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NECA Toony Terrors

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Like this: 

The figure's face itself isn't all that recognizable as JN, but the toony portrait on the label is exactly what a Toony Terror would look like, so how is that okay?

The aforementioned 5 Star:

That's WAY more Nicholson than the Soda images or a NTT would be.

And then these are much much further, so I can see how they got away with these (though, like Josh said about the Tom Cruise Pops...)

Just to get them all in one place lol:

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@joshsquash729 Quack Nicholson?!?! 😆 I don’t know why that hit me just right, I’m dying!… I’m just stupid enough that pun might make me buy this guy.

@tenime the soda uh, can(?) art kinda looks like Joaquin Phoenix to me (appropriate I guess) I can see how it got by, but that 5 Star though is just an anime baby version of baby Jack Nicholson from his Roger Coreman days, that’s just his face, HOW?!

I’m wondering if ol’ half-truth Randy was told their sculpts for Jack and Wendy were too close to actors and rather than change them just a little took their ball and went home so no one was happy…. Cuz I’d be perfectly happy with a Toony Jack that looked like Joaquin Phoenix over no Toony Jack at all.

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It might just be as simple as Funko has better lawyers. Or NECA is more cautious about this stuff (maybe they got burned in the past) and actually reached out to Jack’s reps and got shot down which basically kills it. Funko may have just said “Screw it, let’s see if they come after us,” and got away with it.

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Welp, I've always wanted to learn 3-D modeling, and half my friends have 3-D printers of varying levels & materials (or all printers can use the different spools? resin vs PLA, etc.), and this figure style is simple & angular & limited articulation (& flat paint jobs) enough that I might as well set a goal of filling in some holes......

First up, a full-frontal Angela Baker! 🤣 


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@tenime I'd LOVE to get an Angela from Sleepaway Camp! I've met Felissa Rose numerous times and she is a sweetheart! Absolutely adore that woman!

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@tenime I fully support your efforts to learn three-dee modeling to make more Toony Terrors.

I’m kind of surprised custom Toonies aren’t a thing already because of their simple style and limit parts and paint. I mean, I can understand not wanting to spend time sculpting, printing, cleaning, and painting say Candyman or Predator when NECA could make one in the next wave, but there’s so many characters NECA can’t make for various reasons (the Creeper, big reveal Angela, Jack Nicholson), are too low rent (Leprechaun, Wishmaster), aren’t technically horror and probably not big enough to justify a “Classics” (Jareth, Lord of Darkness), aren’t the main characters so NECA won’t touch them (other Cenobites, Kelly and Pablo, Chop Top and Grandpa), currently off limits (other looks for Jason, other forms for Freddy), or licensed by other companies (Pumpkinhead, I kinda get the feeling it’s why no Scooby Doo toonies too)

There’s a lot of potential for fan expansion in the toony sector like how Mythic Legions fans are drowning in custom heads and torsos.

I’ve also considered learning three-dee sculpting, so if you find any good tips or toots on using Blender please share them here!

More on Topic:

I got my Vincent Price from Big Bad yesterday and I had been saving a Doctor Strange cape (from one of the first movie figures I long since retired from my shelf) to put on him, say “Look! It’s Vincent Van Ghoul!” Laugh and then take off, but it actually fits him SUPER well, the clasp line up with lapels like it was made for him like he’s “what if the 70’s Doctor Strange movie had an actual budget”

The Scarecrow Guy
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Posted by: @doc-baghead

(I kinda get the feeling it’s why no Scooby Doo toonies too)

I had never thought about it, but now you have me lamenting the fact that there aren't better Scooby toys out there right now. I was looking it up recently, and I think the biggest/widest rep are those Handmade By Robot vinyl figures, which are kinda just a step above Funko Pops. Ever since Funko dipped their toes into the NFT Market, the last wave of Scooby Pops were released as such, and they had famous Scooby villains like Charlie the Robot, Redbeard, etc. The action figures that were released some years back in 2 packs with members of the Mystery Gang were nice, but it was a pretty small selection. And there's been very little since, except the recent Mezco 5 POA Haunted House set, which is nice, but again- only a couple villains.

But NECA? Man, they could KILL a Scooby line of Toony Terrors. Gimme Captain Cutler, gimme Spooky Space Kook, gimme the Green Ghosts, the Tar Monster, etc. Maybe they think they're a bit too "kiddy"? I don't know. Maybe now that they're branching out to Toony Classics, there's more a chance, but Scooby is a unique thing that could essentially fit in either category.

The fact that there's really no good Scooby rep out there right now for actual action figures seems wrong. Again, there's the Handmade by Robots figures, which have covered a pretty good swath so far- even Vincent van Ghoul, but they're plastic plush dolls, essentially. Not with "realistic" proportions or articulation. Scooby may not be a money machine like Star Wars, but if done right, you definitely have the cross-generation appeal. Especially for those of us who grew up watching re-runs of all the old cartoons- it was my gateway into horror, and still plays a huge part in my life of spooky stuff.

Ah, heck. Now I wanna scour ebay for Scooby toys. I know it's not hard to get them, per se, but there's a lot of classic villains missing from the old kids' line, so whatever collection I accrue would forever be incomplete.


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Sh**, man, I'd even do heroes like Ash (Kelly & Pablo) to go with the "Terrors." The Scooby Gang. The Buffy Scooby Gang? Ripley? Dutch? Sam & Dean Winchester? (I have the QmX little toony statue PVCs, but they're too small.) Heck, one of my friends even has a 3D scanner, so I can scan Jigsaw, shrink the body a bit (but keep the pig head the same size), and have Amanda (she had the red robe when she grabbed Adam from his apartment)!

I really wish they weren't facing the same direction, lol. It's always made display awkward.

So, I always knew The Misfits used an old movie character for their "Fiend," but never did any further research into it after that, until the red version hit pegs, and my friend was like "I don't like the band, but I want that repaint for the Crimson Ghost movie they got it from."

My mistake was Googling it.

So now I have The Crimson Ghost, and don't really want the Misfits Fiend anymore. 🤣 

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It's funny because I feel like everyone knew the character as The Crimson Ghost back in the 80s and 90s, but the band has been so successful at marketing their mascot that The Fiend name has actually taken hold. I don't think I've personally ever referred to it as anything other than The Crimson Ghost unless referring to the name of a NECA or Medicom release or something. I think Danzig refers to it as just "The Misfits Ghost" with The Fiend being a Jerry Only invention and a take-off of their old Fiend Club fan club.

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I mean, I didn't hear about the Misfits until the last 10 years, and grew up with the original Crystar skull before Aqua Teen Hunger Force even introduced me to Danzig, lol.

I was unborn-7 in the '80s, and 8-17 in the '90s, and was very sheltered by a religious mother. I grew up on Beatles & Elvis while my friends were listening to Nirvana & Smashing Pumpkins. I watched Dick van Dyke Show & I Love Lucy while my friends watched Simpsons & Married with Children. Mom supported my love of TMNT, but wasn't happy that Raph kept swearing in the 1990 masterpiece, lol.

I was mocked mercilessly by a disgustingly promiscuous 16-year-old girl (I am not sl**-shaming by any means, but she got around, and it was super gross that she did) for not knowing what the term "69" meant as a 16-year-old virgin boy.

Sh**, I'd heard the Weird Al parodies of all the hit songs before ever hearing the originals (unless they were from the '50s & '60s). Nirvana. Michael Jackson, Robert Palmer, Madonna. Though, I think I knew "Can't Touch This" before "Can't Watch This," lol. And OBVIOUSLY, Secret of the Ooze was what introduced 9 year old Tenime to Vanilla Ice.

TLDR; I was a sheltered child & didn't hear about The Crimson Ghost until 8 days ago, lmao.

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I was a middle school punk in the 90s with an internet connection, so I spent far too much time browsing Misfits websites. Then The Misfits came back with a new singer and the merch exploded and it was like there were now two canons of Misfits lore.

TheGillMan reacted
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Posted by: @misfit

It's funny because I feel like everyone knew the character as The Crimson Ghost back in the 80s and 90s, but the band has been so successful at marketing their mascot that The Fiend name has actually taken hold. I don't think I've personally ever referred to it as anything other than The Crimson Ghost unless referring to the name of a NECA or Medicom release or something. I think Danzig refers to it as just "The Misfits Ghost" with The Fiend being a Jerry Only invention and a take-off of their old Fiend Club fan club.


From what I've heard, there was an agreement between the rights holders to the Crimson Ghost serial & Jerry in the 90's. They allow the usage of the character likeness, so long as he isn't marketed as "The Crimson Ghost". When Glenn and Jerry worked out their deal in 2015, this became part of that as well. So both Glenn and Jerry, if they are making merch with the character, refer to him as "The Fiend". Glenn still refers to it in interviews as the "Misfits Ghost" or "Misfits Skull", but never in an official way. 


On a related note: I've been a Misfits Fiend since 1985 when I first heard Walk Among Us, and I have a TON of merch for them. With that being said...what the hell is the "jar" thing packed in with the Fiend Toony? I don't recall there ever being anything like it in any of the official artwork. The closest match I can find is the "Die Die, My Darling" cover with the skeletal hand holding the glass, but this doesn't look like that at all. Is it a freaking bong? A weird piece of pottery the Fiend made on his day off?? I don't display my black Fiend with it at all...I put the skull from the Vincent Price Toony in his hand instead (after all...he wants your skull! He NEEDS your skull). I have that version with my Misfits stuff, but I'm planning on putting the Crimson variant in with my regular Toony Terror display, and I'm not sure what I'm going to place in his empty hand. 


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Fuzzy Blue Intern
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@thegillman If you Google the Crimson Ghost, there's are a few images that pop up where he's holding a smallish bottle.  It's probably just a generic nod to that image, for people buying it to represent the movie, rather than the Misfits.

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Posted by: @fuzzybluedemon

@thegillman If you Google the Crimson Ghost, there's are a few images that pop up where he's holding a smallish bottle.  It's probably just a generic nod to that image, for people buying it to represent the movie, rather than the Misfits.


Ahhhh....okay. It didn't occur to me that it might be something from the actual serial! Haha! Thanks!!


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Posted by: @misfit

I was a middle school punk in the 90s

I knew we were friends for a reason.


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