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Time to rebuild!

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Commenting to bump because I love me some Mezcos.

That said, I saw some recent photos of the Power Rangers and I don't regret passing on them. The material just doesn't look right for the Power Rangers. Nah, Fantastic Four and Turtles is where the team releases are at!

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Really thought I could skip Toht, thought Hasbro did a nice enough job in the adventure series but those accessories are just too dang cool! They had me at Ark ghost. 

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I feel the same. I was confident I didn't need one when they revealed it ad SDCC.

The Hasbro version is great. But the fact that it's not an exclusive and I can preorder with BBTS, and those tasty accessories? I caved.

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Just got an email that my Solomon Kane is processing soon. Very excited for this one! I was waitlisted on a second one that also converted. 

Red Ogre reacted
Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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Posted by: @jonsnow1

Just got an email that my Solomon Kane is processing soon. Very excited for this one! I was waitlisted on a second one that also converted. 

I was on the wait list as well!  I've been hoping this would come soon!


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Got my 'coming soon' notice for Solomon Kane as well. Really looking forward to putting him up with my Conans.

Speaking of which, Mezco told me they'd send a replacement arm for my Conan back in February. Then I inquired again as to what the hell was going on with that in May and they responded that they're 'experiencing unexpected delays' in getting the replacement part out and asked if I wanted to keep waiting or get a refund. I said I'd keep waiting.

It's now almost September. So, as was often said on the old forums, Mezco is a fucking trash company that has zero respect for its customers and shows as much pretty consistently.

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Posted by: @theknightdamien


It's now almost September. So, as was often said on the old forums, Mezco is a fucking trash company that has zero respect for its customers and shows as much pretty consistently.


I felt dirty buying direct from them for the Green Ranger because of all of the horror stories from the old thread. Damn the exclusive!


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@misfit It's bad enough that I'm really not sure what else they could make that would bring me back. I've got Solomon Kane on pre-order with them and there's a good chance, but not a certainty, I'll come back for King Conan. But I passed on The Shadow despite LOVING that character. And it's a bummer. But I just can't with these idiots anymore. Getting a nifty, possibly problematic, piece of plastic just isn't worth the treatment Mezco gives their customers.
And I'm at the point where I feel like I'm enabling this behavior by giving them money. They don't deserve it. I genuinely mean it when I say Mezco deserves to go out of business.

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Hard to disagree since it's so prevalent. I'm honestly not sure what they could sell as an exclusive that would get me to buy again, and my experience hasn't been THAT bad. Certainly not as bad as the stories you and others have shared. I am still waiting for that thing to ship. I am in the lovely tracking window purgatory where I have a number, but the package hasn't actually shipped. Maybe by Halloween?

Flexion Dynamo
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I'm in for Doom and then I'm out. One and Done.

Fuzzy Blue Intern
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Anybody here get Pyramid Head?  Looks like he's trickling out, but I've gotta wait on BBTS to get him.  I feel like I've won some kinda lottery for my Solomon Kane pre-order to successfully charge from Mezco direct, but now I just need them to ship the damned thing.

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Finally got my Green Ranger in over the weekend. It sat in "label created" purgatory for almost a month before finally shipping. At least he's pretty nice, but not so nice that I need more from this line. I'll just be one and done with Tommy here, as I have been with the Super7 line, but chances are I won't ever need to get another Green Ranger figure after getting this one.

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General Mezco question:  Does anybody collect the mini mez-itz? I have a couple of red metallic ones that come with 1:12 stuff. Was just going to toss them, but if someone here would like them, I'll mail them to you.

They're like the one in this ebay listing: mini mez-itz

Mister Voorhees
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Solomon Kane reminds me why I hate having to buy directly from Mezco. Order is still processing after nearly two weeks, then there's the stupidly expensive shipping, and once it finally does ship I'm gonna have to deal with the signature crap.

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