The lizard mount looks kind of neat. It might even be him that's sculpted into the shoulder of Blackjak's jacket. Or that's just a generic iguana. For my Blackjak, just coating the ball joint in some superglue and letting it dry before putting the leg back on helped get it tighter. It's still not really tight enough to support the blast effect in the canon. I can get him to hold it sometimes, but if I leave it in place the figure falls over within a half hour or so. I've also successfully propped it up with a Plunderling crate, but I don't plan on making that a permanent solution. For a line that I consider pretty creative, it is a bummer they didn't have a solution for this. It just needs a little stand or something.
Like others have said, I find my Plunderstrong's joints a little loose and the new hatchlings a little tight. I got one strong head on a hatchling without any issue, but I tried so hard with the second that I weakened the neck. I probably should've tried to heat it up, but I just filed the paint off. It fits on fine now, but I'm worried that when I'm twisting the hatching's head, I'm actually twisting the neck rather than moving it along the ball joint. This is one of six of those little guys though, so I'm not too worried.
I might invest in blue and green hatchlings if they offer them again.
I want to see the Longs. I have three coming. Strongs are so much bigger. Lings are small in comparison. I am concerned that Longs May loose the cute factor in the slender forms. I did like seeming a Ling head on a Long body. It worked very nice.
Had a little time to snap a couple quick pics of the new guys today.
Blackjack is wearing the mask from the leather crate.
Still need to work on tightening up those hips though, as they've been laying on the table because they like to do the splits quite easily if you look at them wrong.
Have they discussed re-releasing some of the other earlier 'Ling releases?
Cursed Idol and Fury, Gank, Gobbler, Fwush, etc?
They have shown them off at NYTF and NYCC, both in and out of box. They also said long ago that they wanted to get those six that had not been rereleased out again. I assume they might be getting ready for that.
Side note, I have been having so much fun with these guys! I made a comment on the fb group about being surprised my coconut head pack did not have magnets, and two others chimed in with the same thing. Nobody was upset, just talking about it. Lone Coconut sent all of us a new Boom Crate with magnets in the heads. I have never seen that level of helpfulness and just amazingness from any company before, and while I have said it before, they have me as a customer for life.
Here is one of my posts showing off my Coconut head guy with a Hatchling. Really helps to show how much better the line got once the Strongs shipped, even without including the Strongs in this picture. (not sure how to put pics on the thread so just linking to my insta)
I'm at the point where I'd rather have the funds over the figures, so at some point I'll hafta list my Plunderstrong and Plunderlong Drench exclusives on here.
I just can't get into the bigger versions, as they've lost the cuteness the Plunderlings themselves have.
@eiczerofour that’s cool. I don’t think mine have any magnets either. I thought maybe I was mistaken and they weren’t supposed to be in there. I don’t know that I miss them so I probably won’t reach out, plus I definitely don’t need another boom crate hanging around. Good to see they took care of you.
I got my shipping notice for the Plunderlong today. It's set to arrive early next week, though I'll be out of town. I wonder if they took control of all Plunderlong stock because of the defect? Just might mean that BBTS could be getting them later than they got the Plunderstrong if Lone Coconut is prioritizing individual backer orders first.
Got my Plunderlongs and I have to warn that the tolerances on the heads are extremely tight.
Captain Ojoe's neck peg shore right off when I tried to turn his head. I used very little force but you can see the peg has that stress fracture white to it. I can't help but wonder if it mostly happened during QC testing.
I heated the other two figures and they popped off without issue, no stress showing on the pegs, but the extra heads had to be heated and worked on the pegs a few times before I was comfortable with them. I still might carve them out a bit.
I really hate being so down on this kickstarter, I loved the Plunderlings but the Strongs and Longs have been issue after issue for me.
Got my shipping email on Friday and received my 3 Plunderlongs in the mail while I was at work on Saturday.
Won't be able to open them until Monday, but they look great in their boxes.
I got my Longs in the mail, I think I like them more then the Strongs. I see on here people have said the heads are on too stiff, and I saw the same concerns on instagram. However, mine is the opposite. The heads are on perfect for the Longs, I have only had issues with the Strongs heads being stiff.
Either way, I am waaay happier with my Plunderlongs then I was with the Strongs. I love them both, def in my top three figures of the year. These toys just make me happy and I am glad I have gotten to play with them.
The heads on BOTH of the new body types are a tight fit for me. I only swapped 1 head on a single figure and left it at that for now.
I got 8-Ball, Ojoe, and Rusty. I find no use for the gritting tooth head. Well it serves as the head I put the fully masked accessory for Rusty. I sculpt of the face makes that head look like the Long is fully of anxiety. It’s the Worrylong face. No use for that head.
8-Ball is my favorite by far. This guy is crazy as a fox. He’s my “Murdock” as ge gives off crazy vibes but he’s in complete control. His helmet and goggles really complete the look especially with the grinning face. The flame on his conch staff is removable. It plus into hand to simulate it being on fire. He looks great.
Ojoe was a surprise. I know it was solicited but I did not remember the two other hand attachments or that he would cone with both set of hands. The hand accessories plug into tge Plunderlings and sit in the hole for the Hatchlings. I love the eye patch. He’s pretty sweet. I don’t have any other plunders in that color but it’s ok. I like the vibrant colors more usually. It looks good with the Teal Plunders.
Rusty is very good but my peg leg lower portion is fused. Heat hasn’t released it. Anyone else have Rusty? The lower knee joint should move right? I like the over all look but it’s got a learning curve to balance. I also wish the monkey wrench opened or was sculpted opened wider.
Great stuff! Enjoyed the coin that came with the order too.
Anyone looking for the Drench Plunderstrong and Plunderlong before I list them in the BST section?