Yeah I’d like to get an army builder for each head but at nearly $40 each that’s tough, especially with these big waves. If the waves were smaller that wouldn’t be so bad. Hopefully they produce those in decent numbers so they hang around for a while and we can pick more up after the wave hits initially.
@buttmunch Yeah Wave 2 is way too big.
THe scary thing is we have 4-ish figures yet to preorder and more wave 2 stuff will go up for order after wave 1 arrives.
Mostly sticking with named characters after wave 1
I've pre-ordered very liberally with an eye toward adjusting them pending future announcements.
But yeah, Wave 2 is enormous.
In other news, I just got a really good look at that anti-terror zombie and you guys are right: the masked head is exactly a Classified Cobra Trooper. I'd thought it was just reminiscent of them, but no. It's it exactly. Bold decision.
Not really into hordes of zombie soldiers personally... Just cherry picking for me.
Same, same. There is something a bit off to me about "realistic" military zombies, for whatever reason. Definitely liking the more retro-dystopian designs. I'll be going for the ones that aesthetically appeal to me, which so happens to be 7 in total at the moment. I might be tempted to go deeper once I have a few in hand.
To me that’s what’s fun with this line is how all over the place it is in terms of design. I feel like there’s going to be very few folks who are all-in for the whole line but there’s going to be a lot of folks who are super into a few figures that fit their taste. A realistic zombie soldier and a Sasquatch with a mini gun don’t necessarily belong together on paper, but they’re both cool in their own right and I think they’ll both find their own niche markets for folks to mix in with their Classifieds and other Indy 6” lines.
I’m still most excited for the Red Shadows homage figures and was just looking at the Crimson Moon Sleepwalker figures again the other day wishing that them and the Roboskull would hurry up and arrive, but after seeing these in person and talking to the guys at Power Con, I’m more likely to grab some others just because of how cool they look and how nice those guys were to talk to.
Agreed, @boy_wonder. I hope we see more western/frontier era figures to go along with DP. After looking at all the figures up for PO again I'm now up to 9 figs POed. Great looking stuff all around, even the ones that don't conceptually float my boat.
I appreciate the multiple heads for troop building, but my mind's eye has trouble with 2-3 zombies all having the exact same wounds.
I'm probably over-thinking it. I do like the idea of zombie soldiers.
Good point. I probably won't be bothered by having a few zombies with matching wounds. But it is too bad some kind of modularity of wounds wasn't incorporated into these figures. Not sure how that would have worked, but maybe a chunk of flesh missing on each forearm and upper leg and then having plug-in pieces which bring those wounds back up to normal, unwounded size and shape. Granted, each wound would probably have to have a peg hole for the chunk to secure, but it could have worked.
@ashtalon Could've worked like those old kenner Jurassic park toys
New figure looks nice. Love the alternate heads/hands. Probably going to use this as General Ross for my Hulk display.
@akajomiha and for Joe fans the other 2 alternate heads are clearly General Flagg and Joe Colton
@akajomiha This also means we're probably getting General Mamba this wave as well
Yeah... this reveal was a big winner for me. General Ross is going straight into my Legends display. The Joe Colton head is going on a classified body - Grunt or Breaker or something appropriate. I actually ordered two so I could also do General Flagg. I may recolor the second bearded head to match the various bearded G.I. Joe 12 inch figures I remember my brother playing with.
Gotta figure out an appropriate body to pop the Lavar Burton looking head on so he can do Reading Rainbow in the corner of a display.
New figure looks nice. Love the alternate heads/hands. Probably going to use this as General Ross for my Hulk display.
Oh crap....I'm gonna need that for Ross as well!
I needed one of his darker colored hands to be a giant, wooden, prosthetic hand so I can pose him with Croc Master’s gator.
I connected the bearded head with the original Joe, but didn’t connect Ross or Flagg. Damn. I might need this guy too.
Mmm, first one I’m not preordering immediately. Nothing wrong with the figure, it’s very cool, but for $37 there’s got to be some “monster” in the Monster Force figures I grab. Some monster alt-parts might have sold me here, and I also might circle back because it is a nice figure on its own merits. But, the characters it “looks like” I’d rather have officially in their own lines (by which I mean an official Classified Colton/Sharpe/Flagg and an official Marvel Legends TBolt Ross).