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NECA Toony Terrors

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Haven't managed to find Tarman yet, and he's the one I wanted the most out of the wave, especially after having just seen the movie for the first time in October, but he's sold out on BBTS at least.

Just got a shipping notice from NECA for my November preorder of John Carver, though!

(I do have reclining Elvira, and didn't just get her for the dog, but since I don't like displaying more than one of an individual character, and there really wasn't room for her couch in this display, she's in my Detolf with the 8" cloth version.)

Don't really care about Joker or Superman much (though I should probably get Superman for my "Superman collection"), but I'm super excited for Pee-Wee Herman!

Also, has anyone spotted any of the Wednesday ones in the wild, yet? BBTS has them in stock, and I really want them, but I'm also worried about another Hocus Pocus debacle (still haven't gotten them, still won't due to their oversize).

(Spaulding may seem a bit large, but Sig Haig was 2" taller than Kane Hodder, so it's technically accurate...)

Still holding out hope for more Shining & Corpses/Rejects, as well as two glaringly absent properties, which is odd considering they're not only still pumping out regular figures, but oddball merch like bobbleheads & plushes: Alien & Predator!!

I definitely need to get a longer shelf before adding more, though, haha.

TheGillMan reacted
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They look cool together like that!  I love the Hocus Pocus ones though, the slight size increase didn't bother me. I've been wanting anything from that movie for such a long time.  Walmart had these little $1 cauldrons last Halloween that has been working as a decent enough accessory for the three.

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I just got Tarman and Vincent Price from BBTS yesterday, they're great.  Really dig this line, though I'm not much into the non-horror figures.  Not because they're not horror, just because none of the designs have really grabbed me yet.  SO much I want to see out of this line still...

TheGillMan reacted
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The few horror figures I bought when the line started are packed away with my Scooby Doo figures, but I did grab the lounging Elvira, The Hocus Pocus sisters, Pee Wee (no pic yet) and Joker and Superman from the new comic line.


TheGillMan reacted
The Scarecrow Guy
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I do love these little guys, but for the most part, if there's an Ultimate Version available, that's usually the one I'll go for, unless I really love the character. Ghostface, Sam, and Beetlejuice, for instance- I got their Toony Terrors version and quite like them. For those who don't have an Ultimate version (or general more realistic version) available yet, like Regan, the Grady Twins, or Jigsaw, I'll happily snag the Toony (I know Jigsaw has an old NECA version, but I'm holding out hope for an Ultimate). I did see the latest wave here in NYC this past week and almost snagged Tarman, but held off for now for $$$ reasons.

I regret not snagging the Sanderson Sisters and Billy when they were on clearance at my local Best Buy. Billy went down to about $3 and I just never picked him up. At least they're all still pretty plentiful online. Those are ones I'd love Ultimates for, but doubt it'll ever happen.

Like others have said- still plenty of characters I'd love to see in the line. I think an Edward Scissorhands or Sweeney Todd would be amazing, but the latter is probably far less likely.

The venture into Toony Comics has me excited. I don't know how deep that line will go, and if they'll ever get around to some of my favs, but there's some characters that I'm just always down for, like anyone from the Bat family.

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@tenime yeah, Wednesday is out. I watched the show, but confess I have no idea how tall she should be in relation to other characters. She looked to be about the same size as Elvira, or maybe a little taller. I didn't buy her and I don't collect the line so I'm just going off of what they look like on card. She is branded as Toony Terrors so she's supposed to fit in, but I don't think they have hard and fast rules about scale for the line.

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I grabbed the Sanderson Sisters from a local Ross store for cheap. Since they don't scale with the other Toony Terrors I've placed them in my totes of Halloween decorations (don't have space to give them their own year-round display, so they'll be in my seasonal rotation). 

Vincent Price showed up at the local Targets, so I went ahead and grabbed him. Still haven't seen Tarman around, but distribution on these is always weird. He's my main want from this line (though I have pretty much all of them at this point, with a couple of exceptions). 

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I'm ready to see some more reveals.  I haven't been super excited lately about all the non-horror reveals or even some of the more modern ones.  There are lines NECA's already doing that you gotta imagine are absolutely getting the TT treatment, like Universal Monsters or The Thing, but as long as they're chummy with Universal, we GOTTA get a Tremors box set in the vein of the Jaws one they already gave us.  And I'm always up for surprises, but it feels like we're pretty much caught up now and could use something to look forward to.

TheGillMan reacted
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My Target just got Tarman in. They had gotten everything else in in separate boxes it seems. I picked up Vincent Price a week ago or thereabouts. I simply love the way he looks.

Also ooh, a Graboid would be fantastic!  Give it a swap beak with the grabbers hanging out.

TheGillMan reacted
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I’ve seen the Wednesdays at Target, I didn’t buy them because I don’t watch the show, but she definitely looks to be on the larger side (Jenna Ortega is 4’11”, Casandra Peterson is 5’7”… so Wednesday and Elvira should not be even close to the same size.)

I think there’s just two scales of “Toony” figures. Anything on the Movie Theater motif cards with the cut out backdrops are one smaller scale, anything on a branded card back (this includes the non-horror “Toony Classics” and Toon Ninja Turtles) are a slightly large size.

I could be wrong and there could be exceptions, but comparing Bill & Ted, toon Casey Jones, the Sandersons, Ash, and Male Alien from They Live! it sure feels like that’s how it works

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Count me in for a graboid!

And like I said, with the myriad of different items Alien & Predator are getting, I don't see why we couldn't get Toony Terrors of a xeno & yautje.

The nice thing is, unless someone's name is used (Elvira, Svengoolie, Vampira, Vincent Price, Bob Ross), this line shouldn't have to worry about likeness rights (that's how Minimates & Funko Pops can get by with only brand/franchise licensing), so as long as they still have the rights for something, like, The Shining, we should be able to get a Jack without needing Nicholson's consent. I guarantee Funko didn't shell out for it for their Pop, Five Star, and Mystery Mini.

I have Bill & Ted, Bob Ross, Ace Ventura, and the Back to the Future guys, and I feel like they ALL fit PERFECTLY with the Terrors, so it is baffling that the Disney & Netflix ones need to be bigger.

That also brings up the matter of - anyone compare Joker & Superman to the Terrors?

TheGillMan reacted
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Oh, John Carver & his turkey mascot head:

TheGillMan reacted
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Unfortunately, I think they might actually have to get likeness rights anyways.  Because I specifically remember Randy saying they couldn't do Jack and had considered not even putting out the Shining twins figures because of it, but eventually decided to release them anyways.  Doesn't make a ton of sense to me, but it seems to be the case.

EDIT: Found the tweet:


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Also this one where he is specifically talking about licensing restrictions:

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Yeah, that doesn't make any sense, because Zach from Diamond Select has repeatedly said Minimates don't have to, and there's no way Funko could make everything they do if they had to.

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