I really wish we had an idea on what the hell is going on over at NECA. They seem to have releases with no rhyme or reason or that are way delayed from when they show them off, etc. They are missing anniversaries...
Just not the same NECA of old.
Case in point, NECA previewed a new NBX line last year for the 30th anniversary. This year.
SDCC, Toy Fair, PowerCon, and now NYCC have come and gone...nothing.
Was wondering about this just this morning, actually! I remember they said they'd have news later, but can't remember if it was later this year or early next. I'm trying to keep my expectations in check with this one- they did almost the entire roster of characters before, and DST has since filled those gaps. Would be great to maybe get some updated figures or ones we never saw before from either company, but it could also just be more bobbleheads or cloth figures or something.
I wonder if they took one look at how much Nightmare merch is out there and said “Nah, we’re good,” and decided against it. Either that or it will just show up without notice in a few weeks at Target.
I doubt it's the former. NBX is one of those properties that will always sell. Heck, over the last few years I've even seen merch in the summer time, with all the characters in beach gear, which I think goes against the aesthetic of the film entirely, and even that has sold. Tim Burton things always sell, but especially Nightmare. Like Invader Zim, it's one of those properties that benefits from the nostalgia of old fans, and is also old enough that new generations can start discovering it too.
I'd love another go at a good set of NBX figs. I bought one NECA box set off of eBay a few years ago, it had four Jacks in it. Figures looked great but they crumbled apart. It was like the plastic degraded over time. Wound up selling it at a loss.
I heard the Diamond toys have a lot of QC issues as well, and I much prefer the sculpts of the NECA Jacks to Diamond's. So I just kinda decided to pass on an NBX collection.
NECA has come a long way though.
Agreed, NBX is evergreen, it kind of was even as a cult classic, I'd always see a small nook of merchandise back at Suncoast Video or Sam Goody back in the day. Now it's full on mainstream. A lot of little kids really like it including my youngest niece. There really aren't many great all-ages Halloween IPs to market around this season.
There really aren't many great all-ages Halloween IPs to market around this season.
Mm, yeah...but it's a Christmas movie.
YES, I am one of those guys. Lol
NBX is 100% a Halloween themed Christmas movie, and I will die on that hill. 🤣
I agree that the NECA figures were a little off-model, but they looked really good. Especially with their modern QC, I'd love to see what they could do. I love the DST line, and love how they got us not only a nearly complete roster (minus just some tertiary background characters), but a few really nice dioramas in the line as well. While I applaud them for going more screen accurate, the fact that it's impossible to stand almost any of them without the big bulky stands is disappointing, and how almost none of them can hold any of their accessories is another downer. I'd happily sacrifice a little bit of accuracy (Burton designs are wacko anyway) for something that's a little more stable and able to utilize more of their accessories.
I wonder if there may be an Ultimate figure or two from NECA. An Ultimate Jack or Sally is something I can see, even if Super7 is coming out with theirs soon as well.
It's a Christmas movie! It starts as Halloween is ending! Sorry this is a perpetual argument in my house. 🤣 It's still amazing to me how that movie as endured. As a teenager side-eyeing goth culture I went to see it in the theater when it came out, and I'm pretty sure me and my friends were the only ones there. So funny how that happens sometimes.
I picked up the Revoltech Jack Skellington not that long ago, and I think it's the best Jack I've seen. Obviously pricier, but really not that much less than what Super 7 would be charging anyway.
Has it been confirmed these are “new” figures and not just reissues of the old molds like Freddy Mercury/Captain Spaulding?
It's a Christmas movie! It starts as Halloween is ending! Sorry this is a perpetual argument in my house. 🤣 It's still amazing to me how that movie as endured. As a teenager side-eyeing goth culture I went to see it in the theater when it came out, and I'm pretty sure me and my friends were the only ones there. So funny how that happens sometimes.
I picked up the Revoltech Jack Skellington not that long ago, and I think it's the best Jack I've seen. Obviously pricier, but really not that much less than what Super 7 would be charging anyway.
According to both Tim Burton AND Henry Selick, it's a Halloween movie. Personally, I feel it is both...it can be watched during any of those Seasons. I always watch it around midnight, as Halloween passes into November 1st. It's the perfect transition from my favorite holiday into the Christmas season.
I always put it on near Halloween, if anything because the aesthetic and main characters are Halloween themed so it hits me as about 80% Halloween 20% Christmas. But I agree it's a good transition movie.
It would be great if they made a (good) sequel that 100% revolved around Halloween, but I don't think the magic could be recaptured or that the music would be that good again. I suppose that was what Corpse Bride tried to be but wasn't.
It's a Christmas movie! It starts as Halloween is ending! Sorry this is a perpetual argument in my house. 🤣 It's still amazing to me how that movie as endured. As a teenager side-eyeing goth culture I went to see it in the theater when it came out, and I'm pretty sure me and my friends were the only ones there. So funny how that happens sometimes.
I picked up the Revoltech Jack Skellington not that long ago, and I think it's the best Jack I've seen. Obviously pricier, but really not that much less than what Super 7 would be charging anyway.
According to both Tim Burton AND Henry Selick, it's a Halloween movie. Personally, I feel it is both...it can be watched during any of those Seasons. I always watch it around midnight, as Halloween passes into November 1st. It's the perfect transition from my favorite holiday into the Christmas season.
No! They are wrong and I am right! 🤩 Okay, I will bow to their opinions...but I will also not share them with my family. 😉
It's a Christmas movie! It starts as Halloween is ending! Sorry this is a perpetual argument in my house. 🤣 It's still amazing to me how that movie as endured. As a teenager side-eyeing goth culture I went to see it in the theater when it came out, and I'm pretty sure me and my friends were the only ones there. So funny how that happens sometimes.
I picked up the Revoltech Jack Skellington not that long ago, and I think it's the best Jack I've seen. Obviously pricier, but really not that much less than what Super 7 would be charging anyway.
According to both Tim Burton AND Henry Selick, it's a Halloween movie. Personally, I feel it is both...it can be watched during any of those Seasons. I always watch it around midnight, as Halloween passes into November 1st. It's the perfect transition from my favorite holiday into the Christmas season.
No! They are wrong and I am right! 🤩 Okay, I will bow to their opinions...but I will also not share them with my family. 😉
😀 🤣
Looks like there's a new 9" cloth Jack Skellington available at the NECA store. Wonder if this is what the new offerings will be- larger cloth figures. There's a new Haunted Mansion bobblehead as well, so maybe we'll get more of those in the NBX line. Though now that I'm thinking of it, some Haunted Mansion figures from NECA would be hella sweet.
Arriving in January - definitely not the best planning on NECA's part. It looks okay, but I would want to see it in person. Some of the shots make the soft goods look too frumpy. It's a hard thing to get right on such a slender character. You almost need to use something akin to spandex to get the right look, if soft goods is the route you want to go in.