but it wasn’t offered in the reissues so now we got one!
Unfortunately most of the store’s stock was mostly Funko Pops and recent Hasbro Legends, so leading me to the store didn’t tempt me to buy more figures than the feee one I came to obtain, but in the end, the real Golden Plunderlings were the friends we made along the way.
I got my freebie Golden Idol Plunderling over the weekend. It cost me only $7.50 for shipping which seems like a pretty damn good deal for a Plunderling I didn't have. I think he's just a straight reissue, if I'm not mistaken, but he looks nice, seems to have less paint flaking than the other Plunderlings I have, and the joints are nice and tight. Only thing I don't like is the head is just too tight to the point where I worry I'm going to snap the ball off when rotating the head. I need to hit it with some lubricant, but otherwise, a nice addition to my modest Plunderling collection. And also, a pretty nice gesture from Lone Coconut to give this guy away to backers.
@misfit How did you get the giveaway gold Plunderling and only pay shipping? I thought you had to bring the coin into select stores?
@ashtalon when you complete the little puzzle they sent out you're presented with a list of places to bring your coin to. If one is not located near you, you select the "Message in a bottle" option which will ask you to email a picture of your coin that contains a slip of paper with your name, email you used on kickstarter, and the date of the picture written on it. They'll in turn send you a personalized link that's basically an invoice for shipping and, once complete, they'll send you the figure.
@misfit Thanks for the info. Finally found my coin. Tried the maze but maybe I'm being a fool about it. Collected the letters which I assume are a word jumble. Will have to try to reason it out.
@ashtalon if you try to follow the maze as directed it will give you the order of the letters as well, but you also can just click on everything and in any order and get the letters needed. I forget what it spells out, but it was a phrase.
So was at NYCC today and one of the booths had a whole pile of these guys. My nephew picked out the bone one, got home, just opened it up and discovered it was missing the skull mask.
Who would I even contact to see if I can get a replacement or something? I doubt the store would offer a refund, and even if they did I'm sure shipping it to and from would be a pain. And I can't find any info to directly contact Lone Coconut to resolve any QC issues. I've been following this line myself since it's start, I love these figures and I've even met the creator a few times at previous NYCCs, so I'm not trying to bad mouth em or anything. But it's kind of oddly difficult to find any info on how to fix an issue of a figure missing a key part from it's box.
@ziero01 I know they have an email for the current coin promotion ([email protected]). It's managed by an actual human so if you can't find anything else you could try emailing them to see if they can point you in the right direction.
@misfit Thanks, I'll try that email out today. I may not have a large collection of these guys, but I really do think they're great figures and that the guy who made em is a nice guy. But I can't help but feel turned off by how hard it is to find any official info or site about them. The one Plunderling website I know of is the AR game that's passcode locked, and that makes it hard to find any actual info about these guys or this line. I don't see why the game couldn't just be a subpage from an official site with all that info or something.
edit: Just wanna post an update on this. Sent an email to that link, and within two hours got a reply saying they'll send a replacement mask. It's stuff like this that makes me glad to support indy and smaller toy creators!
So was at NYCC today and one of the booths had a whole pile of these guys. My nephew picked out the bone one, got home, just opened it up and discovered it was missing the skull mask.
Who would I even contact to see if I can get a replacement or something? I doubt the store would offer a refund, and even if they did I'm sure shipping it to and from would be a pain. And I can't find any info to directly contact Lone Coconut to resolve any QC issues. I've been following this line myself since it's start, I love these figures and I've even met the creator a few times at previous NYCCs, so I'm not trying to bad mouth em or anything. But it's kind of oddly difficult to find any info on how to fix an issue of a figure missing a key part from it's box.
[email protected] is their qc email. They are amazing, have helped me several times, and I have seen them help 100% of the people who reach out in the fb group.
Thanks for the reply, already solved the problem but appreciate it regardless. I agree the way they just instantly agreed to fix this issue is the sign of a good company. I met the creator a few times at prior NYCCs and could certainly feel that he wanted to make these guys the best toys he could and really liked seeing other people enjoying them as well.
We need more indy and small toy companies like this, MGR or the 4H, everyone of them have always been top notch in taking care of customer issues from all of my experiences.
@misfit I figured it out right after posting that message. I filled out the Message in the Bottle form a couple of days before the deadline, so I'm not expecting it to be fulfilled. Fingers crossed. I do already have a Cursed Idol figure, so if I missed the promo, it's not a big deal. Thanks for your help, though. I appreciate it.
At Legionscon they showed off a new character with four arms and a mask riding the iguana guy. I am excited to see what they are going to do!
Reissues of the one of the original green and one of the original blue (Gank and Fwush, the one named for Robo) are up for preorder on bbts and Uncle Bobs Vintage Toys had some last I heard! I got these during the original kickstarter, and they are two of the best. Plus they are $30 MSRP