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Mondo Real Ghostbusters

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I'm comforted by the fact that if this tanks and they don't release anything past what was shown at SDCC that I will finally have a Boogeyman and Samhain, two of my biggest figure wants ever.  At the very least they can display with my DST Ghostbusters.

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Posted by: @misfit

I wouldn't hold my breath on a price adjustment. I think Mondo is fashioning itself as a boutique toymaker where the high price is a feature, like Mezco. They're counting on collectors who want to just get one, awesome, representation of a property into their collection and be done with it and anticipate that collector being willing to splurge a little. At best, the backlash (if they even perceive it to be large enough to warrant a response) may get Mondo out in front of it a little where they do some interviews and try to sell everyone on the product. Through that, maybe we'll get to learn more about the figures that haven't been shown and get a sense of security that this line is already far enough along that those who do go in for Venkman/Samhain will get a chance to complete a set. That's my fear that the line does so bad that Winston and Ray never see the light of day. At least Venkman, my favorite from the show, is up first so if I do get him and he's one and done I'd have the figure I'd most want to be one and done with. The line is definitely not without risk. Ghostbusters fans, especially Real Ghostbusters fans, haven't really been asked to fork out this kind of cash for this scale before. I know there's a lot of cross-appeal for toy lines and there are plenty of Ghostbusters fans buying characters from other, expensive, toy lines, but the ones who really only buy Hasbro are certainly in for some stick shock with these. Especially if those diehard fans are far more invested in the movies than the cartoon and don't see value in 100 dollar figures of the lesser versions of the characters.

Ray + Ghost and Winston + Ghost are a lock at this point, there is no way that they aren't coming out, due to the major part sharing between the four ghostbusters, and the fact that heavy development work would already be carried out on them by the time Mondo can assess how well the first couple of two packs have done. I can see Ray having a slightly bigger torso around the waist, but most of the other parts will be shared. Therefore the core gang of four will be 'completeable' for fans that want them.


Janine + Ghost and Louis + Ghost are not necessarily going to happen yet, (although perhaps Louis might be if there is some part sharing depending on what look they go with for him, however I think he was a bit shorter than the main four and also wouldn't be as necessary for fans). Ecto-1 and Ecto-2 aren't locks either. I can't think of other characters because I don't remember the show so well, but I am guessing there are a few more characters they can use to get more ghosts out, and also variants of the main four would help get a few more ghosts out as well.


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Honestly if they lock more ghosts up in a $202 2-pack with variant Ghostbusters I may want to burn Mondo to the ground.  Just sell me the ghost itself for $150 to make it cost out.  Rather do that than pay $52 more for a figure that will take up space in the storage drawer.  Unique characters at that price point are one thing but variants are kind of insulting.

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Posted by: @justice

Honestly if they lock more ghosts up in a $202 2-pack with variant Ghostbusters I may want to burn Mondo to the ground.  Just sell me the ghost itself for $150 to make it cost out.  Rather do that than pay $52 more for a figure that will take up space in the storage drawer.  Unique characters at that price point are one thing but variants are kind of insulting.

The only variant GBs I'm interested in are the Peoplebusters (and Winston doesn't even have one of those).  I'd MAYBE buy the spectral versions from "Citizen Ghost" that everyone likes to do if they released them separately and they weren't $100 each.


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I wouldn't even consider the People Busters variants. They are their own characters. I also wouldn't mind seeing Mondo do their own take on what a People Busters Winston would be. 

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Posted by: @mwoo

I wouldn't even consider the People Busters variants. They are their own characters. I also wouldn't mind seeing Mondo do their own take on what a People Busters Winston would be. 

I mean, I agree!  It was more a way of saying I'm not interested in like toy-based variants or street-clothes variants or anything like that.  And I too would love them to design a PB Winston if they end up doing the others.  I think one of the board games they Kickstart-ed a few years back actually did that.

EDIT: Indeed they did.

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Been staring at these all weekend at SDCC, but man, had no idea the price would be that bad. The ghosts are big, but not that big. No extra heads for the busters, and only one set of extra hands in the same pose. I wonder if the single packed busters will come with extra accessories, but if they do that would be extra frustrating for folks who want the ghosts. But without more heads/hands they don’t really feel “ultimate’, and the articulation is… fine. 

Best 1:1 comparison would be MEZCO’s TMNT figures as they were $100 a pop, but came with a huge load out. Three heads, tons of hands, accessories, cloth goods, lots of paint detailing. And people called those expensive! This is almost absurd.

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I was watching a Livestream yesterday where they were recapping the Mondo reveals at SDCC, and one dude was trying so hard to justify that $202 price tag, but it came off as coping to me.

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Y'know, honestly, when you bring up Mezco's stuff I suddenly see a precedent for the pricing on these.  I don't get the One:12 stuff at all, I don't like the soft goods, and yet many of them cost $100 or more.  These are really beautifully sculpted and especially on the Boogeyman you can see some real nice shading work.  So I guess while I still think the pricing is crazy, it's maybe not uniquely so?  I get the accessory complaints, but I'm not sure how many hands I need as long as they can properly hold the equipment they come with (and they come with the proper equipment to begin with).

brandwizard reacted
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Posted by: @brandwizard

I was watching a Livestream yesterday where they were recapping the Mondo reveals at SDCC, and one dude was trying so hard to justify that $202 price tag, but it came off as coping to me.

Veebs and Robo kept saying "there are reasons for it" in their recent stream, but I'm not sure if they know something that they can't say or what.  I do suspect there's gotta be some sort of deal with Hasbro though in addition to Sony, since they've got the master toy license?  Something like with NECA and Playmates?  Or is that not how it works?


spinc and brandwizard reacted
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@hopethisworks I don't think all of the accessories were on display. Expect a lot more. EDIT: Looks like only one set of extra hands (gloved), but there is one extra portrait per the render images.

I saw Robo and Veebs' comments and I just took them to mean generic "These things cost money and we don't see all of the cost inputs," conversation. I don't think Mondo is in some unique situation with Ghostbusters that's forcing their hand, though if you like getting into conspiracy theories the $102 and $202 price tag is a bizarrely specific number. I think it's more a situation of Mondo, as a brand, not wanting to make "cheap" toys. They may have started with the price and worked their way to it. Obviously, there are tons of companies making action figures these days at different price points and with different approaches. We know figures of The Real Ghostbusters can be priced cheaper than this and still be good, but we don't know all of the details and nuance. I'm very curious to see what the reception is when push comes to shove and people are actually confronted with buying them or not.

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They are absolutely breathtaking, but all of these companies are pricing me & others like me out of this hobby, and it breaks my f*ing heart. 😥 

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Ha, I didn't mean anything conspiratorial re: Hasbro.  Just something along the lines of how NECA had to sell toon Turtles in 2-packs and place them in the electronic section per Playmates wishes since they already owned the master license.  Though that seems to have loosened over the years since they're selling Ultimates now and can get endcaps during Haulathon.

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Posted by: @cmoney
I mean, I agree!  It was more a way of saying I'm not interested in like toy-based variants or street-clothes variants or anything like that. 

Oh yes. I hope they don't put references to the Kenner line in this line. I just want a pure cartoon based line, and that looks to be what we are getting. 

I might be willing to get the spectral ghostbusters from Citizen Ghost. DST did a decent job with their version, but I think Mondo would actually sculpt the wisps of energy that come off of them. 


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The only way I could justify spending $100 on the singles is IF they came with at least 3 heads each, a ton of hands, more weapons/gadgets (each should include a PKE Meter at least, they all used it in the cartoon), and at least 2 small ghosts per packaging. They need to up the value, because what's here is not even close to enough. Mezco figures are also extremely expensive but at least their figures have soft goods, tons of accessories and lots more paint. These have pretty much none of these things.

I seriously hope Neca, Jada or even hasbro see this and realize they could do better RGB figures for cheaper, and knock Mondo off their high horse.

Justice reacted
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