These shipping prices are absurd - I just preordered the Cosmic Legions All-In (8 figures) and paid $18 for shipping. I paid $26 to ship 2 Strongs, 1 Long, and some accessories.
I've noticed the shipping for 4H all-in orders is usually quite low compared to buying several individual figures. Not sure why that is, you're already getting a great deal.
I have been charged, I am so excited for these to ship! It could be any day now! I was looking back at what I ordered, my only regret is not getting more hatchlings. I hope they put some up on their site or let BBTS sell some in the future. I am so excited!
I was charged too. Since they refunded the initial sales tax, my shipping total ended up being just under 10 bucks. Now we play the waiting game.
I've noticed the shipping for 4H all-in orders is usually quite low compared to buying several individual figures. Not sure why that is, you're already getting a great deal.
I believe the 4H All-In orders come in one box from the factory. So the 4H don't have to open or repack those cases. Just put shipping labels on them, so they're not really incurring much labor expenses with handling those sets. For orders with individual figures, they have to open all the cases and hunt out the different figures to fulfill orders, which takes more time and manpower. I'm thinking any higher shipping rates for individual figures are reflecting those handling expenses.
Someone on the facebook group got his figure in (the exclusive Drench Plunderstrong one) and I am super excited! I would assume everyone's figures are in the process of being shipped out and I hope to see mine before the end of the week! 😝
I received a shipping confirmation today. It's coming from Florida via USPS so I'm thinking it will get here this week, provided it gets picked up today or tomorrow.
Big Bad has the Plunderstrongs in stock now. They'll cost you an extra 10 bucks over the Kickstarter price, but that's pretty standard from what I remember going back to the Plunderlings.
If you grab one from bbts and are missing any Plunderlings, a select few of those guys are on sale for $30 right now.
My Plunderstrong KS Drench and crates have shipped from Lone Coconut (estimated to arrive Thursday), and I just hit ship on my 2 'Strongs that I ordered at BBTS, so they should be here by next week.
So has anyone else been charged for shipping, but not gotten a tracking number?
So has anyone else been charged for shipping, but not gotten a tracking number?
They charged for shipping a bit over a week ago, and I just got my tracking number today. If you don't have it yet, I am sure it will come up in the next few days, max. 🙂
I got my Plunderstrong today. I went with Blackjac. He’s okay, a little rough around the edges compared with the Plunderlings I have. His left hip, in particular, is quite loose and he can barely stand while holding the canon. I also got the boom crate and once you attach the effect parts forget about it, he just wants to do splits. I’ll have to try tightening it with some glue. The pinchy hands that come in the muscle crate also work better when it comes to gripping the canon. There’s also something going on with the connect on his right leg between the shorts and leg. I may just need to pull it apart.
There was also a pouch of enamel pins included which I guess is a nice little bonus. I think there were 7 total and they’re of various character portraits. I’m guessing they’re selected at random.
EDIT: Some additional observations. I got a set of Hatchlings for my Kickstarter Fwush and I'm happy to say the blues match just fine. The magnets for the Strong are also back to the original orientation, not that the hat Blackjac came with really fits well on a Plunderling head, but it does "grab" a bit. The boom crate accessories also work a little better with the loaded piece instead of the blast. I can at least get Blackjac to stand while holding it. New hatchling arms are tighter than the old ones when it comes to inserting the hands, so might be a wise move to heat them up a bit. I was able to muscle them in which probably isn't wise, but it worked. The peg sizes for the Plunderstrong hands are different so if you were hoping to give the hatchlings gigantic hands you'll have to make some modifications in order to do so.
Interesting news - the dude who built/ran Jazwares Fortnite line from the ground up is now working with Plunderlings (and will be at their NY Toy Fair booth). Not sure what that means, but he certainly has distribution connections on a pretty huge level.