New NECA Gremlins thread.
Due to space reasons, I’m going to move the Gremlins/Mogwai that did not appear in the movies (i.e. concept Mogwai, movie ad Gremlins) to another location. The only one I have doubts about is the construction Gremlin. Did this one actually appear in Gremlins 2, or did NECA make him up?
Catch it in this time-stamped video:
EDIT: Well it was supposed to be time-stamped. 'Round about the 2:26 mark.
@cmoney Thank you! I even see the dynamite and the blueprints the figure came with.
I'm still surprised that someone hasn't done 3" Gremilins that would be in scale with their ultimates line.
If you need any extra Gremlins or even just accessories, Target has the Flasher Gremlin up on eBay for $22. Put a watch on it, and you'll probably get an offer within the next day for another 20% off. That's a pretty good deal.
You'll pay a lot more across town to see a gremlin's junk!
Brain Gremlin and Ultimate Gizmo are also up there for the same price. And a few days ago they posted a separate listing for the Construction Gremlins that was 32.99 or 33.99, so it's worth checking back in occasionally.
Picked up the Our Generation Movie Theater playset off Facebook Marketplace - a perfect environment for Gremlins!
@theghost That’s awesome. I so wanted NECA to release that movie theater dio/display they were showing a few years back.
Saw this and wondered if it might not be fairly close to a proper 1/10 scale for NECA's other figures? By "saw" I mean online, not in person.
@cmoney It have it, and it is significantly smaller than one that NECA did in the Gremlins accessory set. NECA's Gremlin line isn't actually 1:10, but I believe the small Gizmo and the car that comes with it are supposed to be. In short, I don't really know, but unless you have an intimate knowledge of the size of 1:1 Mogwai, you could probably fudge it and be happy.
Yeah, I just know I've seen complaints over the years that the Gremlins figures are too big since they don't actually scale with NECA's human 1:10 offerings, and just thought maybe this HW Gizmo actually would. The Gizmo/car in NECA's accessory set scale to their Gremlins figures, whatever scale they "actually" are, but not, I don't think, to their standard 1:10 human figures. Try to imagine it fitting in a backpack accessory scaled to any human NECA figure to see how much bigger it actually is than 1:10.