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Operation Monster Force by Fresh Monkey Fiction

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Red Ogre
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Fantastic choice of music. I hate it when people use the same garbage noise as backing for these types of videos.

Shinigami Customs
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@red_ogre thanks, man!

Boy Wonder
Attempting To Avoid The Void
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Is that a production sample on Kilowarg?! Are they actually going to land close to the estimated release date on BBTS?!

I better make sure I have my funds in order…

Looks great! Thanks for the video!

Boy Wonder
Attempting To Avoid The Void
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Is that a production sample on Kilowarg?! Are they actually going to land close to the estimated release date on BBTS?!

I better make sure I have my funds in order…

Looks great! Thanks for the video!

Shinigami Customs
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@boy_wonder that's a great question. As far as I know, they are getting ready to start shipping them from the factory. I got this one from Maestro Union directly.

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So this is only very tangentially O:MF related -  but since FMF has been leaking their Red Shadows homages into this line via the Crimson Moon sub-line I thought it was interesting that Super7 just announced that their WalMart CollectorCon exclusive for next week is G.I. Joe Ultimates Red Shadows Red Laser.


That would suggest Hasbro has licensed them to release a straight up Red Shadows figure -  which could mean those are on Hasbro's radar potentially for future release?    That would be an interesting wrinkle in FMF's business plan on some of this.


Anyway thought it was worth mentioning

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@panthercult Yeah and this isn't the first Red Shadows released by super7. THey've done a couple in Reaction as well.


I think Fresh Monkey might be backing off some of the IP infringing stuff. They mentioned in their recent AMA that there would be less "homages" in 6 inch going for and that with voyagers they were concerned the hidden might be too similar to other IP (you think?).


I kinda think BBTS might have gotten an email from Hasbro about the Crimson Moon wave....


Maybe that's why going forward with wave 3, Operation Monster Force won't technically be a Fresh Monkey line

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Interesting...  as the Crimson Moon stuff was by far my favorite stuff from O:MF that's a bit of a bummer for me - but I totally get it.    I like what Fresh Monkey Fiction is doing and I want them to be successful so I think it's fair for them to back off of Hasbro's lawn and not play those games.    You can get away with it when you're tiny... but you start to get too big and it can start to be problems.  


I'll keep my eye on F:MF's offerings -  though the paramilitary stuff is much more interesting to me personally than the monster stuff,  so I may stray more to their sister lines than this one on a go forward basis.

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@panthercult Oh I think the Crimson Moon wave is still happening. I think they just got a don't do that again email haha


Yeah it was pretty brazen to do a whole wave that was just straight up IP theft after they hid the red shadows head in wave 1 as a secret accessory. Felt like a big jump. Then again, the Red Shadows and Action Force IP is being treated as almost public domain by some companies at the moment which is odd. Like that collection of Action Force comics made no mention of Hasbro which is odd.

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Posted by: @thewyldman

Maybe that's why going forward with wave 3, Operation Monster Force won't technically be a Fresh Monkey line

That's a really clever theory.  I was a bit bummed when Bill Murphy said they were stepping behind the curtain for the line.  Absent any actual figures, what I really liked about FMF was the transparency and interaction with future fans.

Side note: in the same Facebook thread where he talked about FMF moving away from O:MF, Bill cheekily leaked the name "Amanda Seeke" as an upcoming character.  Any guesses if that's a reference to something?

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Posted by: @fletch

Side note: in the same Facebook thread where he talked about FMF moving away from O:MF, Bill cheekily leaked the name "Amanda Seeke" as an upcoming character.  Any guesses if that's a reference to something?

I only know of her evil counterpart, Ms. Hugginkiss.

Red Ogre reacted
Boy Wonder
Attempting To Avoid The Void
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Man. It’d be a shame if they got this far and we didn’t get a 6” Goregills. 

I guess we have seen them actively make some changes to not draw the ire of Hasbro. Like how the initial artwork for their Red Jackal homage was markedly more Destro inspired. 

Interesting to see Hasbro recently use some of the old Action Force stuff with Quarrel and her even featuring a Z Force logo on her suit. Wonder if they’re trying to use some of that stuff so they don’t lose it. 

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Posted by: @boy_wonder

Man. It’d be a shame if they got this far and we didn’t get a 6” Goregills.

From that same Facebook AMA, Bill said he was really interested in doing a version of the Creature from the Black Lagoon. It seemed weird at the time since goregills are right there, but possibly another sign of moving away from Red Shadow.

Boy Wonder
Attempting To Avoid The Void
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Just scrolled through that post to get caught up. I’d seen it when it was first posted but didn’t realize he’d be answering in the comments.

He did say that there wouldn’t be “many more” homages. So hopefully they at least get that one. I guess Muton would still need done too.

I know Chris who does their paint masters told me last year at Power Con that he’d “maybe” already seen a sculpt for a 6” Goregills. And I think he was in the very first initial tease for Crimson Moon. 

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Yeah... I really hope they still find a way to get Goregills done at the 6" level - even if it has to be by less obvious swaps -  they got him out in the 1/18th line - so I hope the Lagoon Creature they do has parts swappable onto a red jump suited torso to give us Goregills.


They could probably release a Muton head with some other character altogether and just let people drop it on one of the red clad soldiers  and let it work.


Anyway,  it will be interesting to see what direction they take it -  but I'm super the Crimson Moon stuff got made at least.

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