@normdapito Yeah, Super 7's prices are tough, especially for a line with so many characters I would want. Do you know if Super 7 ever do two-packs? I'm curious if there is a chance of them making smaller scale Ultimates that are released as pairs (like the DST figures). Although, the ReAction figures already cost $20. An Ultimates two-pack would probably be like $70, even at a smaller scale.
Maybe NECA or DST getting the license is our best hope.
The only "smaller" Ultimates they have done were pack ins with the human in The Rescuers line, and they cancelled those.
The Warner Bros (Yakko & Wakko) and Pinky & The Brain were also in the 7" scale, which were about 1:1 scale in regards to the cartoon itself, but way too large for other actual figures.
I'd love it if DST did Sesame Street figures. The Palisades Muppets are great and Super Grover looks so good, but I love how my Diamond Muppets can blend with 6" figures. It would be really fun to have Sesame Street characters be able to interact with other toys.
Like was mentioned earlier, if they fit it scale and look wise with the DST Muppets, I would be happy regardless of the company. Hopefully we can get an 80's Kermit with way too many points on his collar.
@thehotdogbear Thanks, I forgot about Super 7's super-sized figures. Maybe that is an indication they are planning to produce other lines with this license. Although, you're right, it tough to guess what they'll do, especially with their recent cancelations.
The Gloria Estefan penguin would be a great accessory for Uncle Deadly. Maybe the next set of figures from them wouldn't include a larger figure for them to have a three-pack. I would love for them to make Lips, Lew Zealand, and Walter. I'm guessing it is more likely to just be Lips and Walter though.
I'd love it if DST did Sesame Street figures. The Palisades Muppets are great and Super Grover looks so good, but I love how my Diamond Muppets can blend with 6" figures. It would be really fun to have Sesame Street characters be able to interact with other toys.
Like was mentioned earlier, if they fit it scale and look wise with the DST Muppets, I would be happy regardless of the company. Hopefully we can get an 80's Kermit with way too many points on his collar.
I agree. I don't really care which company makes Sesame Street figures; I just want them to scale and fit the style of the DST Muppets, which I also like the scale of for being able to fit with other 1/10 or 1/12 lines. It would be awesome if DST made them because they would obviously fit it with the Muppets. But, Zach Oat mentioned on a YouTube interview a few months ago that, if they got the license, they wouldn't know if they should make collectibles for adults or toys for small kids, and there could be some liability concerns with choking hazards for figures made of children's characters.
I just saw that on the SDCC AskDST, Chuck said they plan to make more Muppet figures if Deadly and Pepe sell well enough. I know it's way too early, but I'm curious which Muppets people want and guess will be next. I would love if they made Lew Zealand and Lips. I'm guessing it will be Walter and Lips because Walter is more probably more popular than Lew and Lips is more popular now because of the EM show. Maybe Lew and the Newsman would come after that. What do y'all think?
While I'm sure there's a long list of male Muppets I'd want, it always annoyed me that the Muppets were so male heavy. I'd love figures like Hilda or Mildred or Yolanda, but they're not particularly popular, and didn't really have a lot of appearances (the former two I think were only on the earliest seasons of the Muppet Show). But yeah, I'd still buy figures like Lew Zealand, Pops, Beauregard, News Man, Sweetums, Lips, Link Hogthrob, Julius Strangepork.
I agree that Lips is a given for the next 2 pack after Mayhem. I feel like they would probably pair him with Pepe unless they are holding him to anchor another 2 pack. I'd personally like to see Lips and Pops. Give me a deluxe Sweetums too and I could be happy with this line. That being said, I would love too see some some Muppet Show box sets based on Pigs in Space and Veterinarian's Hospital.
@captaincracker I really would just like to know Diamonds strategy for the future. I would love some themed varients, but I don't know if they want to do that. Minimates had some alternate outfits, but I doubt that they want to take that leap for the real figures. Please give us Christmas Charol figures!!!
@normdapito I'm embarrassed by how long it took me to realize how few female Muppets there are. I did make a Dolores (trumpet/trombone girl) figure to increase the number of female Muppets in my DST collection by 50%. I think Yolanda is the only real chance for DST to make another female Muppet. As you said, Hilda and Mildred haven't really been used since Season 1 of the Muppet Show. I guess Mildred has popped up from time to time, but those are mostly quickly in the background.
Your list of wanted figures is almost exactly the same as mine. The only difference is I would like a Marvin Suggs figure more than Dr. Julius Strangepork.
@captaincracker Pepe is paired with Uncle Deadly for the next two-pack out next summer. DST showed prototypes at SDCC. You shouldbe able to find pictures online. I agree with you that Lips is almost guaranteed to be in the following two-pack, since he was such a big part of the EM show. I really thought he was going to be paired with Pepe for the next two-pack, instead of Uncle Deadly. I wonder if DST thinks Lips is popular enough now for him to be paired with a less popular character, like Lew Zealand, Beauregard, or the Newsman. I'm guessing they'll pair Lips and Walter to have two relatively popular characters together.
@thehotdogbear Yes! I would love Christmas Carol variants!
@bills-all-day I have no idea why I didn't realize Pepe is already coming out. I somehow completely forgot.
I'd be really happy to get all the characters you mentioned. Big Mean Carl would be really cool, especially if he came with a smaller Muppet he could eat.
In his Youtube interview with Veebs today, Brian said that Super 7 had no current plans for Ultimates Sesame Street figures. He said that he thought the retro style of the ReAction figures fit the property well.
I'm taking that to mean we should encourage DST to pursue the license or some other company. Maybe Deadly and Pepe pre-sales will be so phenomenal DST will have no choice but to buy licenses for more Henson properties. That could happen, right?
I really don’t think other collectors love the Muppets as much as we do.
Everyone should love the Muppets! What's not to like?
Maybe instead of new characters, we can get older versions of characters we already have. They look so drastically different now in some cases.
And Muppets Take Manhattan style Muppet Babies, I really want those.
I really don’t think other collectors love the Muppets as much as we do.
I'm actually kind of surprised that there is enough interest to keep the line going. Really happy, but a bit surprised. I think it's a good sign for the line's continued longevity that Sam and Rizzo sold well enough for DST to make Deadly and Pepe. I'm guessing a high portion of the people who like the Muppets enough to buy figures of Sam and Rizzo will also buy figures of almost any Muppet figures DST makes in the future. At least, my hope is that there won't be a large drop off for any of the next few waves of figures because Sam and Rizzo represent the interest level of die hards. I could be wrong though, maybe Sam and Rizzo have more mainstream appeal than I think or Muppet fans are pickier.
I'm really hoping interest stays high enough for DST to make at least 7 more figures after Deadly and Pepe. As long as DST keeps making figures at a steady rate (a little faster than recent years), I think there's a decent chance of that happening (or at least a non-zero chance).
Everyone should love the Muppets! What's not to like?
I personally like the Muppets. there are people who dont like puppets in general.