If Mondo offers free shipping for Egon I may buy through them. If not, I'll go through BBTS.
You may wanna follow up with Mondo as they usually do, and ultimately did in the case of the Peter preorder. I tend to favor Mondo directly as when I've gotten defective parts from them they just send out replacement ones without much issue. I don't know if other retailers have extra stock to pull from, so that's mostly why I'll be ordering directly from Mondo.
I'm really tempted to get the two-pack because, like other folks here, the Boogeyman terrified me as a kid. He's the only ghost I really remember from the show. I just wish I could pay when it ships, like bbts does, instead of upfront. Fortunately, I have a few weeks to think about it. I'm also worried the Boogeyman figure will terrifying my young kids.
I got Peter using the PayPal pay-in-four option. You pay 1/4 of the price every two weeks. If that helps. I know Mondo has another option as well, but it doesn't work with my credit card.
If i ever do buy the Egon pack. I will most likely $ell the Boogeyman. Not really interested in him. I would say $90 bucks is fair.
Sidenote: I do want a figure of Janine, ill buy that.
@jtmarsh he does ship free so I went with Mondo. I don't mind paying upfront since I'm not likely to cancel it. Of course, I'll eat those words if Peter is a piece of shit, but I feel reasonably confident that he's going to turn out well. I did not go in for the Boogeyman two-pack. I hope he turns out well for those who did, but I think I'm just busters from here on out.
I'm glad they're offering the 2-packs, otherwise we'd probably end up with no ghosts at all for the line, like basically every time someone tries this license. It's gonna be just like Gargoyles: a bunch of folks that get in are gonna get out when the main guys are released.
Oh man, this pack is wooing me more than the Venkman. I love the articulated PKE Meter. I've decided I'm getting one ghost for the four to bust as a centerpiece, so one two-pack. I'm leaning between Gash or Boogeyman. Hard to make the call before I've seen Gash. Decisions decisions. Both are incredible nightmare fuel, but in a cartoony way. Getting more excited for this line but man, the price is what it is, but it's tough.
Just realized so many of the NECA Toon TMNT accessories will work incredibly well with these guys. So many fun little world building items could cross over. Heck, Bellybomb could be a ghost, along with a few others.
And yes - Mondo, please include more gesture hands!! If not with the next busters, then as an add on pack with heads!
In case anyone felt like Egon's glasses came out too thick and cheap looking, Peter of Mondo commented during the Johnny Nostalgia/Mad Hatter livestream today to say they are reworking the glasses for the final figure.
If i ever do buy the Egon pack. I will most likely $ell the Boogeyman. Not really interested in him. I would say $90 bucks is fair.
Sidenote: I do want a figure of Janine, ill buy that.
This is old news hotshot, but you can buy the Ghostbusters sans large ghost for half the price.
If i ever do buy the Egon pack. I will most likely $ell the Boogeyman. Not really interested in him. I would say $90 bucks is fair.
Sidenote: I do want a figure of Janine, ill buy that.
This is old news hotshot, but you can buy the Ghostbusters sans large ghost for half the price.
Even though im a veteran collector and veteran ebay seller...I don't know if you know this but i dont know everything in the world.
About a half hour in they start talking Egon, including messing around with an early (but not final) sample:
Tidbits as I watch:
They're gonna make the glasses on Egon thinner.
The PKE meter antennas move up and down and the whole assembly pushes into the main unit, just as on the show.
The proton packs are magnetized to stay against the characters' back.
Egon IS taller than the others.
Did we know for sure Janine was coming? They confirmed it in the video but I can't remember if it was just strongly hinted at or if it was just speculation on our part.
They showed a silhouette teaser at ... NYCC? Designer Con? One of the shows anyways.
I vaguely remember that now. We do so much speculating and wishlisting on the Fwoosh that I can't remember what is real anymore.
I think I would have to buy Janine. She was just as much a regular on this show as the four guys themselves. Rationale continues from the four: when else are they going to make figures this good representing this iteration of the GBs? It would be foolish to skip her. I do still think I can pass on the big ghosts though. If I were to get just one though, out of Sam Hain, Boogieman, Sandman, and Ghash? Probably Boogieman. He was the scariest.
For all of you who are passing on Boogieman because he freaks you out, just know that I will be changing my avatar to him so that he will haunt you on every Fwoosh visit.