Caligari and some Sleepwalkers will make a nice group of villains for lots of other toy lines and heroes. Thinking particularly Hellboy.
I have the Memory Toys Warbear which is the body this line is using for Bigfoot. I really like the Warbear, so I may end up getting Bigfoot.
I do like the invisible guy and Donner Party. Not leaping to get them (yet). But they do look good.
I'm all in on this line so far. I don't know about the Bigfoot being repurposed from Warbear. I may have to see a review first about that one. The others though so far, I have two of every army builder pre-ordered with the one of the main characters. My plan is to grab a couple army builders each paycheck to max out at six for now.
So far I have order Drac and two of his henchmen vamps, Old West Frankenstein, Caligari, the Invisible Man, and jetpack werewolf
I'm skipping the Delta Red's so far. They're a neat concept to get dracula on the team, but I'd rather just have a task force of monsters led by Van Helsing
These figures looked SO good in person at PowerCon. I told Bill, the creator, I was all in on the line, and he genuinely seemed to appreciate the support. Super nice guy.
Looks like we can expect about 6 more figures to be revealed for this second series, as it stands.
These figures looked SO good in person at PowerCon. I told Bill, the creator, I was all in on the line, and he genuinely seemed to appreciate the support. Super nice guy.
Looks like we can expect about 6 more figures to be revealed for this second series, as it stands.
Yeah six more figures now and then more when wave 1 arrives.
If I had to guess:
*Blue Zombie Trooper
*Zombie Army Buy
*Ambassador of Rley
*Dr. Rand
*Black Watch Agent
*That new Delta Red Trooper
I’m hoping wave 2 has at least one Action Force homage in it. We know Goregills is coming, although I’d selfishly like Count Ironmoon to come sooner rather than later. I need some more folks to pose with that Roboskull.
@thewyldman So, if you look at the pictures from PowerCon out there, Bill told me anything that says "Fall 2023" will be series 3 and beyond.
I know Halloween Boy will be one, along with the zombie soldier. Beyond that, guess is as good as mine!
@blankslate ok that's interesting. iI've been curious about the difference between wave 2 and fall 2023 on the cards
@thewyldman So, if you look at the pictures from PowerCon out there, Bill told me anything that says "Fall 2023" will be series 3 and beyond.
I know Halloween Boy will be one, along with the zombie soldier. Beyond that, guess is as good as mine!
Went back and looked at the the PowerCon placards ane saw 4 of the remaining figures in wave 2:
- Halloween Boy
- Delta Red
- Blue Zombie
- Army Zombie
So that leaves us 2 more figures.Curious if there's something we don't know about or if there's just repaints of some of the troopers. I wouldn't be shocked if it was something new since FMF apparently has a new Halloween subline coming this fall for Naughty or Nice and apparently some new tooling non santa characters for this years normal Naughty or Nice wave.
I'm not sure if they'd do it but it'd be neat and useful if the two missing figures are just non-zombie versions of the two zombies
Is Halloween Boy a parody of someone specific? He just looks like an orange and black version of The Phantom to me.
Is Halloween Boy a parody of someone specific? He just looks like an orange and black version of The Phantom to me.
Indie comic book character:
Halloween Boy "The Demon Who Lives"
The Phantom "The Ghost Who Walks"
I may be wrong but it sounds like a parody of The Phantom to an extent.