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NECA Toony Terrors

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A couple Targets nearby got some new stuff in (a buttload more M3GANs and Elviras etc) but they have a single packed Jigsaw in his red robe that's out. Same sculpt as the one that's in the deluxe pack.

TheGillMan reacted
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Really? Was everyone else aware of that coming, and I just missed it?

And I mean, I don't think I really need it. I still haven't gotten bloody Ash or H2 Myers.

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My local Meijer had M3gan, the Saw bicycle set, Elvira's couch, and Joker.

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I saw someone post about the single-packed Jigsaw on another board, and that was the first I'd heard about it.  I've so far skipped the boxed set because all I want is the puppet, so it's I guess a step in the right direction? 🙂

Holding out for clearance down the line on the box.

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@tenime I hadn't heard a peep about it. I wasn't sure if it was an exclusive or a chase figure or what. I know they did that chase "secret" glow in the dark Nun a while back...

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@tenime I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't know about this one! I saw it yesterday at Target, and I was really tempted, but I'm also kinda wanting to wait to see if the Two-Pack gets a discount down the line.

The Scarecrow Guy
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Glad to see I wasn't the only one either! I saw it the other day, and was also tempted; I figured at the least, maybe it was a store or con exclusive, but I really want that Billy too. I might grab it in the future just so I can have Masked and Unmasked Jiggy (since who knows if we'll ever get an Ultimate), but I left it for now. 

TheGillMan reacted
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I actually just found it this morning! Haha

I didn't grab it. I prefer the black, and I have Billy & the RBT. Maybe one day when I have money to burn & nothing else to buy lol. Ha!

Also found classic Wednesday (because the one I purchased & already own is the school uniform version, lol). Gonna wait on her, as finances are tight, and gotta prioritize. Someone I would've spent the money on this morning, but couldn't, is Enid, because I still haven't seen her yet.

Is that all the upcoming Toony Terrors we knew about? Carver & Wednesday?

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I'm trying to think, but yeah, I believe everything we know about in the actual Toony Terror (as opposed to Toony Classics or whatever) line has now been released?

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KidRobot announced Wednesday and ALF product before NECA revealed their Wednesday and ALF products…

so I bet there’s some “What We Do In the Shadows” toonies a brewing that just haven’t been shown yet…

TheGillMan reacted
The Scarecrow Guy
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Posted by: @doc-baghead

so I bet there’s some “What We Do In the Shadows” toonies a brewing that just haven’t been shown yet…

I would absolutely love that, but it's a slippery slope. For me to really feel complete, I'd need at least the main 5, but from there, I'd want The Guide, Baron, Sire, etc. Funko did a great job with their WWDITS Pops, so if that's all we ever get, I'd still be content. Then again, Toony Terrors are only a few bucks more than Funko Pops nowadays....

One I keep thinking of would lend themselves well to the Toony Terrors line are the Strangers movies. Especially with the big push for the (I think 3) movies that are due to come out, now would be a great time to do them. I'd still prefer Ultimates, but you'd have to have all 3 of the Strangers, and that would be time-consuming. But if they do individual releases and a 3 pack like with Hocus Pocus, that's some easy money right there.


TheGillMan reacted
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They're certainly unique character looks, and the first movie is great, but the second movie was awful, and they really do not need to be making more movies lol

Especially since to be the same three, they'd have to be prequels.

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Saw both Wednesday figures and M3gan at a local Target the other day. Didn't get any, but the polkadot dress Wednesday is interesting enough to get eventually. 

Still no sign of Vincent Price in store, but I'll keep my eyes open.

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just more “licensing is fucking weird” talk… cartoon human Jack Nicholson, no can do! But give him a duckbill and it’s all good, brah!

The Scarecrow Guy
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@doc-baghead That's clearly Quack Nicholson, Jack's cousin, who's far easier going with his likeness rights. 🤣 

It does make you wonder how a company like Funko was able to get away with it, though. Did they shell out the absurd likeness rights, or just do it and hope for the best? I know a lot of folks have said that Funko can get away with it because they don't have a mouth, or nose (except their Jack did have a nose), or whatever the reason. But they're clearly designed with the likeness in mind; there's even subtle differences in face shape sometimes to help them look more like the person they're trying to be. Heck, they even did a little chibi-esque version of Jack in their short lived 5-star line that looks even more like him. If Tom Cruise could get his Pops (which looked a lot less like him than Jack's did) pulled off the shelves, surely Jack could as well.

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