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Operation Monster Force by Fresh Monkey Fiction

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I do wish these "weekly" reveals were on a consistent day

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Posted by: @jtmarsh

Halloween Boy "The Demon Who Lives"

The Phantom "The Ghost Who Walks"


I may be wrong but it sounds like a parody of The Phantom to an extent.


I wouldn't say it's a "parody", but there is definitely an homage intended from the description I read about the comic. Sounds like he is very much intended to be a pulp-style hero in the vein of Phantom, Doc Savage, and Alan Quatermain.


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Halloween Boy just shot to the top of my list.

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Two new releases today:


Apophis Legion Rapid Reconnaissance Unit:


Delta Red Nocturnal Operations Zombie Defense Load Out Accessory Set:


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More goodies up at BBTS today.  Vietnam-era stuff?  I've been wanting a boonie hat in this scale for a while to make a 'Classified' Snake-Eyes custom so that will come in handy.

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I don't think that's Vietnam era.  Just has a boonie hat.  Everything looks modern to me.

thewyldman reacted
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Ill pass on halloween boy, cool name but thats about it. i do like that new Zombie bucket hat guy, he looks like a must have for me.

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I know the zombie legions are important to the Forgotten King, but this take is just a bit messy for me. 

Between the camo uniform and face paint and the open wounds, I can't really make out any details at all. 

Is it weird to want cleaner zombies for my Apophis Legion?

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@fletch the cobra looking zombie that they showed at power con works better since it doesn't have the camo:


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Posted by: @ashtalon

I don't think that's Vietnam era.  Just has a boonie hat.  Everything looks modern to me.

Indeed.  Prigozhin was just on tv last week wearing one stating that he's in Africa and not dead.  The news described him as "wearing a sun hat."  So even the Russians have them.  I think most people just associate them with Vietnam given the camo style.  Most of the Vietnam folks wore either their helmet, their "cover" cap, or nothing at all because the helmet was heavy and would give you a headache after a while.  Some did wear boonie hat's but those are more associated with special operations at the time since wearing a ghillie suit for a sniper in Vietnam would not have been bearable for most in that heat/humidity.  So the wide brim helped to obscure/shade one's face.

As for the Zombies, I would like "cleaner" ones too, but this is going to be one of those properties where I pick and choose who's going to be on my Monster Team.  I doubt I'll buy that many bad guys, I more or less view it as a tacticool "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" mixed with the Universal Monsters.  I don't even know if the traditional looking Dracula they're selling will fit.  Would be interesting to see his head on a tactical body like Van Helsing's as if he was the leader and outfitted like the rest.


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@jtmarsh You know dracula might work if you put him on one of the Sleepwalker bodies and added a after market cape. It'd make sense that his tactical outfit would be outdated and the nazi inspired unifor wouldn't be the worst fit

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Posted by: @thewyldman

@fletch the cobra looking zombie that they showed at power con works better since it doesn't have the camo

Good spotting. I'll keep an eye out, thanks!


Posted by: @jtmarsh

I more or less view it as a tacticool "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" mixed with the Universal Monsters.  I don't even know if the traditional looking Dracula they're selling will fit.  Would be interesting to see his head on a tactical body like Van Helsing's as if he was the leader and outfitted like the rest.

Does it have to be Dracula specifically? I plan on using one of the Delta Red vampire soldiers as the vampire member of my Monster Squad and leaving Dracula himself to be a foe of Van Helsing like he should be.


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Posted by: @thewyldman

@jtmarsh You know dracula might work if you put him on one of the Sleepwalker bodies and added a after market cape. It'd make sense that his tactical outfit would be outdated and the nazi inspired unifor wouldn't be the worst fit

That's actually not a bad idea.  I'd be interested in seeing Dracula if he had his own army of bitten Nazi soldiers held over from when Germany invaded Transylvania/Wallachia during WW2.  Might be an interesting look.  I'd even considered putting Dracula's head on Caligari's body and seeing how that looks.  Definitely getting that torture slab to go with it either way.  That would have so many uses in various lines.

Posted by: @fletch

Does it have to be Dracula specifically? I plan on using one of the Delta Red vampire soldiers as the vampire member of my Monster Squad and leaving Dracula himself to be a foe of Van Helsing like he should be.

I had considered having one as the Vampire equivalent.  If the had a less generic looking head for them, or a clean shaven version of Dracula more in line with a Universal Monsters look I could probably utilize that.


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It's interesting, though not altogether surprising, to see the "chain"SAW in the Delta Red accessory pack. I actually picked up the original Gridiron version of that weapon right before they "retired": it a while ago. I assume that was in part because they knew or suspected it would get used in this line. Mine's been sitting in the hands of my Cyborg Santa ever since. I think I'll have to pick up that pack since the version of the gun I got was resin (I'm assuming these new ones will be injection molded) and only had the saw attachment and not the other two as the first Girdiron release did. And I mean, it does seem like the perfect monster hunter gun.


I think at this point I'm in for a good chunk of this line. Not complete, but Eraser, Caligari, a Delta Red, the rocket Sleepwalker, and maybe a couple of the others they've teased. i thought I might want the zombies, but I think I'm looking more at the ones Arlen Pelleter is going to release in the space suit uniforms.

Man Power Con had a lot of cool stuff this year.

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Gridiron retires a lot of things they make, I believe mostly to make them more exclusive and increase interest in their items. I was interested in the chain saw set prior to it being retired the first time and was kicking myself for missing out so, when it was available again (only for a day) I jumped on it immediately. Same would go for their SVD Dragunov rifle, I noticed they said it would retire soon and ordered one before it disappeared. So, the FOMO tactic works on me at least.

The Gridiron Operation Monster Force stuff will be injection molded plastic and not 3D printed resin. GI doesn't have the ability to produce that many items for a retail release like this.

I ordered a Delta Red set, I can always use a second chain saw with a different attachment. I'm just hoping they corrected the size of the M249 because, the Gridiron version is way too large to be in scale with Classified or Action Force. Something I've grown to accept but a corrected scale would be appreciated!

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