Interesting if true and even a little surprising. Stuff for this line lingers at Target near me, but no longer than all of the other stuff clogging the shelves. And unlike some of that stuff, they do seem to eventually sell. Not sure video game Goliath will move anytime soon, but I could have told NECA that from the start. Still, I don’t see this line having the legs to go as deep as some posters at the old board were hoping for.
Interesting if true and even a little surprising. Stuff for this line lingers at Target near me, but no longer than all of the other stuff clogging the shelves. And unlike some of that stuff, they do seem to eventually sell. Not sure video game Goliath will move anytime soon, but I could have told NECA that from the start. Still, I don’t see this line having the legs to go as deep as some posters at the old board were hoping for.
Yeah, I don't think they could get into the deep cuts like episode specific characters and things like that. And honestly, after the announced slate of figures is out there's not much more I'd need. I imagine Coldstone is still coming, so I'd pick him up, and if they got to Fox that would be cool but she's not essential.
As it stands, if we're at the end of the line I am fine with it as long as I get what's already been announced. And obviously I'd love some more wing options, even if it was an online-only accessory pack or something.
The thing I wanted ever since I first saw the ep as a kid was the Werefox, but I think that falls squarely into the not-likely episode-specific category that would've been a long shot even if the line was doing TMNT numbers. If the line is indeed dwindling down, it's an impossibility now.
Hearing rumors that sadly the line isn't doing too great. If you find the human characters, snatch them up, because apparently, they're going to be VERY hard to find.
Also hearing Walmart will no longer be carrying the line...
That's a shame! What's the source?
People who know people. Sorry, wish I could say more, but don't want to get anyone into any trouble.
I know that sounds dumb, but...
In any case, just the rumors I'm hearing. Could end up being total bullshit.
I don't think I believe you/that rumor. Especially since Wal-Mart has been getting Broadway and Brooklyn in recently. The line seems to be selling as well as ever, especially as new characters are hitting faster.
Hearing rumors that sadly the line isn't doing too great. If you find the human characters, snatch them up, because apparently, they're going to be VERY hard to find.
Also hearing Walmart will no longer be carrying the line...
That's a shame! What's the source?
People who know people. Sorry, wish I could say more, but don't want to get anyone into any trouble.
I know that sounds dumb, but...
In any case, just the rumors I'm hearing. Could end up being total bullshit.
I don't think I believe you/that rumor. Especially since Wal-Mart has been getting Broadway and Brooklyn in recently. The line seems to be selling as well as ever, especially as new characters are hitting faster.
I heard a rumor from a guy who heard from a guy who heard it from a pigeon outside the NECA offices that the line's actually going to be cancelled within the month, and we're not getting anything else that's been solicited.
I recently decided to continue with the line. I went to Nerdzoic and grabbed Brooklyn and Broadway and another Steel Clan in stock. I jumped over to EE and pre-ordered Lexington, civilian and armored Xanatos and Elisa. I don't see Angela selling out so I think I can wait on her.
Interesting if true and even a little surprising. Stuff for this line lingers at Target near me, but no longer than all of the other stuff clogging the shelves. And unlike some of that stuff, they do seem to eventually sell. Not sure video game Goliath will move anytime soon, but I could have told NECA that from the start. Still, I don’t see this line having the legs to go as deep as some posters at the old board were hoping for.
Yeah, I don't think they could get into the deep cuts like episode specific characters and things like that. And honestly, after the announced slate of figures is out there's not much more I'd need. I imagine Coldstone is still coming, so I'd pick him up, and if they got to Fox that would be cool but she's not essential.
As it stands, if we're at the end of the line I am fine with it as long as I get what's already been announced. And obviously I'd love some more wing options, even if it was an online-only accessory pack or something.
As long as orders for suited Xanatos weren’t super soft, I would think a Fox to pair with him is not out of the realm of possibility. I feel like a “Pack” version of her might be less likely if NECA thinks it can’t make money off of the whole team.
Real or not, if the line is in any trouble we should know before the year is up. NECA didn’t have a lot of new stuff to reveal at Comic Con for this line, but they could have easily been holding back for NYCC and Toy Fair. If those come and go without at least a reveal of MacBeth (since we’ve seen glimpses of that one) then I think we can interpret that as NECA pulling back on new sculpts for the line. It wouldn’t shock me to see this line become one where NECA is content to release updated versions of existing figures (like with new wings) for awhile to milk it for all it’s worth with just a new figure here and there.
This is exactly why I'm PISSED that they gave us the stupid spread wings since this line isn't going to last long enough to give us the display friendly wings we should have got.
I definitely find that with each figure I get in this line I enjoy it less.
I'm the opposite, I like both Xanatos, Elisa, and the Steel Clan better than the Gargoyles figures themselves.
The articulation and wings on the Gargoyles just annoy me so much. I'm happy to have human and other figures that can stand better.
I don't know why when someone shares information they've heard, there's a certain sect of individuals who feel the need to be total cockbags.
I'm sharing what I heard. Believe it or don't, I don't give a shit. But you don't need to be assholes about it. Especially when I even further elaborated in a follow up that it was just what I heard, and it could be bullshit.
Now stop being dicks and grow up. Jesus.
I definitely find that with each figure I get in this line I enjoy it less.
I'm the opposite, I like both Xanatos, Elisa, and the Steel Clan better than the Gargoyles figures themselves.
The articulation and wings on the Gargoyles just annoy me so much. I'm happy to have human and other figures that can stand better.
I don't have any of those figures yet. Only gargoyles, though I probably won't get any Steel Clan since armored Xanatos is essentially the same thing and I just don't have that kind of space to devote to this line.
Add me to the I am enjoying the line more than ever group. I was going to pass on Civilian Xanatos and now he and Elisa might be two of my favorite figures. I have a difficult time not picking them up everytime I walk by my display. Owen was never really on my radar and I hope we get him now.
It would be nice to get some kind of update on the wing situation. Hopefully, an update isn't too far off.
Meh, if it ends it ends.
assuming we’re still getting Macbeth and Coldstone, we got the core cast of season 1 and frankly that’s good enough.
I can live with just the main clan, humans will be easy enough to make customs of with various McF Multiverse/Mythic Legions pieces. But I’ve been trying for two decades to find the perfect pieces to make Gargoyles customs and never found them, now I just have them on my shelf!
if the line is dead, cool! I could write a seven page long wish list of all the characters and episode specific looks I would have wanted but, meh! I got what I truly needed out of the line and at least I’ll finally never have to hear about wings again once the corpse cools! If this is all we get, great run! No notes!
If you're interested in another Goliath variant, Limited Run Games will be including a cel-shaded version of NECA's figure with all of the collector's editions they sell of the Gargoyles Genesis/Megadrive video game reissue. It seems like it would have been the perfect avenue for the pixel-deco edition of Goliath, but I guess that just made too much sense. As for the game, great graphics for its time, not so great gameplay. I am all set. Preorders start tomorrow.
I love a good collector's edition but I don't have any need for that. Looks neat, though.