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New York Toy Fair 2023

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Definitely looking forward to any NECA D&D reveals. 

Also, is NECA's King Features line still a thing? I was really hoping we'd get more pulp characters like the Shadow or Doc Savage.

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Okay, now this is getting bonkers. 

They've just announced the dates for Toy Fair leading into 2028, and ladies and gents, hold on to your butts. 

There will be NO Toy Fair next year. That's right, we are back to just SDCC and NYCC next year. 

The next Toy Fair is going to be in 2025--March 1st. 

See, they're moving Toy Fair back into the winter. Okay, perfectly fine with this. 


Toy Fair, starting in 2026, will be taking place in New Orleans. And all Toy Fairs from here forth will be in January. 

What? Toy Fair NOT in February? And NOT In NYC???

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I’ve heard some years it’s been bitter winter weather so I’m sure those attending won’t miss that. A milder climate for the winter seems like a good move. Bit more for a travel for groups like Hasbro, NECA, and the 4H but I suppose if they can get to SDCC then New Orleans won’t be much different.

The changes seem good. The timing this year has been bad with really only NECA showing a decent amount of new items.

blankslate reacted
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@buttmunch And even then, Randy said he's held things back for NYCC. You're right, this year is wonky.

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 Awesome. I live in Louisiana so that’s great news about New Orleans hosting Toy Fair. I’m sure Sales Reps and Toy Manufacturers will enjoy Cajun and Creole Cuisine and the timing of Toy Fair will coincide greatly with all our Mardi Gras Festivities!

blankslate reacted
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New Orleans is interesting. Yesterday I was reading an article that there was a big push to have Toyfair moved to California, since a lot of Toy Manufacturers are based there, or have office space there. Some pretty big names, like Mattel, where heavily endorsing a move to California.

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It seems obvious that the industry wasn't too high on having the event at this time of year, hence the no-go for 2024. Moving it makes sense too and if they can sell it as a touring event like the NFL Draft (obviously not on the the same level in terms of popularity, but you get the idea) then that might help keep interest up. February in the northeast US was always a rough time of year as you never know what the weather is going to do and how that will impact flights (of course, this year they got nailed by floods so I guess there's no perfect time) getting in and out. And it wouldn't make sense to have a 2024 Toy Fair in the first quarter after just having the event now. Still, here's hoping some event pops up in the spring or something to at least partially fill the void. This past winter kind of sucked not having a Toy Fair to look forward to.

blankslate reacted
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 Is Toy Fair opened to the general public? I’m not really sure if it is or not I may have to pull a few strings where I work but I think I can manage it. 

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Nope, gotta be industry-related or publicist.  My buddy Dan was attached to the Imperial Shipyards group.

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@adrienveidt I work in Broadcasting so I might be able to call in a favor! Lol I just wouldn’t be able to claim anything for expenses but I would definitely help out for free just for the chance.

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Well, with no event next year you have time to start a YouTube channel and get a press pass that way!

adrienveidt reacted
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Posted by: @misfit

Well, with no event next year you have time to start a YouTube channel and get a press pass that way!


I had a toy review blog a few years ago, and getting accepted as press for NYTF wasn't too hard. I just wasn't able to go that year, and the blog soon died, so that particular avenue dried up as well.

All you need to show is that you regularly review toys/collectibles and cover news related to the topic.


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@salemcrow I've often wondered what the criteria is to get a pass. Some YouTube channels I've stumbled upon are fairly small. I assumed they had a subscriber count criteria, but perhaps not. They want press, so I would assume they want to issue as many badges as they can.

TheSameIdiot reacted
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Toy Fair ... longer in New Orleans.

Still skipping next year, but some event instead next Fall in Los Angeles. But back to February in 2026, staying in New York City the whole time.

Listen, Jeremy Padawer is on the board that makes these decisions, if that gives you any idea. 

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Posted by: @blankslate

Toy Fair ... longer in New Orleans.

Still skipping next year, but some event instead next Fall in Los Angeles. But back to February in 2026, staying in New York City the whole time.

Listen, Jeremy Padawer is on the board that makes these decisions, if that gives you any idea. 

Super rare chase edition of Toy Fair confirmed.


blankslate reacted
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