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Operation Monster Force by Fresh Monkey Fiction

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This line is just so amazingly cool. Bummer that wave one got bumped past the first of the year. But I’m just glad there is so much coming! Dracula can’t get here soon enough.

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Eraser (Invisible Man) is up for order!


Merrick Griffin is a descendant of the original Invisible Man who terrorized England in the 1800’s. Merrick and his two siblings received an inheritance from their grandmother which included a journal. Inside the journal, was the secret to biological optical translucence: invisibility. Shortly thereafter, all three siblings vanished. Arthur Griffin was found stabbed to death in the Thames - parts of his body still translucent. Sheila Griffin has never been seen since, but Merrick was apprehended by MI5 after a lengthy crime spree. He was injected with a neuro-toxin that will kill him if he doesn’t receive a weekly suppressant, allowing the government to control him. Since that time, Merrick has become the perfect assassin - the kind that you’d never know is in the room with you. His call-sign among MI6 was “The Eraser,” and the list of his kills is classified at the highest levels.

But last January, Griffin didn’t return for his weekly antidote. Months went by, and he was presumed K.I.A. Then, a rare documents dealer was killed in front of a group of clients, seemingly by an invisible assailant. Two weeks later, the same happened to a museum curator in Topkapi. It is now believed Lt. Griffin is in the employ of the Forgotten King, who has some unknown way of keeping him alive. There’s no telling where the Forgotten King will instruct him to strike next. Lt. Griffin could literally be anywhere.

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I'm definitely waffling on this line, but I can't imagine not picking up Dr. Caligari. I LOVE 'brain on a body' bad guys. I once ran an entire Mutants & Masterminds tabletop game for like.. twenty sessions or so.. just to use one of their stock supervillains because he was a brain on a power suit.

Invisible Man looks really cool too. Honestly.. most of these are really fun takes on old ideas. I just wish we got more normal suited arms for Captain Mummy Dude (can't remember his name and I will not bother to look it up). I don't know why but it just throws me for him to be jacked. Don't mind it as much on Drac, though.

I don't know. Gonna try not to go too hard on these, but I'm definitely going to end up with a few.

Niko (formerly Jead)
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Some of these figures are absolutely amazing but some miss me a lot. Dracula falls very flat, not as grandiose or victorian-esque as how he looks in the comic pages, or should be. Invisible Man I absolutely love though. Definitely need to see that with the harness instead of the vest. Frankenstein is a damn cool concept but I'm more a fan of his novel version. I hope we get some cool variants!

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@theknightdamien Forgotten King. Yeah the limit with the line seems to be the amount of tooling. The "suit" arms are being used on the Delta Reds so they don't quite look right on two very important characters.

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Dr. Caligari is the one figure I'm DEFINITELY gonna pick up from the line. Brain in jar bad guys are always REALLY cool and he can fit into many of my displays with no problem. Being a reimagined character from a classic silent horror movie helps a lot too. While it's unlikely we'll ever see a modern figure of the original character, I'll gladly take this version.

Invisible Man is another one I'm tempted by. I love the Invisible Man, he's one of my favorite stock monsters, and this militaristic reinterpretation is really slick.

Dracula is a maybe. Generally, my preferences for Drac lean a lot closer towards the classic movie interpretations like Lugosi or Lee, but there is something novel about the idea of having one that hews closer to the original book.

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This line looks so cool.  I really want to dive all in on it, but nothing I currently have would match.  Add on top of that Mythic Legions is my main line and they just keep pumping material out that I love, the budget would really be strained lol.


May still pick up some singles here and there, Dr. Caligari is great. 

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I think Eraser is the one member of this line I won't be able to pass up, with Calligari and sleepwalkers coming second. Those latter two I think would end up menacing Indiana Jones, but Eraser is just fun. A great take on an old idea.

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@samalas If you're doing Cosmic Legions, you might want to look into their voyagers line

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@protozoalord I agree on Dracula falling flat. For me, the comic art actually presents a fairly interesting look, using his coat as like a billowing cape/batwings in the imagery, but the figure fails to capture that and just looks "generic vampire guy" to me.

Also agreed on everyone saying that Dr Caligari is a can't miss. That figure in concept is awesome and from what they've been showing, they've captured the concept compellingly in figure form, unlike Drac. So far Dr Caligari is looking to be my only pickup from the line.

Flexion Dynamo
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Classic Monsters and Wild Wild West do nothing for me. Ancient stuff, military troops builders and sci fi, I'm there.

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@flexion-dynamo, I think it's the mash-up that wins me over. Yes classic monster, but in tactical gear. Yes cowboy, but space cowboy.

It really works on me.

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Have not had any interest whatsoever in this line until I saw the Eraser figure.  I don't know or care about his background, and initially I thought it was a Mummy, but I think I'll be getting this figure as I love putting out specifically spooky figures around Halloween alone.  I wish the rest of this line was more similar to this.  The Van Helsing figure looks alright but a bit bland.  Maybe if he was in a tactical "Air Cavalry" hat or something to seem more like the historical counterpart, as the crossbow alone doesn't seem to do it for me.  But this Eraser figure is harder and harder to ignore.  I also love that it has his nationality patch on it, like it's an international force cobbled together.  If they had a more tactical vampire with a dragon-like flag, like it was one from medieval Wallacia rather than a modern flag, I'd probably snatch that up as my Vlad Tepes / Dracula stand in.  If they made a more "Hulked out" looking tactical Frankenstein and feral looking Wolfman similar to Fury Toys Veteran William I'd be all over those as well.


**Edit:  Apparently there's a giant feral Wolfman called a Killaworg who looks like Veteran William, so I'll probably get that.  However I would still like a sizable tactical Frankie.  The Sasquatch figure is a noble endeavor, but I don't feel like he totally fits given that it's literally just a Sasquatch with a mini gun.  But it's well sculpted.

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Classic monsters meets Western.....sign me up. the people who dont like this line is cause they done like either classic monsters or western.

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Posted by: @Anonymous

Classic monsters meets Western.....sign me up. the people who dont like this line is cause they done like either classic monsters or western.


Most of the other figures aren't western. Mostly military or monster.


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