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McFarlane Toys Spawn

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Recently got the Nightmare Spawn and Medieval Spawn figs. Complete opposite feelings about these figures.

I got the Nightmare Spawn cause of my fondness for the series 31 version and made the mistake of looking at the max bird add-ons that I know could make it a better so I bought one. Now I've completely dismantled the figure looking to do all these mods and true to form have run out of steam on this. 

I also got the Medieval Spawn and totally dig this figure. McF has nailed the mix of detail and his articulation scheme in here. Solid figure. 

There's that kickstarter for the classic looking Medieval Spawn which looks cool but I feel I like the Black/Red/Silver colors on this one more. For now.

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Though i look forward to the kickstarter for Medieval Spawn, i am disappointed that there were no new reveals for any new retail Spawn figures at either SDCC or PowerCon. Other than some exclusive repaints, there is currently nothing in the pipeline at all, which makes me wonder about the future of the line. 

Ajax reacted
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@ajax Can Nightmare Spawn's right arm bracer be removed?  I realize the forearm wouldn't have spikes, but if the bracer could be removed and some of the figure repainted (Spawn lines removed), it could make a neat random demon to use with other lines.

Ajax reacted
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@big-e some lists I saw had a reaper spawn, redeemer (1st design) and Jason wynn in there. I'd share a link but its conveniently difficult to find.

@ashtalon unfortunately it can't. honestly, I can't seem to pry it off. I mean it looks like you could remove it but whatever adhesive they put in there, it doesn't seem to budge at all. I tried that too with the boot on the shadow of spawn fig and it won't loosen at all. the figure itself though could be a great demonic henchman like you said. even without the wings and its surprisingly poseable too.

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@ajax Maybe it could be pried off or cut/sanded down and some spikes molded onto the forearm.  Pity though.

Ajax reacted
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Posted by: @big-e

 Other than some exclusive repaints, there is currently nothing in the pipeline at all, which makes me wonder about the future of the line. 


Not true.  The offerings are very few, however there are 3 figures in the next wave - Reaper, Disruptor and King Spawn.  King Spawn is a Mega-Figure with wings and "minions."  His Mega-Figures have always been bonkers cool and I love the idea of getting a flagship Spawn as one.  We'll see.  The spring wave was great and this is the same - 2 regular figures and a mega figure.


Honestly, the line was always built around the current comic run (Spawn's Universe) and the next wave really checks all the boxes of what was introduced in 2020-21.  Since then there are some cool Heavenly warriors I would like to see and would welcome anything Brett Booth does.  I will be happy as long as King Spawn is new and cool.


Also, they have discussed a Retro Spawn line that could be done online only.  Maybe we get more info at NYCC.  It sucks there's so little, but I still think Todd is into it, especially with Liam Sharpe doing a new book.  As long as we get a handful of cool figures I'm good, just obviously concerning.


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Reaper and Disruptor up for preorder now. 

That Reaper is one of the ugliest figures I have ever seen. 



Shinigami Customs
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Both of them look quite awful character design wise. But that Reaper? God this looks like a 2 dollar knockoff toy. What's with those gaudy plastic colors and the mismatched textures allover the figure?

blankslate reacted
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Guess I'm the only one who likes them.  I think they look pretty sweet actually.  Different strokes, I think the recent DC figures have looked like shit, but what can you do.


Very stoked for both of these, I pre-ordered and looking forward to seeing King Spawn.  Reaper is really armored up compared to the comic design, but I love it, up my alley.  i do wonder if Todd would ever go back to just normal superhero physiques on smooth bodies.  I'm good with this, but down the road would be interesting.  

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Posted by: @ditko

Guess I'm the only one who likes them.  I think they look pretty sweet actually.  Different strokes, I think the recent DC figures have looked like shit, but what can you do.


Very stoked for both of these, I pre-ordered and looking forward to seeing King Spawn.  Reaper is really armored up compared to the comic design, but I love it, up my alley.  i do wonder if Todd would ever go back to just normal superhero physiques on smooth bodies.  I'm good with this, but down the road would be interesting.  


That is my biggest issue with most of the McFarlane lines right now: the textures. 

Bruh. Just give me a smooth, but decently painted superhero buck and I'm good. The lines and bumps and patterns? Cannot stand. 

And the paints...oh man. 

I really feel like young Todd would be ashamed of the shortcuts THIS Todd takes. 


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Disruptor looks like a Todd designed Batman that got rejected, so he just made it a Spawn character by removing the bat symbol and making the mask ear just a little shorter.

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He looks nothing like Batman, this place is a buzzkill for me lol.  Jim Cheung drew him first actually, not sure if he designed him.  He and Monolith were my top wants going back 2-3 years since I still read the comics and I'm not disappointed at all. 


I hope Todd keeps making them, but it's a cesspool of a fandom.  It's a niche market to begin with then factor in Spawn was built on crazy paint that was statue quality in a toy aisle.  But there was NO engineering whatsoever.  I would rather have modern toys with articulation and honestly if the King Spawn megafigure kills it I could probably be content with this microcollection.  Don't get me wrong, I want them to keep going and would love Curse at normal scale.  But with this batch he really hit all the key parts of the last 2 years of comics. Reaper works for me because I love gaudy crazy asymmetric shit in DOSES and I don't really have anything that's brown.  


Unless he starts making dedicated Brett Booth figures I would be fine transitioning to the Kickstarter line assuming it comes out....or the mentioned retro line he might do on his store.  Peace everyone.

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Posted by: @ditko

He looks nothing like Batman, this place is a buzzkill for me lol.  Jim Cheung drew him first actually, not sure if he designed him.  He and Monolith were my top wants going back 2-3 years since I still read the comics and I'm not disappointed at all. 


I hope Todd keeps making them, but it's a cesspool of a fandom.  It's a niche market to begin with then factor in Spawn was built on crazy paint that was statue quality in a toy aisle.  But there was NO engineering whatsoever.  I would rather have modern toys with articulation and honestly if the King Spawn megafigure kills it I could probably be content with this microcollection.  Don't get me wrong, I want them to keep going and would love Curse at normal scale.  But with this batch he really hit all the key parts of the last 2 years of comics. Reaper works for me because I love gaudy crazy asymmetric shit in DOSES and I don't really have anything that's brown.  


Unless he starts making dedicated Brett Booth figures I would be fine transitioning to the Kickstarter line assuming it comes out....or the mentioned retro line he might do on his store.  Peace everyone.


Don't let us yuck your yum. No one's trying to, only sharing our thoughts.

When *I* look at that Reaper, I see a clash in colors. I see the ugly tan, lifeless lump of plastic. I see missing details, and solid, molded plastics. I see those unnecessary textures.

I see missed opportunities.

But...if you're into it, more power to you. I hope you're happy with Todd's output. Genuinely. My opinion should not sway yours in any way. I personally would prefer those mini statues from the late 90s, early naughts with better paint and sculpt quality any day, but if you beg to differ--okay. No skin off my back. 

Actually, I take that back, I really wish he could figure out how to do both. But apparently, that's not something in Todd McFarlane's wheelhouse. And thus, I don't buy the stuff. 

That said--I complain and a razz on it because I DO care. Spawn has been my jam since 1993, and I want a better quality for characters that, after this, might not get another chance at toys. 


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I’m just sitting here bitter that The Freak is a teeny page puncher and not 7inch full-tilt. Hopefully he’s coming in the future. I’m mostly looking for updated articulation and modern aesthetics of the 90s stuff, but I will definitely grab anything cool that “feels” Spawn to me, but I’ve been out of the comics for so long that the recent reveals just don’t have any draw. Not a criticism at all, just not for me, at least not at full price. But I cannot stop loving on the Spawn from the Batman crossover pack. I’m definitely here for a more classic version and a hamburger head or two, but that particular Spawn reallly scratches that height-of-the-line OG Spawn zeitgeist . . . except he can actually stand up straight and bend his elbows and such. Heh.

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disruptor's design is confusing, does he have a beard made of rock?

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