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C'moooooooooon, reindeer!!

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Posted by: @tenime

C'moooooooooon, reindeer!!

I've got my fingers crossed it hits the required amount. While I have no plan on getting the full compliment, I'd really like to have a Rudolph to stand next to Santa in my display.


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Starting to get "processing soon" emails from BBTS, so Wave 2 is almost here...

TheGillMan reacted
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Looks like Barbarian Santa and Father Frost are in-stock at BBTS. Father Frost still hasn't hit my PoL yet. Waiting on mall Santa as well, then I'll probably ship (though I'm tempted to wait on Jada's Mega Man, it can't be much longer on that one...).

Boy Wonder
Attempting To Avoid The Void
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Yeah, when Great Northern Santa hits my POL, it’ll be all that’s in there, and while most of the other stuff I have pre-ordered are listed as early 2024, I’m not sure they’ll make it. PDNA Earthworm Jim, Biblical Legends Jesus, and FMF Crimson Moon troops. 

I’m not in any rush for Santa and there’s a slim chance EWJ arrives at BBTS within the shipping timeframe, but haven’t heard any updates on any kind of shipping dates on the others. 

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I'm tempted by Barbarian Santa, but I've been buying so much lately and his $50 pricetag is a bit much.   The somewhat limited articulation also doesn't help.

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Looks like all of wave 2 has arrived at BBTS. I shipped my PoL so I'll have Mall Santa and Father Frost in a week or so, just in time for Valentine's Day!

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All of the second wave are in stock, and all have hit my PoL, and just hit ship! 

I think I had become a bit jaded by some of the other lines I collect, like the long wait for some core characters for Marvel Legends has made that as much of a "finally" than a "wow" when things get announced, so it is a fun feeling to be excited in anticipation of a large box of toys coming. (I somehow have 6 Santas, a Krampus, 15 elves and 2 accessory packs coming...) 

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Contemplating this shelving unit for the Christmas season display - tell me that two of these wouldn't look like a tree...or even four to make it 360 degrees. In fact I am tempted to replace my tree with this each year and load it up with Christmas themed toys. (I have the old Memory Lane Rudolph figures, the Peanuts Christmas figures, Palisades Heat Mizer, etc...) ALINE FURNITURE Corner Shelves Stand, 5 Tier Corner Bookshelf, Wall Corner Bookshelf Multi Unit Organizer, Corner Shelves Display Shelf for Living Room, Home Office, Small Space, Green : Home & Kitchen

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You could string lights/tinsel along each shelf edge as well.

fac reacted
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Big update from FMF - 

Reindeers/Goats - Unlocked!

Sgt Santa joins Father Christmas as Unlocked!

Wizard (487/500), Francis the Elf (294/300) on the doorstep...

Storytime (469), Krampus (467), Winter (452) looking good.


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My Father Frost & Nasty Krampus were waiting for me when I went home for lunch! I gotta say that Frost looks great, and Krampus turned out much better than I expected. The paint apps seem better to me than the first series, and I like the pitchfork accessory for Krampus much more than I thought I would. While Krampus is sometimes depicted with a pitchfork, I usually prefer the imagery where he has some sort of bundle of switches, but this one looks really nice. The Krampus himself is much closer to how the creature is depicted in folklore than the Series 1 versions, so that pleases me (and all my Krampussen are going to be displayed together, alongside the Four Horsemen's versions, so it's great to have a variety of looks for the beasties). 

Yeah, it sucks that these didn't come in over the Holidays, but I'm still happy with how these turned out. I find myself looking forward to the Yule Season in 2024!

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Posted by: @thegillman
My Father Frost & Nasty Krampus were waiting for me when I went home for lunch!

pics dammit! Those are the two I have sitting in my pile of loot and I’m not shipping until the end of the month, I want to see how they turned out!


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@doc-baghead Haha! Okay, I'll try to take some pics when I get home tonight!

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Looks like Toy Shiz will be reviewing these. Up first is Checking it Twice Santa.

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