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Naughty or Nice by Fresh Monkey Fiction

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I've been checking the Sgt. Santa listing daily, which has been sold out.  It's funny now that they sent out the processing soon emails, the amount of people who panic canceled because there are now 18 of them available.

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They really need to re-issue that Robo-Santa.

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@robogeek1973 That's the only Santa I have so far (though I do have the accessory pack so I can make him a normal Santa in a pinch) and I LOVE him. I suspect he was a low seller. Not a lot of folks in the market for a Terminator Santa I guess (though for me he doubles as a Futurama reference). Only thing I don't like about Robo-Santa is he can't hold the shotgun like he's shooting it unless he one-hands it. I give him the big chainsaw gun that Gridiron Studios used to sell and that works well. Same one FMF are including in the accessory packs for the Monster Force soldiers. I might pick that pack up just because that version will be injection molded and will be in Santa colors.

I think I'm going to pick up a Mall Santa and next year do a dio that's a sort of "washed up shitty mall Santa has to save Christmas future from evil robots".

robogeek1973 reacted
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Posted by: @jakeekiss

"washed up shitty mall Santa has to save Christmas future from evil robots".

I'd watch that. 

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@fletch Right? Hollywood should be calling me any day now.

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I mean it would be hard to make a washed up mall Santa movie after Bad Santa. There's a reason few people rarely talk about any shark movie post Jaws.

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Wave 3 hit POL (minus deer)

Boy Wonder
Attempting To Avoid The Void
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Sgt Santa hit my POL. He’ll stay there until the reindeer come in, which will hopefully be a bit until my toy fund replenishes a bit. 

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Posted by: @fletch

Posted by: @jakeekiss

"washed up shitty mall Santa has to save Christmas future from evil robots".

I'd watch that. 

I think that’s the plot to “Jingle all the Way 3”


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Father Christmas hit my POL. I'm waiting on the next wave from Action Force to hit my POL before I ship.

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Father Christmas and the reissued accessory set just hit my POL. Not in a rush to ship them, but I'm happy they are finally here. I still have the demon goat coming, but I'm not complaining that these didn't hit all at once. Makes it easier on the wallet, for sure, when they arrive at different times.

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I'm hoping to get just one reindeer by the time they're in stock. Hopefully they have some extras to sell.

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@normdapito I am sure they will. I don't think they made these to order that precisely, but probably want to stop taking pre-orders with the figures presumably in route so they can put them again once in stock, after the pre-orders ship (or are PoL'ed). I think every figure from the first two waves stayed in stock for a while and some still are. And if they do get the orders to unlock the sleigh, I would be stunned if they didn't produce more reindeer to with it.

NORM reacted
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On the Facebook page they are saying they think some will go up once cancelations hit, and that they don't intend to do another production run. So I guess I would grab right away once they pop up again - assuming this is mostly true. 

But if I was FMF and pushing a crowdfund preorder (without requiring payment) for the next wave while these were on the way, I would want folks to think that "I better preorder or else I might get this product" and not admit that they likely will have extra reindeer. 

Misfit and NORM reacted
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It sure seems like, historically, Big Bad has ordered more than what's actually preordered since they have quite a few figures available after every drop. I would suspect the reindeer are no different, but you never know. It's a gamble. And if there is demand, I would expect they do another run, but that would be timed with Christmas 2025 so you may not have them until 2027.

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