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New Kickstarter: MONSTORS

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They look pretty fun to me!

May be an image of toy and text


Doc Baghead reacted
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Gotta respect a name like Sham-Moo-Moo.

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I dig both snake designs and Sham-moo-moo. Good stuff. I think if they were modern articulation they'd be really hard to pass up. With classic 80s-90s articulation I'm more on the fence. Maybe... maybe...

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I feel like the names of the characters need work to be more besides the whale one.  I like the coloring of the whale, but would rather have a shark in that coloring.  I'd like the shark one if it had a different head that didn't look so ditzy.  The cobra is well done getting all the shoulders and such in under that fanned out hood and I like the cartoony freakish TMNT aesthetic of these.  Overall I dunno that I'm in love with them, and no elbow articulation for $55.  I do like the spider throwing gang signs though as an accessory and found that quite amusing.

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I took another look at these in the cold late of day and ... I'm still in.  It seems like original characters/figures like this are more exciting to me than the licensed stuff these days.  Maybe it just "seems" though. 🙂

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Posted by: @spongyblue

Gotta respect a name like Sham-Moo-Moo.

It’s right up there with Sha-na-na.



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Love the colors of whale boy. Gives me some wicked Shark Bites fruit snack vibes. Probably not in on them though as I don't really have a place in my collection for them. Seems like they'd go well with an old school Street Sharks display (or even the updated ones). The no elbows makes me think of that old Trolls toyline that tried very hard to make Trolls into something boys would be interested in.

Good grief. Admin
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Cool designs and great colors. Very perky.

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Some other designs.  They've mentioned having stretch goals that will be revealed, but it kinda seems to me like whole new figures might be a future thing rather than a part of this campaign.

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It's a shame the arms aren't swappable, as I like the Hammerhead but not the crab arm.  Not sure what his toes are supposed to be?  Lizard?  Bird?  Dinosaur?  Part of me wants to get at least one, the other part is saying "Why don't you just get one of the Fury Toys Sharks or Street Sharks," and that's not a mutated rabbit-hole I'm wanting to go down.

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You mean swappable on demand, like if you only want one figure and want to choose a different piece?  Because the pieces ARE swappable if that's not what you mean.  It's one of the features of the line.

Of course, you'd end up swapping it with something that probably had a different color scheme...

EDIT: Ah, maybe you mean swappable as in each figure comes with alternate arms, eh?  For both looks.

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Posted by: @cmoney

Of course, you'd end up swapping it with something that probably had a different color scheme...

They have a color swap of Sting Cobra and ShamMooMoo probably for this very reason.

Also, not that they’ve said it’s part of their plan, but it would be a great way to extend the mileage of older molds to offer color swaps with new characters. Like when BearZerker drops offer a Purple/Magenta version of the wave 1 figures. That way if someone is taken by BearZerker they can give him a claw or hooves without painting, AND someone who only likes one sculpt (me! Love that Scropion-Snake! Gimme all dem repaints!) can army build them in lots of colors!

I hope Big Bad picks this line up, I know they say they’ve been in the industry for 20 years and David Silva is showing them support… but I’ve worked in a Pharmacy for almost as long and I wouldn’t trust myself to manufacture Tylenol that didn’t instantly kill people, I’d feel better about dropping at least $300 on this if there was a little more of a safety net until they prove they can manufacture and ship a quality product. (I did the same thing with Plunderlings, AWoK, and Brutal Realms, I’m not targeting MonstOrs, just keeping to My own Kickstarter rules!)


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Posted by: @doc-baghead

Posted by: @cmoney

Of course, you'd end up swapping it with something that probably had a different color scheme...

I hope Big Bad picks this line up,

I'm pretty sure I read a comment from the creator in either the comments section or in reply to one of the updates saying that they're at least talking to BBTS about it.  They do seem to carry everything else...


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And now BBTS is offering these for pre-order:

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Ordered all three non-glowing snakes off Big Bad. Will decide later if I want to pledge directly for the exclusives and if I want to go back to Big Bad for any Sha-Moo-Moos

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