202 is probably a little steep for me on the two packs. Might just buy the Egon two pack and do the others individually.
A big factor will be the accessories in the singles. Do they come with those extra gloved hands and heads? Or are those two pack exclusives?
What a rollercoaster. First the good news that the exclusives are timed, but then ... that price. Oof. Sure hope they're committed to at least getting the four guys out, cuz it doesn't seem like the line's long for the world at those costs. Pretty deflating.
Well $808 for 4 busters and included ghosts means I likely wont be getting these two packs. Hopefully the imputed cost is the oversized ghosts, because as much as I like the 4 busters, $100 for some 1/12 figures is Mafex territory and even those are decreasing in price as imports. These are going in the wait and see column. I'm sure Mondo knows they've got a certain portion of the consumers by the short hairs for the 4 busters, I dunno how many people are gonna dive further down the rabbit hole beyond perhaps Janine at these prices.
This is all going to depend on the price. They look gorgeous, but I collect so many things already.
$202?! I'm out before I was ever really in, then.
Man that price is insane. Even if I wanted the ghosts, which I really don't, there's no way I could even afford these. Hopefully the busters aren't more than $80, because while they do look good, they do not look $200, or even $100 good.
Heck Neca could put these out for $40, what's the big deal?
Well, it's mentioned in Pixel Dan's walkthrough that they are indeed splitting the price down the middle for the single-pack GBs. $101. I don't feel like the demand is there for this. How many times have GB lines floundered in the last 15 years or so?
I can't help but think this line shot itself in the foot already. It's not going to be what I'd hoped, but at least I'll get a handful of beautiful figures out of it. Unless even I sour on this whole situation. I sort of feel like a fool even thinking about paying those prices.
The quality is there with these, the paint job on Boogieman in particular looks incredible. The accessories are great in terms of both quantity and quality too. Not everyone will be able to dive into a lot of Mondo product though because of the high price compared to lines from other producers.
Mondo position themselves at the premium end of the collector market with their offerings, you are virtually always paying $100+ for a figure from them. Their Godzilla vinyl figures are around 8'' to 10'' in height and go for $100 to $180 a piece typically. Their TMNT vinyl figures are $90 for the turtles, probably because they will be produced in uncharacteristically high quantities for Mondo, but the other vinyl figures in that line have been $105. This is before taxes too.
The ghost figures look to be around the 8'' to 10'' mark so I am not surprised with them being the usual sort of price; the ghostbusters themselves are 6.5'' so slightly smaller but they have more accessories to even up the price somewhat.
I saw a lot of people saying ''I am hoping for $50 each here, $60 at a push'' etc. but that is wishful thinking unfortunately.
I was expecting they'd break the $100 barrier, but doubling it is a pretty big pill to swallow. It's very much got me questioning if it isn't maybe time for me to reign in this hobby overall.
Man, I had even talked myself into as high as $150 for the two-packs, but I didn't think they'd break $200. And then to find out the busters alone are over $100 really sucks. I don't know what they're thinking, and it sure sounds like the 1:12 MOTU they're planning is going to come in under 100. I have enough affection for the property that I'm still tempted at that price for the singles (no way on the two-packs), but I need to see more. I need to see how they look in someone's hands and all of the sculpts. If they're charging that much then Ray better be shorter and paunchier than the rest and not just on the same buck because I'm not paying $400 for the same figure four times with different heads and pack-ins.
$202 is insane. I was convinced these would max out at $100, tops. This pushes me out, for sure.
Mondo has found a way to cut their potential customer pool by 75% with this price gouging.
If this is true I'm still getting them but I wouldn't go any deeper than the 4 Ghostbusters and Janine if they got them but I have my doubts about the line getting that far, if I'm being honest. Then again if Mezco and Mafex can charge what they do and people seemingly buy it, then who knows.
These are not going to be mostly cast in colored plastic with minimal paint applications like Hasbro or McFarlane figures. These are going to be fully painted, loaded with accessories and extra parts.
Like they said in Pixel Dan's walk through, they aren't going for the mass retail style, they are taking what they do with their 1/6th stuff and making it in 1/12th scale.
At the end of that video, they DID hint that the MOTU 200X figures would be in waves, and an "affordable" price, so likely closer to what people were hoping for with these.
Man that price just sucks. I was hoping to get the four busters and Janine, but at that price, I'm only getting one. What is wrong with them. I mean, the value just is not there. Compare these to Inart's 1/12 offerings, which will cost $70-$100. These figures are $50 value, tops. Neca could easily do them for $40. I love the real ghostbusters but this is insane. A little bit of paint on their bodies is not worth $100.
I hope they read all the backlash and realize their mistake before they tank the line. This is just greedy.
I wouldn't hold my breath on a price adjustment. I think Mondo is fashioning itself as a boutique toymaker where the high price is a feature, like Mezco. They're counting on collectors who want to just get one, awesome, representation of a property into their collection and be done with it and anticipate that collector being willing to splurge a little. At best, the backlash (if they even perceive it to be large enough to warrant a response) may get Mondo out in front of it a little where they do some interviews and try to sell everyone on the product. Through that, maybe we'll get to learn more about the figures that haven't been shown and get a sense of security that this line is already far enough along that those who do go in for Venkman/Samhain will get a chance to complete a set. That's my fear that the line does so bad that Winston and Ray never see the light of day. At least Venkman, my favorite from the show, is up first so if I do get him and he's one and done I'd have the figure I'd most want to be one and done with. The line is definitely not without risk. Ghostbusters fans, especially Real Ghostbusters fans, haven't really been asked to fork out this kind of cash for this scale before. I know there's a lot of cross-appeal for toy lines and there are plenty of Ghostbusters fans buying characters from other, expensive, toy lines, but the ones who really only buy Hasbro are certainly in for some stick shock with these. Especially if those diehard fans are far more invested in the movies than the cartoon and don't see value in 100 dollar figures of the lesser versions of the characters.