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Plunderlings, Plunderlongs, Plunderstrongs, and more to come. Yo ho ho!

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Posted by: @robogeek1973

Anyone looking for the Drench Plunderstrong and Plunderlong before I list them in the BST section?

No BST area or private messages on the new forums, so other than directing people to either a listing or a post on socials about it is your best bet now.


robogeek1973 reacted
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Posted by: @salemcrow

Posted by: @robogeek1973

Anyone looking for the Drench Plunderstrong and Plunderlong before I list them in the BST section?

No BST area or private messages on the new forums, so other than directing people to either a listing or a post on socials about it is your best bet now.



I hadn't even realized that. 😥 


Ok, those exclusives are here then if anyone is interested.


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I got 8-Ball in last Sunday, but was gone all week so I just opened the figure last night. I wasn't really feeling the Longs when they were first shown, but this guy is pretty fun. It's basically just a bigger Plunderling with an ab crunch. I actually don't care for that big hinge in the middle, but otherwise he looks cool and is fun to mess around with. Joints are mostly good, one knee is stubborn which seems to always be the case for me with this line, and the head is pretty tight as well. I saw the email from Lone Coconut about this known issue so I didn't force it. I'll heat him up later to swap heads since this is a guy that shouldn't look so stoic. Hopefully, Blackjac can support the weight of his head in the canon as that is primarily what drove me to back this figure.

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eiczerofour reacted
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Those look so fun, I am very excited to get mine in!!

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Anyone get an email about going to a local store and swapping your kickstarter coin for something? Curious if anyone has done it and if it's worth it. I hate to say, but I threw out the coin about a week ago into my office/toy room garbage and I'm wondering if it's worth digging for the dang thing..


Edit - I checked instagram - and you can trade your coin for a free figure - a gold plunderling - the Cursed Idol. dang. Time to start digging..

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Apparently you can get the coin back after this little promotion with the local shops is over, according to the last email I got.

Sadly the closest one to me is in PA, and I'm in MD, so I'm not making that drive. I'll just keep the coin and save the gas.

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None of those stores are anywhere near me in L.A.   I'm assuming it's in my box of Plunderlings, but it's kind of a moot point.  A free figure would have been nice though.  Maybe they'll have the promotion at other locations somewhere down the road, and one of them will be near me.

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I contacted my "local" store (3 hours away) and they said that I should contact the main Plunderlings contact to see about getting the reward from them.  I solved the puzzle, which brings up an island where you can submit a picture of your coin if you don't live in driving range. 

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I sent an email with a photo of the coin a week and a half ago. No word back yet. I think they might require that I pay shipping. Probably end up passing on it if that’s the case. I was hoping this would be a Long or a Strong instead.

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I still haven't done the thing. I guess I should if there's a free figure. Like most of you, I don't live anywhere near one of the physical spots.

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You can do the "message in the bottle" option then don't have to travel to a store. I did it, just had to fill out a google form (it is on the bottom left of the map that shows locations) which will basically just require you to take a picture of the coin, by a paper with your name, email, and date. If you threw your coin out or lost it you can select an option that said you lost it. Pretty sure Lone Coconut kept a database on who got coins.


If you need help with the code, we have a fun, thriving community on facebook called "Frog Traders Tavern - Unofficial Plunderlings Fan Group". We have helped a lot of people with figuring out the code, and it is a fun Plunderling community. 🙂 

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So the coin becomes a figure? 

Yeah I’m good.


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I ended up doing the puzzle and filling out the message in a bottle last Tuesday. We'll see if anything comes of it, so far I haven't heard anything.

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Yes, the coin can be traded for the figure at a local store, or just a screenshot showing you have the coin can have them mail you the figure, though you have to pay shipping.


It took about a week for them to get back to me, so y'all will for sure hear back, but I imagine they are getting tons of requests so it might take a bit of time. 

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