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Operation Monster Force by Fresh Monkey Fiction

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Posted by: @metal

I'm just hoping they corrected the size of the M249 because, the Gridiron version is way too large to be in scale with Classified or Action Force. Something I've grown to accept but a corrected scale would be appreciated!

Yeah, gun scale ios always a bit of an issue. The MP5s and AKs in the early Action Force sets are real big'uns it feels like and I feel like they just don't work. I hadn't really noticed the scale issue for the chainsaw, but then I think my brain is defaulting it to a fantasy weapon space so I'm not really looking at it critically.


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I've a couple Grid Iron guns and their pretty good. At some point, though, they started putting their company logo on their guns which I'm not crazy for. 

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Posted by: @jakeekiss

Yeah, gun scale ios always a bit of an issue. The MP5s and AKs in the early Action Force sets are real big'uns it feels like and I feel like they just don't work. I hadn't really noticed the scale issue for the chainsaw, but then I think my brain is defaulting it to a fantasy weapon space so I'm not really looking at it critically.



The Action Force AK is a bit large, I don't feel the same about the MP5s. The AK in the Mark2Toys set is excellent, and proper scale (Classified/AF), highly recommend those sets. If you paint them, make sure to use a primer first. Games Workshop primer is expensive but it's recommended. Since Mark2Toys/Deign is now designing the Action Force guns, I'm hoping the new collapsed stalk AKM will be better scaled.

Posted by: @fletch

I've a couple Grid Iron guns and their pretty good. At some point, though, they started putting their company logo on their guns which I'm not crazy for. 

 I agree about that stupid Gridiron Logo. I asked them to not place them on their weapons and got a thumb up response, but they still put that logo on their latest guns, I think they're committed to placing their logo as large and noticeable a possible


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Posted by: @metal

Posted by: @jakeekiss

Yeah, gun scale ios always a bit of an issue. The MP5s and AKs in the early Action Force sets are real big'uns it feels like and I feel like they just don't work. I hadn't really noticed the scale issue for the chainsaw, but then I think my brain is defaulting it to a fantasy weapon space so I'm not really looking at it critically.



The Action Force AK is a bit large, I don't feel the same about the MP5s. The AK in the Mark2Toys set is excellent, and proper scale (Classified/AF), highly recommend those sets. If you paint them, make sure to use a primer first. Games Workshop primer is expensive but it's recommended. Since Mark2Toys/Deign is now designing the Action Force guns, I'm hoping the new collapsed stalk AKM will be better scaled.

Posted by: @fletch

I've a couple Grid Iron guns and their pretty good. At some point, though, they started putting their company logo on their guns which I'm not crazy for. 

 I agree about that stupid Gridiron Logo. I asked them to not place them on their weapons and got a thumb up response, but they still put that logo on their latest guns, I think they're committed to placing their logo as large and noticeable a possible


The MP5s in the first wave are even more out of scale than the AK. The two are nearly the same size but even with a stock extended an MP5 should be noticeably shorter. The mp5Ks that Vala put out more recently are much better, but compare first wave MP5s and you see how far off they were. I'm hopeful the suppressed one coming in the new weapons packs will continue the updated and better scale.


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I like everything about that Apophis Legion figure except the zombie parts...  and at first glance I was thinking about ordering and just swapping the head with a normal person head, but the left thigh with a hunk of flesh missing makes that a non-starter.   


I don't care at all about zombies so this isn't for me.   It does look good though.

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@panthercult Yeah both designs are good figures (especially because ones just a tried and true cobra trooper lol) but like yeah I'd rather them not be zombies or have both versions available.

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I'd like to see some female figures in this line. 

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I appreciate the multiple heads for troop building, but my mind's eye has trouble with 2-3 zombies all having the exact same wounds. 

I'm probably over-thinking it. I do like the idea of zombie soldiers.

Metal reacted
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I agree about the zombie damage body parts, no option for a basic trooper and the same sculpt is used for both the Rapid Reconnaissance and Counter Terrorism figures. Limiting the number of damage pieces and switch out undamaged piece options for the remaining couple might raise the prices, but it would allow more potential figure purchases for army building evening the cost out. I think they don't have easily switch out pieces so we're stuck with a couple of similar looking figures. I do want these, I'm just going to limit the number I buy, most likely just one of each. Love everything else!

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I think I just notice that the pouches can be switched with different ones on each vest, that's really cool if it works. I do have a bit of an issue with the pouches not being types that support the magazines of the included weapons that come with the figure. They should look like they have UMP or AK mags in them if that's what the figure comes with.

Awesome idea of giving us a free digital download of the Operation Monster Force Declassified comic on each product page BBTS! I'll give it a read later.

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Posted by: @metal

I agree about the zombie damage body parts, no option for a basic trooper 

I wonder if they'd ever release just the basic trooper. Then you could have them battling their dead buddies or mix n match parts.


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Staying tuned. 

Metal reacted
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Not really into hordes of zombie soldiers personally.  I doubt that I'd really want to troop build this line, even though there are more than a few cool and inspired character designs, there are a couple that just seem overall bland.  If the Forgotten King had a more menacing look or something more in line with a Mummy look I might go for that, but as it stands he just seems like a well dressed Moon Knight.  Eraser seems very cool, so I'll likely just try to get a tactical version of each "traditional" monster.  The overall look and size of the Frankenstein composite character seems out of place / undersized, so I'll wait and see if they make a more "hulking" homunculus.  Hopefully they slip in some sort of aquatic monster.  I'm fine if they want to start making up other creatures or horror-based characters, but while the Caligari figure IS cool, I can't say I really want the Cthulu one.  Just cherry picking for me.  Can't really think of anything I might army build unless they did more Werewolf soldiers like Killaworg or some sort of "aquatic frogmen."

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I will be cherry picking this line as well. I don't have anything preordered yet, but am making a list of what I really want and what might be cool to get.

Army building at these higher prices is not going to happen though. If I get an army builder figure, it would likely be only a pair of them (the only recent thing I've gotten more than  4 of was the first Classified BAT).

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