I just noticed there is not a Plunderling's thread yet. But a new update just came out from Kickstarter, basically the Longs and Strongs arrived in the USA, but the Long's are having an issue. (They described it as minor but fixable.) They said that the plan is for Strongs to start shipping next week, and we will get charged then (remember that shipping has not yet been charged.) Then, when the replacement parts arrive for the Longs from the warehouse (which are shipping out the first week of October) and the team fixes them, the Longs will ship out to us at no additional charge.
I am so very excited for these figures to make it in hand, I am fine with waiting on the Longs because I will be able to appreciate the Strongs by themselves then I can do the same for the Longs later this year.
Who do y'all have ordered? I went all in, but I think my favourite Strong is Blacjak, but Poncho and Mango are close behind. (It might actually be Mango.)
Of the Longs, I def like Rusty the best, with Cayo in second and Ojoe in third.
And for the original line... well I carry a version of Fury with me everywhere... so it is between him, Goyle, and Tuff. (Honestly, Tuff is probably my number one favourite of all these guys so far.)
I didn't go All In, but I went way heavier than I originally intended. FOMO hit me hard at one point.
Plunderstrong Raider Blitz
Plunderstrong Berserker Mango
Plunderstrong Captain Blacjack
Plunderstrong Nomad Poncho
Plunderstrong Drench Typhoon
Plunderlong Nomad Swash
Plunderlong Feral 8-Ball
Plunderlong Raider Ace
and some hatchlings and crates
I'm not sure who I'm looking forward to most.
I finally got around to opening my Zombone. Decided to try his skull mask on another Plunderling. The mask kept popping off and I couldn't figure out why. After a few seconds, I remembered the magnets were reversed after the initial KS. Whoops. Still not sure why they reversed them.
I think it's great they're splitting the shipment, I'd rather get them one at a time. Though I was more looking forward to the Plunderlongs than Strongs.
I was able to control myself a bit with these guys. (It helped that i don't have as nearly strong feelings for these as I did the Plunderlings.)
I have Mango coming first with Tinker Rusty and Cursed Cayo coming up next. Thought I had grabbed Berserker Pike too but he's not on the Backerkit receipt. Maybe he's PO'd on BBTS.
I think I just got 8-ball and Blackjack, if I’m remembering the names right (the pirate and the one who gets shot out of the canon) along with hatchlings and the bomb crate. I’m curious if they’ll send basically everything except the PlunderLong or maybe hold some stuff back (like the hatchlings I ordered to go with the Long). I also wonder if this delay means the Longs won’t make it out until next year. Oh well, I was more looking forward to the Strong so if one was going to be delayed I’m glad it’s not that one.
I finally got around to opening my Zombone. Decided to try his skull mask on another Plunderling. The mask kept popping off and I couldn't figure out why. After a few seconds, I remembered the magnets were reversed after the initial KS. Whoops. Still not sure why they reversed them.
They didn't intentionally change it. I believe it was a screw up at the factory where one of the magnets ended up going in backwards on all of the second run figures.
I didn't go nearly as heavy this time as I did for the 'lings themselves. I think I got 2 or 3 through the KS and ordered a few more at BBTS.
Jesse, from Toy Pizza. has incorporated four Plunderling cards into the Card Slicer card game. Blacjak, Ojoe, Swash, and The Golden Chameleon (staff that came with Cursed Idol). This is a really cool set of cards so far, and I heard the Plunderlings might be getting a full expansion for this game as well.
I am so ready to hopefully have the Plunderstrongs in hand within a week or two!
Received my shipping charge today - 24 bucks. Ouch! I hope some of you guys who got a whole bunch more don’t get hit too hard. Hopefully they start shipping next week, definitely interested in checking out the Strong.
My Plunderstrong shipping charge is $38. I ordered 5 of the Strongs (for this shipment). Charge is high but understandable since these are large figures.
Did they say if the Hatchlings and Crates will be part of this initial shipment? And only the Longs are delayed?
$86 and change here. I ordered one of everything though, plus multiple hatchlings. I knew it would hit hard, I just was not expecting it to hit that hard. Either way I am so excited!
My shipping charge was $18, which surprised me at first, but then I saw that I’m getting two Strongs (I thought I only ordered Drench, but I also threw in for a Cursed Naufrag as an add-on.)
I ordered 1 'strong, 3 'longs, a hand set and 2 crates during the KS, and my shipping charge was $24 and change as well.
It seems like I'll get the Plunderstrong and the crates/hands in this shipment based on the newest update, and my Plunderlongs will ship on their dime when they arrive.
These shipping prices are absurd - I just preordered the Cosmic Legions All-In (8 figures) and paid $18 for shipping. I paid $26 to ship 2 Strongs, 1 Long, and some accessories.
Shipping charges fluctuate based on distance/regions, so the 4H could just be closer to you and therefore have a reduced shipping cost. Also, 4Horsemen may just be selling larger amounts of product and could be getting a better discount from their shipper. I think Lone Coconut isn't based in the US, either. Not sure if they have some kind of satellite warehouse in the US for shipping, but the company is based in the Dominican Republic.
They just sent out another KS update, and if you log into backerkit the shipping costs have been significantly reduced from what they were showing the other day. Mine went from $86 and change to $19.75. I am a huge fan of this toy line and this company, and this news really helped make my day lol. We are so close to holding the Plunderstrongs in our hands!
Too bad I can't cancel my order and get my funds back.
Nothing against the KS, but I just don't want them anymore. 🤣