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Naughty or Nice by Fresh Monkey Fiction

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Posted by: @boy_wonder

I’m curious for the inevitable Naughty or Nice/Monster Force crossover.

I need to see what Santa looks like when he’s geared up ready to fight the Forgotten King.

This Eagle Force figure has basically the same head as Sgt. Santa:

All I’m saying is, FMF has the pieces and there’s even a color swap variant they can make to justify any new tooling!



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Are we forgetting Sgt Santa? lol

Boy Wonder
Attempting To Avoid The Void
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@doc-baghead And with that head, they made a figure that I’m just realizing exists

Special Ops Santa for a ToyCollectr exclusive 

Seems like an easy figure to upscale if they ever decide to make a 6” version. Although I’d like if he was a bit fluffier. No one likes a skinny Santa. 

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Now that we're into November, hopefully it means we're getting close to delivery of Wave 2. It would be nice if it could get here a little earlier than last year's. I'd love a full 25 day display window between when the figures arrive and when the holiday does.

lb876 reacted
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Last year someone posted a few photos of their Santa figure with a nicely repainted toy sleigh from Frozen. It was the Frozen Royal Sleigh. It was well done and having recently picked one up myself I was hoping to find those pictures again for inspiration in repainting my own. Those pics are long gone from here since the loss of the old forums. I've looked online but have been unable to locate them. I'm hoping someone here would be able to repost the pics or perhaps a link to them. Thanks!!

Boy Wonder
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You can thank FuzzyBlueDemon for texting me this a year ago and you can thank me for never deleting anything!


Misplaced Projectile
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That sleigh looks beautiful. I'm also waiting on Wave 2; I canceled my Santa order last year and am excited to get the reissue. 

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The re-issues of Classic Santa and Jolly Santa are scheduled to hit 2023, but the rest of wave 2 isn't scheduled until 2024.



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@boy_wonder That's the one!! Thank you!!

Boy Wonder
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Posted by: @handsome


The re-issues of Classic Santa and Jolly Santa are scheduled to hit 2023, but the rest of wave 2 isn't scheduled until 2024.




That stinks, but it feels like a small miracle that they got wave 1 in last year just before Christmas, so I can’t be too mad. Santa will just have to wait a little longer for his white beards and trigger finger that I mostly bought the lumberjack Santa for.

Wonder if that includes the hat packs that they announced would come later this year? Since they’re just the same hats that the figures already have and are coming in a plain poly bag, hopefully they’ll tag along with the wave 1 reissues. I want a couple sets of them to stick on Figrin D’an and the Model Nodes 


TheGillMan reacted
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Posted by: @handsome


The re-issues of Classic Santa and Jolly Santa are scheduled to hit 2023, but the rest of wave 2 isn't scheduled until 2024.




I have mixed feelings on this. On the one hand, I'm sad I won't have these for my display this Christmas. On the other, my wallet really could use a break, with all these preorders hitting all at once. I'll just have to pack the second wave figures away when they arrive. I wonder if Wave 3 will hit in December of 2024, or if these being pushed back causes all of them to be bumped? Hard to say, I know...just thinking out loud, so to speak.


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Well that sucks. Since most of the figures are reusing the tools from last year, I figured they were a safe bet to make the holiday this year.

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IIRC from some of their Instagram responses they do -hope- stuff will come in before Christmas, but they're hedging because shipping is dicey, especially around the holidays. On BBTS wave 2 is still listed as December 2023. 

And really they're right to hedge. The benefit to hitting the early date is "cool you fulfilled a promise" while the cost of missing is likely people making a big stink even when thigs have already been delivered and trying to poison the well for new customers. The downside isn't symmetrical with the upside, so you only commit to dates you're pretty certain you can hit. You see this all the time in video game dev where there's really no upside to telling folks a release date way in advance when it's likely to move anyway. Often better to just say "in dev' until a week out from the drop date and surprise folks.


Edit: and their latest post confirms wave 2 won't be out by Christmas as they'd hoped. Which yeah, unfortunate, but not unforeseeable. Looking forward to wave three reveals in December though.

Boy Wonder
Attempting To Avoid The Void
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Check out your local Five Below for these sets. I went in looking for a couple other new ones they have, but got pleasantly surprised that this holiday one exists. Perfect to add to the Christmas figure collection. 

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I'm wondering if there's any bases, like the kind that came with the ToyBiz Marvel Legends or Diamond Select Marvel figures, that are snowy and could work with a Santa figure.

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