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McFarlane Toys Spawn

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Posted by: @blankslate

Posted by: @ditko

He looks nothing like Batman, this place is a buzzkill for me lol.  Jim Cheung drew him first actually, not sure if he designed him.  He and Monolith were my top wants going back 2-3 years since I still read the comics and I'm not disappointed at all. 


I hope Todd keeps making them, but it's a cesspool of a fandom.  It's a niche market to begin with then factor in Spawn was built on crazy paint that was statue quality in a toy aisle.  But there was NO engineering whatsoever.  I would rather have modern toys with articulation and honestly if the King Spawn megafigure kills it I could probably be content with this microcollection.  Don't get me wrong, I want them to keep going and would love Curse at normal scale.  But with this batch he really hit all the key parts of the last 2 years of comics. Reaper works for me because I love gaudy crazy asymmetric shit in DOSES and I don't really have anything that's brown.  


Unless he starts making dedicated Brett Booth figures I would be fine transitioning to the Kickstarter line assuming it comes out....or the mentioned retro line he might do on his store.  Peace everyone.


Don't let us yuck your yum. No one's trying to, only sharing our thoughts.

When *I* look at that Reaper, I see a clash in colors. I see the ugly tan, lifeless lump of plastic. I see missing details, and solid, molded plastics. I see those unnecessary textures.

I see missed opportunities.

But...if you're into it, more power to you. I hope you're happy with Todd's output. Genuinely. My opinion should not sway yours in any way. I personally would prefer those mini statues from the late 90s, early naughts with better paint and sculpt quality any day, but if you beg to differ--okay. No skin off my back. 

Actually, I take that back, I really wish he could figure out how to do both. But apparently, that's not something in Todd McFarlane's wheelhouse. And thus, I don't buy the stuff. 

That said--I complain and a razz on it because I DO care. Spawn has been my jam since 1993, and I want a better quality for characters that, after this, might not get another chance at toys. 



I appreciate it, but so you know I cam quite critical of Todd myself.  Sometimes it's over the textures, I already got my shipping notice so I will let you know what I think.  I wanted Redeemer smoother rather than textured, but still liked him.  This is a different type of texture so maybe I dig it.  Reaper is definitely all over the place, but it works for me.  Hopefully I enjoy in person.


I mostly collect Transformers and love them, so Todd doesn't have the pressure on him really.  I get frustrated because it's seldom we get these reveals and I wish people were having more fun.  Paint doesn't bother me since I see it as a tradeoff with articulation, other lines are the same.  I do understand why people feel the way they do, it's just a bit harsher at times than I think it should be.  It's a nice little line.  I hope the little PP get full sized soon. 


Is it bad we've heard nothing of the Kickstarter???  He said they'd announce it in August's basically October.  Better here something at NYCC, but Todd's not going.  Someone should ask.  


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I ordered Disruptor via Amazon and got the Platinum variant which seems to be painted like the original Anti-Spawn/Redeemer? Not sure what they were going for. I'm too lazy to return it and don't want to gamble on ordering another. Hopefully he shows up at Target, but they seem to be getting solid cases of Reaper.

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Despite growing up on Spawn, the only figure I bought from the mainline was Haunt.

I finally picked picked up the throne Spawn, and I love it. The only modern Spawn figure I own is the blue and white MK11 version, and I really wanted a comic accurate colored one, but was unwilling to pay $50 for the main character of the series. Also, I wanted the unmasked hamburger head version to upgrade the old Spawn issue 88 figure I have. 

I know the 2-pack version is the same figure but with a cape, but I prefer this actually. I can buy a custom cape to go with this (that wont hinder the articulation) or wait for the eventual unmasked figure that includes a cape. 

Looking at the last couple years, I think this line is sort of struggling to find its audience and hit its stride. I expected more from the main Spawn line at this point.

There are multiple different types of Spawn fans and its hard to cater to them all or even decide which to cater to. The company has leaned hard into the current Scorched books and that cast, but some of us aren’t reading current Spawn comics so the appeal is mostly just in the toy itself. Most of the original Spawn toys appealed to people because they just looked cool.

That being the case, I think the line needs to add some more paint if it wants to bring people in. The sculpts look good, but you cant tell with the very limited paint applications.

Also they need to make more classic characters, whether they are comic characters or just from the og toy line. I guess the third repaint of modern Redeemer is cool (fourth if you count the Disruptor variant mentioned above), but a lot of us just want the wingless original version. Or Curse, or Tremor, or Heap.

This brings me to my last, most important point. Old school Spawn lines made a lot of other Image characters that Todd doesn’t own the rights to, but he could get them. The company should try to get the license to remake some of those characters. There would be greater interest in this line if we could get figures of Image characters like Super Patriot or Savage Dragon. Additionally, McF could expand or spin off to include more modern Image characters as well. If I could get figures of Youngblood and Wetworks (probably DC Multiverse line) on my shelf again, I would be all over them.

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Scratch what I said about Youngblood- didn’t realize that a large portion of Liefeld’s work is tied up in a legal battle. Guess there’s not going to be a Supreme figure for me anytime soon. 

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@supreme_d   Today has been......a day.  I had a rough week, but great toy news for me - the latest being Rob Liefeld posting on youtube that Extreme Universe Action Figures coming from....LOOSECOLECTOR!!!  Holy shit.  They will be way better than before and better than McFarlane in my humble opinion.  In the comments some positive winks given to Badrock so maybe amends have been made.  Gotta figure Supreme is in the mix.


Liefeld's stuff, and really the other corners of Image were usually more exciting to me than Spawn. Would be amazing if this pans out and I think it will.  How ironic you posted this at the same time an announcement was made.

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My understanding was that Liefeld sold Youngblood rights, so it's not so much a legal battle as a he doesn't own them at all thing. He showed covers from Prophet, Brigade, and Bloodstrike.  That said if they make those at a reasonable price I'm in.

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 @ditko whoa thanks for letting me know! This is pretty big news for me- maybe even The Story of the Year. 😉 

I’ve wanted a figure of Supreme since the first issue I read back in like 97. I know Supreme may be part of the catalogue Rob no longer owns, but I hope that gets sorted well enough for us to get a figure. However, fact that these will be 6 -inch has rekindled my frustration that the new Spawn figures are 7 -inch.

It will kind of suck if we cant get the more memorable characters from Younglood, but I do remember halving a couple Brigade comics as a kid so that’s something. Prophet I’m more familiar with from the more recent comics where he/she/they are a bunch of differently evolved/mutated characters who all share that name. I had no idea who tf Bloodstrike was, except I think I remember there was a reboot comic of his that came out a few years ago.

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I think Liefeld made some weird deal where he didn't even know he didn't have the rights.  He was publishing Youngblood and Toy Biz had figures ready to go for LCBH that got bumped.  Seems like a lost cause now and there is a clown that owns them.  No Youngblood after all this time and we're finally getting Image figures again.  It's cruel.


However it will be cool.  Bloodstrike and Brigade both have ridiculous Liefeldian characters that will pass muster.  As a matter of fact Cabbot (I think that's his name) is basically Cable.  Hopefully Hasbro makes a '97 Cable too, but if LooseCollector pulls that off it's a bit of a dream come true honestly.


So I have a crazy thought - this will be in stores.  It said affordable and accessible.  I wonder if there's a program coming and we see the pouches, bandoliers, heads maybe even straps and arms as interchangeable pieces so we can make what we want.  Costumes changed from panel to panel and they gotta know anyone who buys this is asking about Youngblood.  There could be a workaround.

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So who’s ready for this embarrassing reveal Todd’s about to show?

new batman
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spwan and todd set

set to go up on amazon, and other retailer for $50 bucks
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Todd’s interchangeable bare feet are oddly charming.

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So three statue figures and this repaint of martian manhunter packaged with what might be the least desirable figure released in 2024?

Happy 30th, Spawn fans.

Shinigami Customs
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I like that Wakanda Forever Spawn, might buy him. The Animated one is also nice, somehow. And calling that Todd the least desirable figure is a funny statement in the same general fanbase that always calls for more civilian figures. 

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Posted by: @supreme_d

So three statue figures and this repaint of martian manhunter packaged with what might be the least desirable figure released in 2024?

Happy 30th, Spawn fans.


Horrendous!!  I really enjoyed Todd in 2021-22 and in a sense it kept me going a bit when other stuff felt a little lite.  But he went down hard in 2023 and this doesn't surprise me.  It's bad, and I'll not be spending hundreds this year like I did before.  He is a con artist to me again.  Oh well, money saved.


There's not one thing there I would consider.  I actually thought they would make modern versions of those.  LooseCollector pre-orders for The Extreme Universe were supposed to go up today too.....but nothing.  So kinda feeling shitty today!


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I wound up preordering the Todd set because while I definitely do not need a tiny plastic Todd, it just seems too funny not to have a skinny, barefoot dudebro civilian to do awful things to with like the Joker or the Violator. I mean they are kinda out of scale with each other, but I foresee a battle between Todd and Marvel Legends Stan Lee over who’s a bigger egomaniacal self-promoter. Biggest head wins. Heh.

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