Everyone caught up with this line?
Pretty tempted by detective Broadway revealed at SDCC.
Hoping to see Macbeth soon.
I have Goliath, Demona, Bronx, Broadway, Brooklyn, Hudson, and Angela right now. I still really want Lexington, Elisa, and both versions of Xanatos, but not sure if those are out yet. (I just moved and have been scared to hit Target in case they have all of the ones I am missing lol.)
I am seeing a lot of Hudson, Brooklyn, & Broadway at my local Target, Best Buy, & Walmarts.
No Angela or Steel Clan yet...
I don't think Lex, Elisa, or Xanatos have hit anywhere just yet.
I have everyone but video game Goliath, Steel Clan robot and armored Xanatos.
I got Elisa Maza from Amok Time on Friday. They had her and armored Xanatos in stock last week. Just search Gargoyles to bring them all up in results. If it doesn't say preorder, it's in stock.
Armored Xanatos is starting to show up in specialty shops. No sign of it at a big box store that I've seen. Same with Steel Clan and Angela.
I have very much cooled on this line. I didn't see anything at SDCC that excited me and I still haven't made room for Broadway and Brooklyn. They're just passing time in my basement since the Gargoyles shelf I have is too full. I have no sense of urgency with the line as a result and the wings make the figures not the most fun to handle and pose. I'll probably finish off the Manhattan Clan at some point and be done with it. MacBeth has a good shot of being purchased by me since he won't require a ton of space.
Armored Xanatos I'm still on the fence about. His head just seems too small even if it is in proportion. Maybe he should have been put in a slightly smaller robotic suit so it looks more in proportion just visually.
Still waiting on Eliza, Broadway (which now apparently I have to buy the Detective one too to get cape wings), Lexington and regular suit Xanatos. Was never going to order Angela, so perhaps I'll blow that money on the Demona / Goliath facial expressions pack with even MORE stuff I don't need.
I only just started collecting this line. Got Goliath a few weeks ago and recently Bronx on a good discount. These have recently become way easier to get here in Australia for some reason, despite the distribution thing. I love Gargoyles and was always just appreciating these from afar, but now? I'm going in hard, mostly with the core cast of Gargoyles and humans. Angela and the Steel Clan I can pass on (wouldn't have enough space for them anyway), but I'm still holding out hope for an "A-shaped wings" pack for the core Gargoyles.
Saw Angela at Wal Mart today. All I need is Lexington and Elisa for Brooklyn's wings. Hopefully I can find her on clearance. I don't want the figure.
After Demona, I have consistently seen Hudson in stores so I haven't rushed to finish up the main pack. I still have yet to open the first 4 figures. I think this may be one line where I just get the core characters.
I'll probably have to skip all the Steel clan due to my tendency to troop build. Depending on how cartoony The Pack looks I may build out that team. I liked the style look of the gargoyles, but the human characters seemed a little too animation style for me.
Didn't see a post for Gargoyles, so here we go. Like most, I hate the extended wings packed with the Gargoyles. However, the draped wings are making me appreciate these figures more.
Grabbed both versions of Xanatos recently:
I had decided that I was just going to display my Gargoyles without wings until they decided to do a "relaxed wings" set - since I don't want any of the human figures from this line and I won't be black mailed into buying figures I don't want for caped wing looks that are better but still not what I actually want either.
So I figured I was done with this line for awhile - but I'll be damned if that armored Xanatos figure isn't good looking and tempting me to break my moratorium. I didn't particularly like the robot Gargoyle look originally but something about that red paint job is sharp. And Demona does look nice with the caped wings but I still refuse to buy that civilain Xanatos figure I don't want just to get those wings.
@toosweetfigs where did you get those from? I've got the BBTS pre-orders, but according to that Eliza should be coming before Armored Xanatos.
Small comic shops appear to be getting both versions of Xanatos and Elisa first. BBTS will likely lag some distance behind, as will Target/Walmart. I'd like to get the caped wings for Demona as well, but I'm definitely not interested in suit Xanatos so oh well.
Small comic shops appear to be getting both versions of Xanatos and Elisa first. BBTS will likely lag some distance behind, as will Target/Walmart. I'd like to get the caped wings for Demona as well, but I'm definitely not interested in suit Xanatos so oh well.
Yeah, that is usually the case. Typically BBTS gets theirs a few weeks after they show up at Target. I guess I can expect all three of those in the next month or two.
Then it will just be Lexington and I'll be mostly done with this line. I'll probably get Coldsteel (seems like they revealed him a while ago, but I haven't heard anything since) and the inevitable Fox. But I don't know that I'm too interested in much else. Unless, of course, they give us a relaxed wing pack.
My LCS was getting the armored Xantos this week, but Amok Time has all of them in stock already, so I ordered civvie Xanatos this morning and already got an email that he'll be shipping.