Not much going on with this line at the moment. Expecting a two pack from Diamond, though was it already established that it’s Uncle Deadly and Pepe the Prawn?
Can discuss Super7 reAction figures here, and I imagine if it doesn’t already have a dedicated thread, Boss Fight Studios release of Fraggle Rock wave one is imminent.
I'm so excited for Diamond Select's Uncle Deadly and Pepe figures! They showed prototypes at SDCC. They're $40 and supposed to be out next summer (2024). I hope they make Lew Zealand and Lips next. I certainly wouldn't complain if they started making Muppet figures at a little faster pace than the last few years. Still, 2 new figures every 2 years is better than nothing. I'm so excited the line is continuing!
I hope Super 7 makes Ultimates versions of their Sesame Street figures. The first wave of the ReAction figures look good. From the promo images, they don't look to be in the same retro toy style that the Electric Mayhem figures were. I would love Sesame Street figures that scale with the DST Muppets.
Boss Fight Studio showed prototypes of their wave 1 Fraggle Rock figures at PowerCon. I don't think there are any good photos. BFS is having a live stream tomorrow at 4 ET to talk about their lines. Hopefully they have more info about their Fraggle wave 1 and wave 2 figures. They've previously shown a 3d render of Sprocket as part of wave 2. I assume the remaining 3 mains will finish the wave.
I hope uncle deadly comes Flocked
Does anyone have in hand pics of the BFS Fraggle Rock figure prototypes? I've seen one posted on FB, but I couldn't really tell scale from it.
On the livestream yesterday, BFS said wave 1 will be hitting stores in December or January, and wave 2 will be announced soon. Flange Doozer is currently in transit to the US.
Does anyone have in hand pics of the BFS Fraggle Rock figure prototypes? I've seen one posted on FB, but I couldn't really tell scale from it.
On the livestream yesterday, BFS said wave 1 will be hitting stores in December or January, and wave 2 will be announced soon. Flange Doozer is currently in transit to the US.
ToyBro has a review of the Doozer on his YT channel that shows off how small those guys will be.
I don't recall seeing any pics of the Fraggles from Power Con that truly helped show their scale.
@bills-all-day What's up with the $40 price? There better be some real nice accessories to make it worth that much!
@bills-all-day What's up with the $40 price? There better be some real nice accessories to make it worth that much!
I'm guessing the higher price is a combination of higher production costs and lower production quantities for these two figures. I've honestly been kinda surprised at the low prices of the previous 2 packs.
BFS's individual Fraggle Rock figures are also $40. Those come with loads of accessories and alternative heads. Hopefully Pepe and Uncle Deadly also come with some good accessories. Maybe the phonograph that was originally shown with Sam and Rizzo and a phone for Pepe. What accessories do you want them to come with?
@bills-all-day I'm really hoping for that penguin from the 2015 show. It had a fun dynamic with Deadly. Pepe could have anything honestly, I would've preferred him to be smaller though. If he were smaller, we probably could've gotten another 'mid size' Muppet.
How likely is it that Super 7 makes Ultimates Sesame Street figures in addition to their ReAction figures? I would love Sesame Street figures that scale with the DST figures, which I think is at least a potential with Ultimates figures.
I believe Brian has said that they base their decisions about Ultimates based on how well the ReAction version of the figures sell. Does that seem to happen? I am not very familiar with Super 7.
@bills-all-day Well, they already have Super Sized figures on the way, so I can only assume that they're at least heavily considering. But with the recent line cancelations, I'm not sure how long it would take from now to even see prototypes.
I'd rather not pay what Super7 charges for Ultimates. While I'd love Sesame Street figures, that's too deep a character selection for me to pay $55-75 a pop for. Even if it were in scale with the Palisades line, even if it had the textural details the Palisades line had. I already know S7 sucks when it comes to articulation. Their release schedule is painful. I'd love to see someone like NECA release Muppets figures, but at this point, I'd prefer any more Muppets related releases to scale with the Diamond Select set.
Did I miss a preorder here? I remember seeing the pics of the figures.
Did I miss a preorder here? I remember seeing the pics of the figures.
Are you asking about the Super 7 Sesame Street ReAction figures? If so, the first wave (Bert, Ernie, Vount, and Yip Yips) are available for pre-order now. BBTS shows them shipping in November.