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Operation Monster Force by Fresh Monkey Fiction

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Jumped all-in for wave three has I have for the rest of the line. Very much like the all-in option on this wave, the bonus heads are great too, even if it’s just so I don’t have a million individual items on preorder. Getting 8 emails on each one’s updated status for wave 1 was a bit much.

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Well, I did it. Pre-Ordered Halloween Boy, the Yellow Soldier and The Crimson Moon Exterminator. I hope this will satisfy my curiosity in this line, but I doubt it.

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So I could not convince myself to buy the O:MF Killoworg -  I just didn't like the execution and size somehow.   I don't know why, it just never quite worked for me.    Then I saw the NECA Werewolf from the Howling ... I think that might be more my speed?


Red Ogre and TheGillMan reacted
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Posted by: @panthercult

  I don't know why, it just never quite worked for me.

I tried telling myself that. Then I saw a multicolored soldiers and a werewolf with an alternate head of Lord Buckethead, and the impulse part of me told the rational part of me to STFU.


Red Ogre reacted
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Posted by: @spongyblue

Well, I did it. Pre-Ordered Halloween Boy, the Yellow Soldier and The Crimson Moon Exterminator. I hope this will satisfy my curiosity in this line, but I doubt it.

That's an eclectic bunch.  How'd you decide on them? 


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Posted by: @fletch

Posted by: @spongyblue

Well, I did it. Pre-Ordered Halloween Boy, the Yellow Soldier and The Crimson Moon Exterminator. I hope this will satisfy my curiosity in this line, but I doubt it.

That's an eclectic bunch.  How'd you decide on them? 


I got the yellow soldier as a mental consolidation prize since the Articulated yellow demon ninja never came to fruition. I've been wanting a yellow ninja since 1986. Halloween Boy, because his name is Halloween Boy, and the Exterminator to test how well the Crimson Moons blend in with Classified. I figured if he looks good and I get more, cool. And if he looks good, but I end up only having that one, he looks enough like a unique character instead of a lonely troop builder.

So pretty much rule of cool was involved.


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@spongyblue, I keep flip-flopping on Halloween Boy. I like the headsculpt and the premise of a Phantom-like, pulpy demon hunter, but I'm not too crazy for his basic tactical gear or existence as a separate comic property just guest appearing in Monster Force. I still have time to make up my mind.

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@fletch I already have in mind to get one of the crazy mashup weapons from Gridiron for him to use. Maybe something like this or this

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@panthercult Also probably cheaper as an army builder if you want generic werewolves

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I finally shipped my Delta Red from BBTS recently and received it yesterday. Honestly, best first impression of the various pre-order/kickstarter type lines I’ve supported. This toy is cool as hell, and I’ll definitely pick up at least one of the spy figures from the sister line. Would recommend, 10/10.


edit: one suggestion for the line is to improve the sculpt on the knee joint of future figures. Basically the knee piece is too deep and cuts into the top and bottom leg pieces too much. Make the knee cap piece more shallow and it will look less unnatural when bent.

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I have seen that some people have been having issues with the Worgs, but the 2 I have haven't had any issues yet.

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@salemcrow what issues are people reporting?  I haven't noticed anything with mine but then again I usually don't notice figure issues until someone else points them out.

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I've seen (a friend shared some screen grabs of a few posts) that some people have had the legs basically bust apart at the hips and have hands constantly fall off.

Supposedly someone emailed BBTS about it and were told they were aware pf the "massive number of issues" customers had been having.

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Oh no.  Mine is okay so far but I'm pretty much a "pose it once and leave it that way for all eternity" kind of collector so I don't usually get a lot of breakage unless it breaks right out of the package or is so bad that it just disintegrates on the shelf.

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My Kiloworg has no issues. Little more limited in the articulation department than i was expecting. But still a very impressive figure. And it continues the tradition of all of these Operation Monster Force figures having shotgun shells as an accessory but no shotgun

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