@normdapito Thanks for mentioning the other image he shared. I found it on Instagram. Bummer, Bert is way too tall, which is pretty disappointing. I'll still get them and see if I can display them in a way to hide the difference in scale.
@normdapito I think scale is going to fluctuate from figure to figure. Also, puppet sizes changed over the years. TMS Piggy was smaller than MTM Piggy. And I think the model Piggy is a smaller puppet again.
In Muppet Family Christmas Bert was huge compared to Gonzo. And Gonzo himself has varied greatly in size from his debut to now.
And of course, heights vary widely from what they would actually be depending on how high the puppeteer holds the characters.
They also would also play with camera lenses/depth of field to make things seem smaller/farther away than they actually are, to create depth in tight spaces. Lots of weird scaling. I'd like to see all the puppets put down side by side, out of curiosity.
Even in the above Muppets Family Christmas picture above, Fozzy is dwarfed by Piggy, because they wanted to raise up Kermit and Piggy so they'd dominate the shot. Kermit is certainly shorter.
I think both are maybe a smidge tall/big, but I really like the likenesses. Muppet height seems hard to estimate given they mostly are only shot from the waist up...
But if I end up with the Street gang on one side and the Muppet gang on the other side, I doubt it will be noticeable - to me I need to see them with Kermit to truly judge but my initial reaction falls under "close enough".
Veebs posted on Instagram yesterday that he'll soon be posting his reviews of the 4 upcoming figures. At least, that's how I interpreted his post. Someone commented with a guess that the 4th figure is Oscar, and Veebs responded with "hmmm". So, maybe Oscar? We should find out soon!
@bills-all-day I genuinely thought this was a picture of the puppets for a second.
As for the 4th figure, my money is on Oscar as well. He is an easy repaint for an SDCC exclusive.
An interview was posted today.
Seems to be a lot of talk about what we already know and have seen or just flat out speculation and wish listing. There are some highlights.
Bert's unibrow can swap between head sculpts so Bert actually has 4 potential expressions. His hair is also removable for potential future accessories.
Count seems to be getting shipped to the NECA warehouse with Bert and Ernie even though it has not be solicited for oreorder. It may come out soon after Bert and Ernie.
Sounds like they have already started development on Big Bird as Trevor already had an idea if size for the figure and packaging.
They pretty much mentioned every possible character for a future figure. The line us only limited by hiw well it sells.
There is already talk of doing multiple versions of characters in different outfits from iconic skits. If the line does well, I would expect a TMNT level of variants.
They are planning to give some figures hinged jaws if it doesn't mess with the sculpt.
New reveals are expected to be shown at Toy Fair.
A gray scale trash can was shown towards the end. Obviously Oscar's, but Oscar himself was not shown. Seems Oscar is the 4th figure after Count.
@mwoo Thanks for letting us know about the interview!
I'm excited to hear that the line will focus primarily on characters and looks from the late 70s to 80s, since that's the era I watched as a kid. I'm also excited to hear some of the characters name dropped during the interview, like Biff and Sully and Mr. Johnson. If they eventually make him, I hope Mr. Johnson comes with a hat to be Soundman Simon, who is prominent in the group shots at the end of A Muppet Family Christmas.
Thank you both for the updates! I can't make it through those interviews, so I appreciate the recap. I'm real excited about Oscar and Big Bird (and Mr Johnson if we get Grover). I'm not saying I wouldn't buy more characters, but if we also got Cookie Monster and Grover I could consider it a complete collection. After them, I would really want the two headed monster.
Two-headed Monster is a biggie for me too. Count, Oscar, Cookie Monster, Grover, Big Bird, Snuffy, Barkley, are all necessary for me. Guy Smiley, Mr Johnson, Forgetful Jones, Don Music, Prairie Dawn, Herry, Telly, Biff and Sully, Yip Yip aliens, would be definite buys if they were made. Honestly, I'll be all in on a Sesame Street line.
@normdapito I'd most likely get all of those, but I don't need them all. I had no idea who Biff and Sully were until I looked them up. I completely forgot those guys existed.
I'm in for Bert, Ernie, Count, Oscar, Cookie Monster, Grover, Big Bird, Guy Smiley, Mr Johnson, 2 Headed Monster, Betty Lou, Roosevelt Franklin, & Yip Yip aliens. I'd want Snuffy but the size terrifies me.
I am only getting Grover... I am only getting Grover... I am only getting Grover... I am only getting Grover ....
(my hope is that if I just keep saying that, it will be true)
@normdapito Great list. Sherlock Hemlock and some Honkers are also on my wishlist. I'm torn if I want to get all the figures released or just focus on the characters who appear in A Muppet Family Christmas, which would eliminate Barkley and Snuffy but not many others.
@bills-all-day man, there’s always someone I forget. Sherlock Hemlock and the Honkers would definitely be welcome additions. Weren’t there also Dingers along with the Honkers?