That's sort of why I didn't expect the reindeer to come this round. I think they are the new body you were expecting.
The price point for them isn't cheap, but I'm not sure how it would be that much lower considering where the normal figures start. These are bigger/thicker. This is honestly around what I expected, and why I didn't expect I'd be able to afford them from the jump. A Mrs. Clause? Absolutely. A Frosty? Sure. But I was never going to be able to get 8 (or 9) reindeer.
I sort of wonder what would have happened if the reindeer and a sleigh were a big mega package this year (with reindeer individuals and the goats) instead of any new Clauses.
I'm a bit more interested in accessory packs for this wave than anything else. If they give a red version of that hood to further modify my classic Santa, along with mittens since they have that sculpt now, and maybe some black gloves I think I'd grab that. The goat is nice, but I'll probably pass on it too.
Wait. So I have to buy 9 reindeer and the head pack if I want all the characters? I just figured they’d release the others later. That’s annoying. All I’ve ordered so far is the four reindeer.
@he-man Well, I'd guess they'll probably keep both in rotation for next year as well. Reissues and such. I can't imagine they spent all the time making these only to use them one year.
And I think from their end it's sort of a bad deal either way. Release half and people are like "where's the rest" because some folks can and will buy all nine right now. Then everyone who can't do that feels priced out.
Interesting to me that they need 2500 total from all the reindeer options, including the goat. So if they can find 275 people to buy a set of nine, they are good to go. That seems possible, and likely explains why they thought Reindeer could work well as an army builder for them, like the elves and nutcrackers, and I think they were pretty clever to have the four different fur tones to mix and match.
I wonder if they made Pirate and army and robot and Zombie Mrs Claus, would folks really pick them up to go with the Santas? Having said that, matching traditional, Jolly, and a casual option would be easy sales I would think.
They are likely a little small but I gotta get me a couple of goats for that Neca Krampus coming out.
BBTS just emailed me that the Jolly and Classic Santas are in my Pile of Loot. Unfortunately I'm going out of town tomorrow, I'm gonna have to wait until I get back to have them shipped out. So I may still not get them until after Christmas. The Checking It Twice Santa is the one I'm really looking forward to, though. And that's not being released until after Christmas for sure.
@jakeekiss Good points. I guess I just wasn’t paying close enough attention. I saw reindeer and ordered, haha. Same thing with Marley from the Horsemen. Order first and then see what’s going on. Very bad habit!
The goat might go well with the Mythic Legions Krampus...
@fac I'd definitely want my robo Santa to have himself a companion. I think if they did those, a classic, and a new accessory pack similar to the one they just released that would let you convert them into classics if you only got the strange variant, that would be awesome. Covers all the bases.
Like, for me I only got cyborg, and I wanted a classic, but not enough to get a full second fig. But with that new accessory set, I've got options. Or I can just slowly have more and more of "Santa" blown away as the holiday approaches and he goes full Terminator. And I'm still very tempted by Father Frost and Zombie. I have to be picky with this line, but there's a lot to love.
Day One: No interest in reindeer.
Today: I feel thump of hooves at the base of my skull.
I feel the reindeer need a way to be connected as a team and to a sleigh. And we need a shot of all 9 of them together like that. Plus besides Rudolph, I’m struggling to see noticeable difference between the heads in the accessory pack and those on the reindeer. So I’m hoping we get more shots of all of them.
@buttmunch The rings on the gear they come with by default seems already set up to connect them with any sort of cord you like. On Freshmonkey's Instagram they say that if the Reindeer are successful the sleigh will be next. I sort of doubt we'll see them in any beauty shots anytime soon as the first two waves we had the digitals a long time before beauty shots started rolling out.
Is the "Rudolph" copyright owned by someone? I thought it was public domain, but the extra reindeer headpack just says "Red Nose."
Rudolph is still under copyright to Pearson Publishing. I believe it becomes public domain in 2036.
I do wish the reindeer had jaw articulation, but it's not a deal breaker by any means.
BBTS has informed me that normal Santa is in my POL now, so yay!