Yeah if you're going all in on Cosmic Legions these might work as more aliens for your shelf. But who actually wants nfts? Most toy collectors only care about the plastic. And I agree these look kinda generic, like off-shoot darksiders characters, but hey, sculpted by the 4H, that's pretty cool. They need actual prototypes to show off the articulation, because in the renders they look to have little range.
Hopefully they do good and can work on improving everything. Making toys is hard.
Pledged for the ice dude and that troop building lava dude, but will cancel if BBTS ends up putting pre-orders up before it ends.
If they don't put pre-orders up, then whether or not I have funds at the time when the project ends will be the deciding factor if I keep my pledge or not.
I'm in the rare camp of collectors for whom 'sculpted/designed by the 4H' is actually a negative and makes me think the resulting action figure will be actively worse than they could have been. The 4H are mediocre toy designers, even if they're excellent sculptors.
That being said, these things really do tick all my 'ew' boxes. They're just.. busy. Like the worst MCU costumes. They desperately need whatever the toy design/sculpt equivalent of an editor is, to come in and delete some things and clean all that mess up. As is, they're an eyesore and I really wouldn't have any interest in getting any of these, even if they were free.
I mean, add in that these fucking idiots were doing some NFT bullshit and I actually hope this entire thing fails spectacularly and costs everyone involved a bunch of money. But if it does succeed (which I imagine it will), I hope the customers get some cool figures out of it and these NFT losers don't screw the backers.
They're just.. busy. Like the worst MCU costumes. They desperately need whatever the toy design/sculpt equivalent of an editor is, to come in and delete some things and clean all that mess up.
I normally love the Four Horsemen, but I agree that these figures have a real Fortnite feel to them, which is to say they feel like derivative amalgamations of other, more thoughtfully designed characters. Even their names are generic.
Dropping this post in here so the duplicate thread can be deleted.
Anyone backing this? I'm on the fence. They look great, but I have trouble buying figures based on brand new characters that I have no attachment to. Created by Andy Lanning and Anthony Williams with sculptwork by Four Horsemen. They have the bonafides.
I just noticed they misspelled Guardians in their own promo. I don't know. I was considering it based on the Four Horsemen's involvement, but I'm ultimately going to pass on these. Besides the red flags mentioned in previous comments, I just have no attachment to these new characters and the aesthetic isn't my jam.
That's not a misspelling - These are by the people that created the GuarAdians of the Galaxy, a fancy book endeavor available only on NFT (I kid, I kid) 🤣
Just hours left ... still can't find any reason to increase my pledge of just one figure. There's really just two out of the 17 (I think) that I'm really interested in.
The fact that BBTS is offering these already is some reassurance otherwise I'd drop the pledge for even the single figure — from the outside, it feels like they've bitten off more than they can chew with such a large selection of figures and extras in the initial offering in relation to the amount of funding. It's only about $50K over minimum funding.
Honestly I think BBTS putting up pre-orders so early really knee-capped the KS.
Why pay now when you can pay a year from now? I know I cancelled my KS pledge and just went with BBTS instead.
Even I, who started this thread and is super excited about this line...
...cancelled my pledge save for one figure (the KS exclusive) and ordered from BBTS.
I'm down for 3 + 1 army builder + villain heads, not sure what I'm going to pick though. Ice/crystal guy for sure, I think he's the best design out of the lot and the army builder will be lava one.
Maybe I'll pick the KS exclusive encase I regret not getting it later.