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Are those vertically hinged gripping hands I see for Elkhorn? Is NECA finally listening to us on this line?! If only they could find some way to get us the same for the figures already released.


EDIT:  Upon closer inspection I'm going to have to go with inconclusive. I thought the second set might have them, but they may just be a tighter/looser gripping hand. All of the glamor shots have the horizontal hinge where visible.

reefer shark
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Man, Elkhorn looks fantastic!  This has definitely become my favorite line from NECA.  we absolutely need a NECA style Northlord and Ogre King.   Maybe at some point they'll get to the monsters and steeds - one can dream!

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Posted by: @fletch

Ohmyword he comes with the Heartstone.


I noticed this too, that is an amazing accessory I am glad we are getting! 


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Posted by: @grumpymatt

Posted by: @hopethisworks

No nostalgia for the line, though I've been playing DnD for 30 years, these figures were before my time. ... 

At first glance, I'm like is crazy. What's he talking about? Then I think about it and realize these guys were first released 40 years ago ...

Elkhorn does look great and it's nice to see NECA load up on accessories when it comes to a smaller figure.

Haha, it shocked me, too. I was born in 1984, started playing DnD with some older family friends in the mid 90's (they were patient with me) and then played with with my friends in highschool and we transitioned to 3rd edition together. The toys came out a year before I was born, but I probably wasn't really picking stuff out on my own until the late 80's. My exposure to Star Wars toys came from garage sales, when older kids aged out and sold their figures. I never saw them in stores. In kid time, a whole cultural revolution takes place in one year. TMNT was my first "I want to get these!" property. But, I didn't actually know this line of DnD figures existed. I was aware of the classic cartoon but it didn't stoke my interest, I only caught an episode every now and then randomly when they were syndicated at like 5:30am. 

I really love the simplicity of older fantasy looks, though, before everything became overly ornate and overly designed. I also love that Elkhorn comes with a backpack. Hits home the traveling adventurer vibe... I loved writing "length of rope" "ink quill and parchment" and "traveler's kit" on my character sheet, even though they rarely came into play. 



JOEL aka JoMiHa
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The only D&D figures I had as a kid were the LJN Warduke and Strongheart (I'm older - I was about 9 or 10 when they came out). Never watched the cartoons or played the game, but I loved those little figures, so I happily bought the Neca versions day one. I passed on Grimsword and Zarak because I was unfamiliar with the characters; but now that I already have two (and POed Elkhorn), I may go back and grab them for the sake of completionism. This is a great series and a good update to the LJN figures as I recall them. Not to mention a lot bang for your buck. I'm super impressed at how many accessories these come with, particularly Zarak and Elkhorn.

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Yeah... NECA will keep getting my money on these as long as they keep cranking out figures.   These are fantastic.   I wonder who Elkhorn will be paired with...   could it be Melf?   I always thought that was the dumbest name for a character ever,  so I definitely need one 🙂

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I do not like that it's only one figure being solicited and what was shown at SDCC, when these have been getting released in pairs. 

I hope Elkhorn isn't the end of the line. 

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They might be saving an announcement for Fall Geekout or NYCC.

blankslate reacted
Fuzzy Blue Intern
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No way it's the end of the line.  I asked about vertical wrist hinges & they said Elkhorn doesn't have them, because he uses Zarak's hands, but they have switched to include them going forward after this release. 

Sharp Little Guy
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Elkhorn is absolutely not the end of the line.

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Posted by: @veebee

Elkhorn is absolutely not the end of the line.

That's what I like to hear!

::pelvic thrusts::


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I just received my Strongheart. Damn... now that is an action figure. Looks awesome, love the moveable face plate. And the little dagger strapped to the larger scabbard. Very cool.

One thing I find confusing is the extra hands, always happy to have them, but there appears to be a set of gripping hands, and a set of ever-so-slightly-more-open gripping hands. Barely a perceptible difference.

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I think I immediately broke a shield strap trying to slide it on his arm.  Maybe it's intended to unplug, but I sure can't get it plugged back in. 

reefer shark
Joined: 2 years ago
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I found Strongheart at a local Target tonight.  I love this figure so much!   Cant wait to grab Zarak next!

Revox reacted
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Posted by: @blankslate

That's what I like to hear!

::pelvic thrusts::



Careful...that can really drive you insane!


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