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Plunderlings, Plunderlongs, Plunderstrongs, and more to come. Yo ho ho!

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Love seeing the pictures you guys are posting! My box is set to arrive Monday, so right now I am living vicariously through these pictures. The pins excite me, I wonder what it will take to collect them all.


@Misfit, on the boom crate accessories, the part that they showed off to have a Plunderlong being shot out of the canon, how does that look if you plug in a Plunderling or Plunderstrong head? If you have tried that yet, I would love to see it. 🙂 


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I haven't received my KS pledges yet but I did get Blackjack that I picked up from BBTS after. I have the same observations as Misfit. Both my hips are incredibly loose and he has a hard time standing unless I bend the knees and have him in a squat.

I can't really get him to hold the cannon and some of the paint has rubbed off his knuckles from trying. Maybe I can come up with a base for it and print it. I'll likely skip out on the big guys going forward, though I did order the big green cursed fellah with the tentacles from the kickstarter.

I think the base plunderlings are where it's at for me. 



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@eiczerofour works good! The blast effect has a ball-hinge at the end of it, not unlike the head connection for most Marvel Legends, and other heads can pop onto it. I had difficulty getting a Plunderstrong head onto it, but with some heat it would probably go. The Plunderling heads work fine though. I also applied glue to the left hip on my Plunderstrong and he's handling the canon a bit better. It takes some finagling to get him to hold it though without falling. I may try to reenforce the right hip now to see if that helps it. They probably should have included a support for the canon in the boom crate, either way, to add stability.

eiczerofour reacted
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Got my Drench Typhoon, leather crate, boom crate and orange muscle crates today.

I love the added detail of the Plunderlings caution tape on the shipping box. That's a nice added personal touch from the Lone Coconut crew.

My Mango and Blackjack are on the way from BBTS as I type.


I have to say, I like Typhoon quite a bit, but I think his hands will need some heat to swap, at least the first time. I tired to pop one out today and it felt like I was tugging on the arm at the shoulder, even though that's not where I was holding the actual arm.

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So maybe Mango shows up today. I’m still a bit salty the Strong I really really wanted didn’t get unlocked. I’m salty they only put the cannons with Black Jack and the Pancho dual mini cannon guy. I had no desire for either.

So I’m hoping I can modify the Fortnite cannot that came with syrup Cowboy guy. It looks like there may be enough plastic to hallow out a connection to the boom crate. Whenever Oddball shows up he needs his boom boom launcher. 

I have my ship ready, Captain Teal stole it from Deadpool Pirate Captain. The Plunders will be setting sail and pestering the Joes, Legends, Turtles, etc in my toysplosion room.


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Posted by: @salemcrow

Got my Drench Typhoon, leather crate, boom crate and orange muscle crates today.

I love the added detail of the Plunderlings caution tape on the shipping box. That's a nice added personal touch from the Lone Coconut crew.

My Mango and Blackjack are on the way from BBTS as I type.


I have to say, I like Typhoon quite a bit, but I think his hands will need some heat to swap, at least the first time. I tired to pop one out today and it felt like I was tugging on the arm at the shoulder, even though that's not where I was holding the actual arm.


dont like it, looks like a burger king toy


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Posted by: @prophet

So maybe Mango shows up today. I’m still a bit salty the Strong I really really wanted didn’t get unlocked. I’m salty they only put the cannons with Black Jack and the Pancho dual mini cannon guy. I had no desire for either.

So I’m hoping I can modify the Fortnite cannot that came with syrup Cowboy guy. It looks like there may be enough plastic to hallow out a connection to the boom crate. Whenever Oddball shows up he needs his boom boom launcher. 

I have my ship ready, Captain Teal stole it from Deadpool Pirate Captain. The Plunders will be setting sail and pestering the Joes, Legends, Turtles, etc in my toysplosion room.



If the Strong you wanted was the Fawn or the Tinker, they showed off parts that strongly hint they will be made. Plus since they got pins, I think it is even more likely. Plus some people who spoke with Lone Coconut at conventions have heard that these guys are happening. 🙂  


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If you are referring to the Teal Tinker Skiff then that is fantastic news! I love just about every design choice on that Plunderstrong. The beard, the skipper hat, the cannon arm, the peg leg, the color. All of that character is perfect. Top ten figure instantly. I was gutted and changed my order when he didn’t get unlocked.

Mango is awesome too. Love the wrestler mask! I love the Long Rusty. I would have cut back quite a bit of if Rusty did get unlocked.


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Now who's following who around?



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Posted by: @prophet

If you are referring to the Teal Tinker Skiff then that is fantastic news! I love just about every design choice on that Plunderstrong. The beard, the skipper hat, the cannon arm, the peg leg, the color. All of that character is perfect. Top ten figure instantly. I was gutted and changed my order when he didn’t get unlocked.

Mango is awesome too. Love the wrestler mask! I love the Long Rusty. I would have cut back quite a bit of if Rusty did get unlocked.



Here you go, my friend.


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Finally got a shipping notice yesterday, so yay!

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@eiczerofour That is awesome! When it becomes available I will snatch it up post haste. Thank you!

Modifying the Fortnite cannon worked. 

I dremmeled out a snug hole in the front and the BOOM kit piece fit. It makes it extremely front heavy but Mango’s foot holds it down easily. 

These Plunderstrong are so much beefier than the Plunderlings. It is loose in the hips but it stands.


robogeek1973 reacted
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I got Blackjack and Mango from BBTS on Saturday and was finally able to open them this morning.

The hips on both figures are much loser than I'd have expected based on the Plunderlings.

I've not had good luck with superglue to tighten joints, so I may go with the floor wax approach for the time being.

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Several people in the Plunderling facebook group put a little bit of super glue in the part of the leg with the ball joint, then just twirled the ball around for like 30-60 seconds. They said that worked, so I may try it. 


I got them all in, and I am loving them! Blitz is by far the best QC wise. He is perfect and fun (and the one I played with least for some reason.)


I brought Mango to work with me today and have been loving him. I have seen some great poses of him between here, the fb group and instagram. I am just not smart enough to get him in that pose.


Typhoon is a beast. I am loving him and now I need to get more swords so he can wield four at once. Not immediately apparent, but the tips of the tentacles come off and can be swapped, so you can move the grabby ones up front or keep them in the back. Turning him won't solve that problem. 


Blacjak is so cool, and can hold the canon well for me because it is hollow, but I intended to display it with the explosion from the Boom Crate and put a Plunderling head at the end. They make it too heavy, so I will need to find a stand to boost it up. Anyone have any suggestions? That is the only time my Blacjak wants to do the splits, but I feel like even if I do the superglue trick, it would still tip over.


Poncho is incredible, and I kinda want a second boom crate so I can put the clear stand in his second pistol so they can both shoot at the same time. However... same thing with Blacjak, the pistols are light enough, but the clear stand and the canon ball are very heavy. I can only imagine it would be worse with a second one. Still, I want to attempt that look.


Naufrag is soooo fun. I cannot imagine using the regular hands for this guy, unless I wanted to take pics of him "pre zombie". Still, this guy is a ton of fun, I love his jacket, his beard, and since I always carried the red plunderling around with me as a pocket toy, I am partial to the red guys.


Overall I love these guys so much, and they (with Warduke) are currently competing for my favourite figure of the year. But who knows, the Plunderlongsm ight take their place. 😛 


Anyway, I am super hype! BTW did you guys see the tease for the new mount? 🙂


He's a big boy. Pic is from instagram, there are several different shots of this guy already. Apparently you should be able to have him eat a Plunderling whole! 

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