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NECA Ultimates Sesame Street

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Posted by: @salemcrow

In Pixel Dan's walk through with Blaine, Blaine mentioned they're trying to release them as pairs that make sense, so we can all speculate who would be a good fit to be Count's "wave" mate.

I think Cookie Monster or Oscar with the Count. If Bert and Ernie are supposed to be out by Christmas, I wonder when they'll go up for pre-order. It has to be pretty soon, right?

It sounded like they have started work on at least the next few waves. What do folks think will be NECA's release schedule for this line? 2-3 waves a year? More than that? Considering how many figures I want them to make, I hope it's about 6 figures a year.


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Posted by: @bills-all-day

Posted by: @salemcrow

In Pixel Dan's walk through with Blaine, Blaine mentioned they're trying to release them as pairs that make sense, so we can all speculate who would be a good fit to be Count's "wave" mate.

I think Cookie Monster or Oscar with the Count. If Bert and Ernie are supposed to be out by Christmas, I wonder when they'll go up for pre-order. It has to be pretty soon, right?

It sounded like they have started work on at least the next few waves. What do folks think will be NECA's release schedule for this line? 2-3 waves a year? More than that? Considering how many figures I want them to make, I hope it's about 6 figures a year.



I have no idea who Count's "wave mate" could be.


I am hoping they do current characters, Elmo and Abby, or Elmo and Zoe could be wave mates. 

Cookie Monster and Gonger would be a pair.

Big Bird and Snuffy.... but that feels like a long shot. Honestly Big Bird and Elmo might be how they go.

Heck it could be Abby and Rudy, though I am not sure if they'd do a Rudy figure. 

I really, really hope we get Julia though. Still no idea who her wave mate could be.


Honestly thinking about it and pulling up a list of Sesame Street characters, which characters feel like a pair? Aside from Ernie and Bert, then Big Bird and Snuffy? You could argue Elmo and whichever main girl at the time (Rosita, Zoey, or Abby) but that is stretching it. Nobody else really feels that partnered up imo. Not that they have to. I will take anyone they put out. Perfect scale, perfect license, great looking figures. 


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I don't see a lot of natural pairs, lots of the Muppets seemed to be in their own skits I feel, other than Bert and Ernie. Oscar interacted the most with Big Bird, and Big Bird with Snuffy, but I assume BB and Snuffy will be deluxe releases.

From the early days, Cookie, Count, Oscar and Grover are no brainers, with Guy Smiley almost a no brainer. Curious if Kermit falls into the license.

The question is do they go deeper with characters like Lefty the Salesman, Sherlock Hemlock, Mr Johnson, Roosevelt Franklin, Betty Lou, Prairie Dawn. Mr. Johnson with Grover would be a good pairing but nothing else really jumps out at me.

I am less well versed in the later years, but Elmo, Zoe, two-Headed Monster, Barkley, Telly, Baby Bear, Rosita seem like options.

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If these do end up being 2 packs, I really hope they don't pair classic characters with newer ones.  I'd hate to be stuck with Abby to get Oscar.  Actually, I kind of hate everything about these coming in pairs, but I'm holding out hope that it's just a rumor.

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Posted by: @captaincracker

If these do end up being 2 packs, I really hope they don't pair classic characters with newer ones.  I'd hate to be stuck with Abby to get Oscar.  Actually, I kind of hate everything about these coming in pairs, but I'm holding out hope that it's just a rumor.


I interpreted it as "there will be pairs per wave" like Ernie and Bert will be separate, but will both be in a wave so you can choose to get both or just one. I could be wrong but that is how I took the quote. 


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@eiczerofour That's also my understanding of how they'll be released, a wave of two figures packed individually. Though, I could be mistaken.

I wonder if they'll focus on a particular era or make characters across the years. As has previously been said, I think there are several characters that have been common throughout the years and are locks for figures; Oscar, Cookie Monster, Big Bird, Grover, and Elmo. Will those be the first few waves or will they be spread over multiple waves? I could see them doing waves of one classic character and one from the last 20 years. Or, I could see them focusing more on classic characters from the 80s for now. 

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From Blaine's walk through with Pixel Dan, it seems like it's just waves of 2 figures, that sort of make sense together as much as possible. It sounds from the video, to me at least, that they're focusing on the classic era first, but if it does well and lasts long enough, they could add more modern characters.

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My first word ever was "cookie," but not because I'd ever eaten any...

I'm gonna NEED that figure, please. Especially since Palisades never got to him (I still have their only offering, though, Super Grover).

Also, "Blue Bird of Happiness" Big Bird would be a great SDCC/NYCC exclusive. Make the packaging the cage, have the swing inside.

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@tenime the guy who plays Cookie Monster these days is so funny. All the stuff he's done outside the Sesame Street umbrella is really good and fun.

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@tenime Could use an orange Oscar the Grouch as well as an easy repaint.

TENIME and scottg10 reacted
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I don't think characters need to have any specific link with their wavemate.   They're all Sesame Street characters.  Nuff said. 

NECA has also released waves of two characters in other properties, like their Dungeons & Dragons line.  They don't ship together in a case, but they're timed to be out around the same time, hence they're a wave.

TheGillMan reacted
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That's great to hear they should be singles.  I just assumed it meant they would be 2 packs like with TMNT.

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Posted by: @fac

@tenime Could use an orange Oscar the Grouch as well as an easy repaint.

I second this.  NECA has no problem doing repaints, and they won't make it a chase like Super 7's orange Oscar.  Maybe an exclusive, but I'll take that over a blind boxed chase.


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My big wants include Oscar, Cookie Monster, Grover, Two-Headed Monster, Telly, Harry, Guy Smiley, Forgetful Jones, Prairie Dawn, Don Music, the guy Grover waits on at the restaurant (was he the same guy who could do sound effects from his mouth?)

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@normdapito No Big Bird?

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