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NECA Ultimates Sesame Street

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Posted by: @normdapito

My big wants include Oscar, Cookie Monster, Grover, Two-Headed Monster, Telly, Harry, Guy Smiley, Forgetful Jones, Prairie Dawn, Don Music, the guy Grover waits on at the restaurant (was he the same guy who could do sound effects from his mouth?)

That's a similar list to mine. I'll add Big Bird, Sherlock Hemlock, Biff and Sully, Elmo, and Mr. Johnson (the restaurant patron). I could see the line going at least 16 figures deep and actually getting to most of these characters!

To answer your question, Mr. Johnson is the same puppet as Soundman Simon (the whatnot puppet style is called 'fat blue') but I don't think they are supposed to be the same character. Maybe an easy variant option for NECA, to satisfy all the fat blue fans out there. I'd buy both. One has a hat.


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Posted by: @captaincracker

@normdapito No Big Bird?

I’m not really sure why I overlooked one of the most obvious wants. I guess I was just thinking of regular sized Muppets. Big Bird and Snuffalupagus are pipe dreams. To scale with Palisades, they’d be humongous.


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Would Big Bird be any bigger than the Sweetums Palisades made? Little taller but not really more mass. Snuffleupagus however.

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Posted by: @normdapito

...the guy Grover waits on at the restaurant...

That muppet is Mr Johnson, although not sure he had that name until later. (Sorry, responded before I saw this was already answered)


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An in-scale Big Bird seems like it would totally sell, even at a higher price point, I would think. One of the most recognizable pop-culture characters of the last 55 years, in a really well-done figure form? He would be the centerpiece of this line. 

Snuffy might be a harder sell at the price he might need to be sold at, but not if NECA brought him out after BB.

Good grief. Admin
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Most of my Sesame Street watching would have been in the late 70s and maybe a little in the early 80s, so I'm in for the main earlier ones like Bert and Ernie, Grover, Cookie Monster, Oscar the Grouch and so forth. I remember not liking when the real live people were on screen, taking up time that could have gone to the Muppets. Especially the kids. I don't think I cared much about the Muppets that were actually supposed to be kids either. So mainly I'm in for the adult Muppets.

TheGillMan reacted
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I was making a list of all the characters I'd pick up, and then I realized - you know what? I think I'm all in. So long as there's $ in my wallet. I actually prefer a lot of the Sesame St. characters designs to the ones in the Muppets. I also love the wide array of misc monsters and creatures they have. 

Boss Fight looks to have done a good job with the Fraggles, but I really wish NECA had picked them up, too, after seeing these guys, and also hearing about the QC problems with Wave 1. I wouldn't mind a Palisades scale Muppet re-launch. Diamond's are good, but I want all of these guys to inhabit the same world. 


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Posted by: @fac

An in-scale Big Bird seems like it would totally sell, even at a higher price point, I would think. One of the most recognizable pop-culture characters of the last 55 years, in a really well-done figure form? He would be the centerpiece of this line. 

Snuffy might be a harder sell at the price he might need to be sold at, but not if NECA brought him out after BB.

If going by Palisades scale, Bird would be taller than Sweetums. Snuffy would be twice the size of Sweetums, since he’s portrayed by two adults. 


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Posted by: @normdapito

Posted by: @fac

An in-scale Big Bird seems like it would totally sell, even at a higher price point, I would think. One of the most recognizable pop-culture characters of the last 55 years, in a really well-done figure form? He would be the centerpiece of this line. 

Snuffy might be a harder sell at the price he might need to be sold at, but not if NECA brought him out after BB.

If going by Palisades scale, Bird would be taller than Sweetums. Snuffy would be twice the size of Sweetums, since he’s portrayed by two adults.  

Big Bird is listed at 8 feet, 2 inches while Sweetums is listed at 9 feet.  What about Palisades scale would make Big Bird taller? 

Snuffy is almost as tall as Bird Bird (8 feet) and 15 feet long, so yeah, he's got a lot more bulk.   I wonder how he would compare in size to the NECA Krampus figures?  I'm sure if the Sesame Street line does well enough, NECA will figure out how to release him.


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Posted by: @scottg10

Posted by: @normdapito

Posted by: @fac

An in-scale Big Bird seems like it would totally sell, even at a higher price point, I would think. One of the most recognizable pop-culture characters of the last 55 years, in a really well-done figure form? He would be the centerpiece of this line. 

Snuffy might be a harder sell at the price he might need to be sold at, but not if NECA brought him out after BB.

If going by Palisades scale, Bird would be taller than Sweetums. Snuffy would be twice the size of Sweetums, since he’s portrayed by two adults.  

Big Bird is listed at 8 feet, 2 inches while Sweetums is listed at 9 feet.  What about Palisades scale would make Big Bird taller? 

Snuffy is almost as tall as Bird Bird (8 feet) and 15 feet long, so yeah, he's got a lot more bulk.   I wonder how he would compare in size to the NECA Krampus figures?  I'm sure if the Sesame Street line does well enough, NECA will figure out how to release him.


I’m estimating Bird’s size based on a man in a suit with his arm raised above his head to operate Bird’s mouth. Maybe Sweetums’ head makes up that height and exceeds it?


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Posted by: @normdapito

I’m estimating Bird’s size based on a man in a suit with his arm raised above his head to operate Bird’s mouth.

What sort of nonsense is this? You make it sound like Big Bird isn't a real bird...

Anyway, I would say that BB should be about twice the height of Bert. If the initial figures sell, I would be shocked if we don't get BB - if NECA can sell Bert, Ernie and Cookie at $Y, then I am sure they can sell BB at 2x $Y. I am less sure they can sell Snuffy at 3x or 4x $Y.


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Posted by: @hopethisworks

I was making a list of all the characters I'd pick up, and then I realized - you know what? I think I'm all in. So long as there's $ in my wallet. I actually prefer a lot of the Sesame St. characters designs to the ones in the Muppets. I also love the wide array of misc monsters and creatures they have. 

Boss Fight looks to have done a good job with the Fraggles, but I really wish NECA had picked them up, too, after seeing these guys, and also hearing about the QC problems with Wave 1. I wouldn't mind a Palisades scale Muppet re-launch. Diamond's are good, but I want all of these guys to inhabit the same world. 

I am all in on classic Sesame Street Muppets, but I would have to see about figures for characters that debuted after the 90s. One classic charact I forgot is Gladys the Cow. I would definitely get a Gladys figure.

I am thrilled we will have matching figures for the three properties. I hope BFS is able to make the five classic Fraggles and NECA gets deep into classic Sesame Street. I have more confidence in NECA. Wave 3 of BFS Fraggles with a classic Mokey seems 50/50 chance at this point. It would also be cool to get some updates to the Palisades line, but I don't really want to be tempted to buy a whole new set of Muppet figures in this scale. Though, I would definitely be interested in getting updated figures of Kermit, Miss Piggy, Rowlf, and Scooter.


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@bills-all-day I'm torn on seeing NECA tackle The Muppets. As you pointed out, there are several characters that really need to be updated. However, there are others that would be hard to top.

Palisades best muppets seem to be the more obscure ones because they did them later in the line. NECA could probably do an amazing Piggy, but I doubt they could do a better Pops.  

I also wonder if NECA could do Muppet figures while DST is also doing them. We have seen other licenses do the same license in different scales and NECA us going the Palisades route of doing their own scale.  Conversely, I wonder if DST could don1:10 scale Sesame Street figure. 

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Posted by: @fac

Posted by: @normdapito

I’m estimating Bird’s size based on a man in a suit with his arm raised above his head to operate Bird’s mouth.

What sort of nonsense is this? You make it sound like Big Bird isn't a real bird...

Sidebar: Back in the 90s I interned on the set of Sesame Street as a Muppet Wrangler. Big Bird's feathers were glued on with hot glue. Over time, the feathers would fall off. People tended to pick them up and want to keep them as souvenirs. But we were constantly reminding people to please return any found feathers, as those suckers won't grow back!

Carry on....


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@casimir Congrats on having the coolest job anyone on this board has ever held!

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