@justice I probably mean Betty Lou. Blonde with braids? It's not easy remembering all of these names.
Grover is the absolute, hands down must have for my household... I'm hoping I could hold the line there.
Not sure I could resist a Snuffleupagus though... but it's a slippery slope. If I got Snuffy, could I really not get a Big Bird? And could Cookie and Oscar then be left out...?
And man did I end up watching a lot of more recent Street when my son was a pup - I'm good never seeing another Elmo anything ever again - and I could probably resist Abby Cadabby by herself, but if they did her Flying Fairy School chums - Gonnigan and Blog... I might cave for the three of those. Sigh.
@casimir I think Betty Lou is Prairie Dawn's seldom seen twin. They are pretty much interchangeable, and sometimes are mixed up in books, except Betty Lou has braids.
I plan on getting every figure for Sesame Street Muppets made before 1990. I'd love if they make all the SS characters from A Muppet Family Christmas.
What are the chances we get a Kathleen the Cow in this line?
@bills-all-day Having interned on the Street back in the 90s, I can say with confidence that both Prairie Dawn and Betty Lou would take offense at being called interchangeable! 😉
The Muppet Wiki is a good source of information, they list all the Muppets and when they were introduced (and human characters). Sesame Street character debuts | Muppet Wiki | Fandom
Reminded me we need a Little Bird pack in.
Pretty much every Muppet I would be interested in would be from the first 5 seasons it seems.
There aren't a lot of Sesame Street characters I would really want action figures of. Bert and Ernie look really good, but are easy passes for me. That said, if they make Grover, I'll more than likely buy him. I don't remember seeing him a lot in the show growing up, but one of my absolute favorite books from back then was "The Monster At The End Of This Book".
Also, it's nice to see I'm far from the only one who would be interested in Grover.
Grover is my favorite Muppet. Not just Street Muppet. Any Muppet! I have a LOT of Grover stuff!
Grover was the funniest, and maybe the cutest til Elmo started hogging the spotlight. Grover had so many roles - the waiter, Super Grover.. I have the Palisades Super Grover but was always very worried about moving it at the joints because he was so fragile with those wire arms. Hope NECA can do something more sturdy, and include parts for his different roles.
Off the top of my head I want:
Bert & Ernie (preordered)
The Count
Cookie Monster
Oscar the Grouch
Big Bird
Snuffy (if at all possible)
Those were my favorites growing up. After that it's based how the figures look.
@salemcrow Sorta the same. I would probably want the Yip Yips Martians, Roosevelt Franklin and the blue Muppet that has the fly in his soup.
Do y'all think we'll see Count's wave mate at NYCC next week? My guess is it's Cookie Monster, and he will be on display.
Cookie Monster for sure. I think Big Bird has to be coming early too. I know not a lot of people here have talked about him, but I do hope we don't have to wait long for Elmo.