My Grimsword struggles to stand up, his ankles seem so loose!
I got Elkhorn in today. I've probably only owned about 10 NECA figures over the years with the last being the Kratos/Atreus two-pack. Elkhorn exemplifies the absolute best NECA has to offer.
When talking about this guy, it's impossible not to start with the accessories. I can't think of a single accessory I'd like to have that wasn't included. In fact, this is one of those figures that makes me groan because I know so many cool accessories are going to be sitting in a bin unused. My favorites are the warhammer, torch, and adventurer's pack.
My only nitpicks are the lack of range in the knees and the pack itself. The hook attaching the pack to the figure's back had almost no space behind it. I had to stress the plastic backward--scared to death I was going to snap it--to afford enough space to slide it on his back. While I love the look of the pack, I don't think I'll display it. It feels like too much of a counterweight that unnecessarily stresses the figure's ankles.
I'm kind of blown away by the figure, though. His feet provide a big, sturdy base and he poses well. The paint is phenomenal. I can see the details in his beard from several feet away. He's neck-and-neck with MAFEX Bane for my figure of the year. If the rest of NECA's D&D line is this good, I'm in trouble.
One nitpick I have with Elkhorn is his green pants. I wish they were more subdued/darker green. The toy color version could have maintained the lighter green look to be more accurate to the original LJN look.
Really hoping we get some announcements on this line soon. They're releasing the classic paint versions, but I'm really interested in new figures, as I don't collect novelty painted figures.
I couldn't have said it better myself. Looking at photos of the old line, Kelek is my biggest want.
I'm not sure what the scope of the line is, but if it goes beyond the old LJN line, it'd be cool to see Vecna or an Efreeti.
It certainly seems to sell well enough to warrant an expansion. They still can't keep Warduke in stock.
I'm actually running Wilds Beyond the Witchlight for a group of friends and Valor's Call/League of Malevolence appear in it, and having a few of the characters in action figure format while running them (Elkhorn and Zarak specifically) was very cool. I'd love to get the rest of both parties. Kelek and Ringlerun would be amazing.
Mythic Legions has a pretty good stand-in for each of those dudes, but I'd rather have versions that match up with the NECA line.
Since Super7 is cancelling their Vecna, it would be fun to see Neca's take on the character. I really want a Vecna figure.
HOPEFULLY they reveal something new this weekend. If not, then I'm thinking this line's canceled.
HOPEFULLY they reveal something new this weekend. If not, then I'm thinking this line's canceled.
They said at SDCC that the only stuff PLANNED were the updated homage color versions of the OG toys, but they snuck in the realistic color versions first because of the license. We might still see more, they just have a LOT of stuff coming, so some things are going to take a back seat.
HOPEFULLY they reveal something new this weekend. If not, then I'm thinking this line's canceled.
They said at SDCC that the only stuff PLANNED were the updated homage color versions of the OG toys, but they snuck in the realistic color versions first because of the license. We might still see more, they just have a LOT of stuff coming, so some things are going to take a back seat.
HOPEFULLY they reveal something new this weekend. If not, then I'm thinking this line's canceled.
We've had four new figures released this year, so I think it's a bit early to be thinking this line is cancelled.
Granted, they were variant releases, but it all depends on how NECA views a variant release. They may well be thinking ''The Dungeons & Dragons line has had plenty of attention in 2024 with four new figures released into the market; that line can be put on the back burner for a bit and we will reveal the next releases for it in 2025''.
Let's at least go a full calendar year with absolutely nothing first before we even speculate about it being cancelled.
@toonturts Fair enough, but we did see nothing new as far as I know. Which is a huge bummer. I do believe the sculptor had said he did indeed sculpt new stuff, so I don't know why they didn't at least show it.
I think it's because they have so many lines that they are juggling right now, so other than TMNT that always gets new content at every show, the other lines have to take it in turns. For example there may not be any Sesame Street or Beetlejuice figures at next years' shows, as they have been heavily shown off in 2024, and there may be more Predator and Dungeons & Dragons figures taking their place in the cabinets.
There's also only so many figures that the NECA factories can put out at any one time, so it's a case of scheduling everything in at the right times. It may well be that they have fresh new sculpts ready to go for D & D, but have other figures for other lines that are scheduled in for production for the immediate foreseeable future. So it is a case of finding a slot for these new D & D sculpts and if NECA realise that they won't be able to fit them in for a while, it may be that they feel there's no need to announce the figures too early if they are not going to get made for a long time.
I mean... by default it probably also means that D&D wasn't one of NECA's top selling brands. There's a reason Turtles product gets pushed to the front consistently - it sells the most. I'm guessing, just like we've seen with Hasbro and Super7 there's a limited market for D&D product and even if it's big enough to justify making some figures it's not big enough to justify making them instead of other figures that sell better. They never say a line is dead if they still have the license, they are willing to make more if they can fit it in - but even the pop culture chatter surrounding D&D has died down from where it was two years ago, so less drive to make a bunch of this product.
Exactly. This is certainly one of NECA's more niche lines. Another example would be their Jim Henson Dinosaurs line that hasn't really had any proper new figures for a while either, just some variants after the initial two releases, and one of those initial releases was more of an accessory set than a proper figure.