That Conan looks amazing.Β
Holy Smokes -Β Β I would love a Doc Savage figure so much if I didn't abhor those cloth goods clothes so very, very much.Β Β The head sculpt is gorgeous.Β Β Too bad there isn't a 1/12 scale figure with jodhpurs like that I could use with that head man.Β Β Β A nice Doc Savage figure is something I would love -Β but holy hell the stitching on that shirt makes my eyes bleed.
Toyark has pictures of Mezco's display, one of the images being a close up of Doc Savage. Looks like his hair might be flocked. And, yeah, as much as I like Mezco, they definitely need to find a way to make their stiches smaller and more subtle. Recently got the GotG vol.3 Rocket from Hot Toys, who is roughly the same size as a 1/12 figure, and the stitching on his suit is so much better than what Mezco does a lot of the times. So long as it isn't an exclusive, I'll probably get Doc Savage.
Also like how Samurai Jack looks. With that one and the Batman & Joker BTAS figures, I wonder if they plan on doing more animated figures. Swat Kats would probably look great. Would also love a '90s TAS Spider-Man.
Art the Clown from Terrifier is going up for pre-order tomorrow.
Doesn't look to be an exclusive, so it should be available elsewhere.
That Doc Savage!
Art the Clown from Terrifier is going up for pre-order tomorrow.
Doesn't look to be an exclusive, so it should be available elsewhere.
I got him, but I was hoping beyond hope that the Pale Girl would be included.
who's doc cabbage?
Beetlejuice is going up for pre-order later today.
Word on the street, is that SHF is making a Beetlejuice, cheaper too.
I like that Art the Clown, but would have preferred he not be bloodied (I know, he spends most of the films covered in blood...but I like the idea of being able to display him in a more neutral look). I'd imagine a clean version is in the works, as well as the Pale Girl (Mezco will probably do an expensive two-pack), and likely a Santa suited rendition.
...I'd imagine a clean version is in the works, as well as the Pale Girl (Mezco will probably do an expensive two-pack)...
Not gonna lie, that'd force me to double-dip on him.
I think I figured out what bugs me about the Art figure...his costume material kinda looks like a sock. I'm assuming they went with that material to better absorb the "blood", but it looks weird to me.Β
Just bought Theodore Sodcutter/green version (bag headed butcher) im so pumped!!!
cant wait, he went back in stock on bbts. I wanted him since he came out but missed it, its a miracle he returned. prices are high for him on ebayz.
This will be my third One:12 mezco, i sold one of my Gomez but i regret it.
@nightwolf I have the original Sodcutter and he's fantastic. I've been tempted to go for one of other versions. Those arms can be a pain to move around though. I'd love to see what's under all those clothes of his.... His articulation, I mean.
Sodcutter has shipped........Welcome to Gangreene Estates bitches!
Sidenote: did any one buy the t-shirt, does it run small?
I got a good question: What 3rd party blank body is equal to Mezco One:12?